Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish them?

Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

^ This is why I cannot stand tosu fans.

You cheat to win, get protection from corrupt conference officials, and think to yourselves am I happy with this situation? To which you answer - Yes, yes I am.

Happy? No. But would I rather be a fan of a team that wins a NC and routinely wins B10 titles while being liberal with the rules or a fan of just an average team? Let's just say I am happy to have been born a Buckeye and graduated from The Ohio State University.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Happy? No. But would I rather be a fan of a team that wins a NC and routinely wins B10 titles while being liberal with the rules or a fan of just an average team? Let's just say I am happy to have been born a Buckeye and graduated from The Ohio State University.

Right, as long as you're winning, who cares if you're cheating? If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'! Seriously, what a pathetic attitude. Are you so lacking in self-esteem that you're willing to break rule after rule in order to maintain supremecy? Wait, don't bother answering that, we already know the answer.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Happy? No. But would I rather be a fan of a team that wins a NC and routinely wins B10 titles while being liberal with the rules or a fan of just an average team? Let's just say I am happy to have been born a Buckeye and graduated from The Ohio State University.

Liberal with the rules?..... Interesting description of the infraction.....
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Right, as long as you're winning, who cares if you're cheating? If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'!

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....

Finding out about a violation and lying about it to the NCAA isn't "bending the rules"
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....

"Bends" the rules? Tressel has SHATTERED the rules with his attempted cover-up. The initial infraction? Not as big of a deal. But his incessant lying, both to the NCAA and (apparently) OSU, is ridiculous. How that sits okay with you is incomprehensible. Tressel is little more than slime, our resident SEC coach in a sweatervest.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

"Bends" the rules? Tressel has SHATTERED the rules with his attempted cover-up. The initial infraction? Not as big of a deal. But his incessant lying, both to the NCAA and (apparently) OSU, is ridiculous. How that sits okay with you is incomprehensible. Tressel is little more than slime, our resident SEC coach in a sweatervest.

I dont think its worth it TM. I agree with you 100% but fufred is just like all the other pompous, arrogant OSU fans that make up about 90% of their fanbase. You wont get him to change his mind.

Its comical how much the OSU fanbase constantly rips on the SEC. First of all they are 1-8 against them in bowl games (and that 1 may be vacated). Second of all they are just an SEC program displaced from the south.

Its a joke that fufred's opinion is respected by some on this board just because of the fact that he spends countless hours obsessing over 16-18 year old boys.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

The NCAA absolutely hate being lied to and made to look foolish by allowing those players to play in the bowl game when Tressel told them he had just learned of their breaking the rules. Even though they are one of the darlings of college football, the NCAA will surely come down hard on them.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....
"bends the rules??" lulz! This may come as a huge shock to you, but some teams have had greater success without running roughshod over NCAA rules, ala tOSU.

Just sayin......
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....

Thanks for making my point for me.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

I dont think its worth it TM. I agree with you 100% but fufred is just like all the other pompous, arrogant OSU fans that make up about 90% of their fanbase. You wont get him to change his mind.

Its comical how much the OSU fanbase constantly rips on the SEC. First of all they are 1-8 against them in bowl games (and that 1 may be vacated). Second of all they are just an SEC program displaced from the south.

Its a joke that fufred's opinion is respected by some on this board just because of the fact that he spends countless hours obsessing over 16-18 year old boys.

If you want to talk about Fuf obessing over 16-18 year old boys, then maybe you should stop obessing over teams that you have nothing to do with. Like he said even if they were suspended it wouldnt have made a differnece because they would have still won the big ten when they returned anyway.

As far as pointing out their record against the SEC how about you point out our record against OSU or how about you point out the BCS Championship bowl games we've played in against the SEC?
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

If you want to talk about Fuf obessing over 16-18 year old boys, then maybe you should stop obessing over teams that you have nothing to do with. Like he said even if they were suspended it wouldnt have made a differnece because they would have still won the big ten when they returned anyway.

As far as pointing out their record against the SEC how about you point out our record against OSU or how about you point out the BCS Championship bowl games we've played in against the SEC?

They may have still won a share of the league title, but I'm not sure they'd have made it to the BCS or not. I'm not sure they beat Miami without those players. Pryor was obviously key in the passing game. But Pryor and Herron accounted for 173 of OSU 181 rushing yards (and each had a rushing TD). Posey and Herron accounted for 152 receiving yards. That's a pretty big chunk of their offensive firepower that wouldn't have been on the field that night.

In the even that they lost that game, that would have given them 2 losses, thereby making the Rose Bowl tie-breaker between Wisky and MSU. MSU would have won that and gone to the Rose Bowl, and then the at-large is up for grabs between OSU and Wisky (who beat OSU and had a better record).
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

If you want to talk about Fuf obessing over 16-18 year old boys, then maybe you should stop obessing over teams that you have nothing to do with. Like he said even if they were suspended it wouldnt have made a differnece because they would have still won the big ten when they returned anyway.

As far as pointing out their record against the SEC how about you point out our record against OSU or how about you point out the BCS Championship bowl games we've played in against the SEC?

Of course you will defend Fuf since you hold the same attitude as him towards bending the rules and pretty much "you gotta cheat to win" is your motto.

How do you know how much I obsess over the Hawks? I dont at all. I consider myself a fan and love watching them play and support them but wins and losses arent life and death to me. Unlike him I can take some 7-5 or 8-4 seasons.

As far as our record against OSU, we have absolutey no room to talk smack about our performance on the field against them. And as a fanbase I would say that that does not happen. Their fanbase on the other hand does nothing but talk smack about the SEC when they have very little room to. Arrogance at its finest.

And their 1-8 against the SEC is not just BCS bowls, its all bowl games against the SEC.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

If you want to talk about Fuf obessing over 16-18 year old boys, then maybe you should stop obessing over teams that you have nothing to do with. Like he said even if they were suspended it wouldnt have made a differnece because they would have still won the big ten when they returned anyway.

As far as pointing out their record against the SEC how about you point out our record against OSU or how about you point out the BCS Championship bowl games we've played in against the SEC?

Impossible to predict.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

They may have still won a share of the league title, but I'm not sure they'd have made it to the BCS or not. I'm not sure they beat Miami without those players. Pryor was obviously key in the passing game. But Pryor and Herron accounted for 173 of OSU 181 rushing yards (and each had a rushing TD). Posey and Herron accounted for 152 receiving yards. That's a pretty big chunk of their offensive firepower that wouldn't have been on the field that night.

In the even that they lost that game, that would have given them 2 losses, thereby making the Rose Bowl tie-breaker between Wisky and MSU. MSU would have won that and gone to the Rose Bowl, and then the at-large is up for grabs between OSU and Wisky (who beat OSU and had a better record).

Totally agree! Thanks for pointing out the stats for the suspended players. Thinking back to the Iowa game, that last drive was all Pryor. Ironic that the suspensions this year only include one conference game, yet the Buckeyes did most of their damage against fellow conference teams last year. Why aren't the other AD's in the Big Ten clamoring for more punishment? Is Ohio State untouchable, like Texas in the Big 12? Where is the integrity and equity in this "conference" arrangement? Nebraska should be concerned. I thought that "Texas getting preferential treatment" was the reason Nebraska left the Big 12.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Nobody gives a crap about Michigan state.
My cousin does. So that proves your wrong, which calls into question the credibility of all your sweeping generalizations.

And yes O$U belongs in the SEC
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

troy; said:
Is Ohio State untouchable, like Texas in the Big 12? Where is the integrity and equity in this "conference" arrangement? Nebraska should be concerned. I thought that "Texas getting preferential treatment" was the reason Nebraska left the Big 12.
OSU and UM have always been catered to in the B10 and always will be, they are the 2 strongest brands in the conference. The other 10 teams aren't ever gonna be treated the way OSU and UM are. That's just the reality of it.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

The B10 has clearly chosen to take a back seat in this situation. With as much trouble OSU is in, they really aren't interested in sticking their toe in, and wouldn't have gone beyond what OSU is doing, anyway.

The *facts* are pretty serious.

1. Knowingly playing ineligible players.
2. Lying about it to the NCAA *twice*.
3. OSU was under probation when the above occured.

Those are both incredibly severe charges, and obviously lead to the "lack of institutional control" charge. Institutional control is defined by the NCAA as the school president, the AD, and the head coaches of the sport programs. (as opposed to assistant coaches, tutors, boosters, etc.)

Why would the B10 try to make anything out of this when the NCAA is going to come down like a ton of bricks on OSU? Their punishment will be at least equal to USC's, but with additional punishment meted out to Tressel. (my guess is banned from any contact with football program until after the 6th game)

And they will have gotten off lucky.
Re: Ohio St gained unfair advantage by cheating - Will the Big Ten further punish the

Yeah pretty much. I couldn't sit through a bunch of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons but that's just me. I'm not naive enough to believe my team never bends the rules....

Freddy, my man, gotta disagree with you on this one. Your statement all but says, "We'd be an SEC school, too, if we were south of the Ohio River and missing a few teeth per fan".

I defended OSU and Tressel when the story first broke, thinking, "Are they crazy? Free tattoos?" But, of course, it became a lot more.

Players selling stuff may "seem" little advantage, but when student athletes are "allowed" to "bend" rules, it gives them an advantage over those student athletes that possess AND exercise the integrity to observe them.

The fact Tressel not only knew about it, but also took various steps to cover for the players AND himself, is not "bending the rules". And it begs the question(s):

--How legitimate are the Big Ten titles?
--How legitimate is the 2002 BCS title?
And lastly...why does any OSU player leave early for the NFL, effectively taking a pay cut?

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