Ohio State mocks Sandusky scandal with tasteless T-shirt

I love it that there is a line for just to tasteless.

Have you ever blurted out in public "that's gay"? To a lot of people that is tasteless and goes to far.

My opinion is anything goes and to each his own. You cant throw a word out in this world with out hitting someone who will be offended. Words do not offend people, peoples interpretations do.
I love it that there is a line for just to tasteless.

Have you ever blurted out in public "that's gay"? To a lot of people that is tasteless and goes to far.

My opinion is anything goes and to each his own. You cant throw a word out in this world with out hitting someone who will be offended. Words do not offend people, peoples interpretations do.

lulz :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S6l2Vqx0ME]Thats Kinda Gay - ESPN Announcers - YouTube[/ame]
I love it that there is a line for just to tasteless. Have you ever blurted out in public "that's gay"? To a lot of people that is tasteless and goes to far.My opinion is anything goes and to each his own. You cant throw a word out in this world with out hitting someone who will be offended. Words do not offend people, peoples interpretations do.

yeah this is stupid. words do offend people.
...because every player on that team is responsible for what happened....:rolleyes:

Every player had a chance to transfer to a school that presumably actually looks down on child abuse and that would not cover up such monstrous acts in favor of having a winning football team. PSU didn't do that, so if you want to associate yourself with the school fine, but you are going to get the reputation to go along with it.
yeah this is stupid. words do offend people.

words are really just sounds. It is our interpretation of them that give them meaning. If you decided that the word water was a horrible word to say then you would be offended each time you heard it, but no one else would.

To my point some people find it ok to throw around the term "that is gay" You may not be offended by it but others are.

Ultimately all I am saying is I find it funny that there is ok tasteless jokes, and not ok tasteless jokes. I was brought up in a family where we were not offended by anything. My parents growing up in an Italian immigrant home decided they would not give others that power over them. We find humor in all things in life. We are careful around the sensitivity of other thin skinned Americans, but ultimately we don't care.

Let me explain it this way. When people find out I am full blooded Italian 8 out of 10 times they will tell me their best Italian joke. In most peoples opinion on this thread if you found out someone went to penn state it would be tasteless to tell a joke or poke fun of the situation.

Tasteless is an opinion, and opinions are like nipples on men, worthless in all most every way.
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full blooded eyetalian, you say?
ey! oh! you in the mob, guido?? you wear a sharkskin suit?
go make yer sunday gravy, paisan
not fer nuttin over heah

Dude... Words/phrases arent offensive because someone arbitrarily made them so. They are offensive becuase they have been used for decades and in some cases centuries to degrade entire groups of people. When you say thats so gay to relate to something stupid you are saying being gay is stupid. Even if you dont believe that its the message you are sending. To say no one should be offended because "I didn't mean it that way" is beyond stupid.

Here is a nice rule of thumb I use that should help you out. Only use "thats so gay" when referring to a group of two or more guys having sex with each other.
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Dude... Words/phrases arent offensive because someone arbitrarily made them so. They are offensive becuase they have been used for decades and in some cases centuries to degrade entire groups of people. When you say thats so gay to relate to something stupid you are saying being gay is stupid. Even if you dont believe that its the message you are sending. To say no one should be offended because "I didn't mean it that way" is beyond stupid.

Here is a nice rule of thumb I use that should help you out. Only use "thats so gay" when referring to a group of two or more guys having sex with each other.

No it is not stupid only you choose to be offended by something. The word does not choose to offend you. The person saying it might but not the word itself.
Dude... Words/phrases arent offensive because someone arbitrarily made them so. They are offensive becuase they have been used for decades and in some cases centuries to degrade entire groups of people. When you say thats so gay to relate to something stupid you are saying being gay is stupid. Even if you dont believe that its the message you are sending. To say no one should be offended because "I didn't mean it that way" is beyond stupid. Here is a nice rule of thumb I use that should help you out. Only use "thats so gay" when referring to a group of two or more guys having sex with each other.
No it is not stupid only you choose to be offended by something. The word does not choose to offend you. The person saying it might but not the word itself.

Ive got no time to argue over semantics with an ignorant, racist, homaphobic, redneck whose parents clearly sucked in raising a good productive human being.
Ive got no time to argue over semantics with an ignorant, racist, homaphobic, redneck whose parents clearly sucked in raising a good productive human being.

Let me break it down into a simple point for you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Your arrogance to your own opinion is staggering. I worry for those around you.

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