Oh those silly Hawkeyes

I think I've seen them at Scheels before.

I don't really like these kind of pics being put up on message boards. I realize Face Book isn't exactly a confidential website. Still, I think we should have a little more respect for people's privacy.

They have no legal expectation of privacy when they pose for and post picutres on a social networking site. And nothing about that pic screams of the need for "respect" of anything.
Bud Light????, they are in college! they should be drinking keystone, busch, and natty! Oh wait they have stipens for that. :p
I think I've seen them at Scheels before.

I don't really like these kind of pics being put up on message boards. I realize Face Book isn't exactly a confidential website. Still, I think we should have a little more respect for people's privacy.

You kind of lose privacy when they are on facebook, easily available for all to see. Its fine if they are on facebook and hidden, but these seem to be easily accesible.
Bud Light????, they are in college! they should be drinking keystone, busch, and natty! Oh wait they have stipens for that. :p

Does that apartment look like government assisted housing? I thought so. That explains how they can afford more expensive beer.
Does that apartment look like government assisted housing? I thought so. That explains how they can afford more expensive beer.

Thank you so much for your positive feed back and you expertise in analyzing crime scenes but, your services here are no longer needed so dont let the door hit you in the a** on the way out.
Thank you so much for your positive feed back and you expertise in analyzing crime scenes but, your services here are no longer needed so dont let the door hit you in the a** on the way out.

Touch a nerve, did I? You're a sensitive little girl, aren't you?
Touch a nerve, did I? You're a sensitive little girl, aren't you?

Surprise, surprise. A pathetic, overzealous Nebraska fan coming to any Iowa site and showing off his level of maturity by name calling on the internet. Very nice. Whats next, you gonna threaten to kick my a@#? Hey, you have a great day.
I'm sure he never refered to middle easterns as towel heads while overseas with the battalion from Lincoln!

actually i didn't....so....no score for you. and i'm not playing a race card, your comment was distasteful. don't pretend he didn't know exactly how it was going to be perceived, irregardless of what his moronic reasoning behind offering that bit to the conversation was. it's been fun but you are both getting the ignore feature....too much for someone who isn't a dimwit to handle. oh, and you were actually the one that threw out a racist remark, so....nice work there. you've got that going for ya.
Surprise, surprise. A pathetic, overzealous Nebraska fan coming to any Iowa site and showing off his level of maturity by name calling on the internet. Very nice. Whats next, you gonna threaten to kick my a@#? Hey, you have a great day.

you started it.
actually i didn't....so....no score for you. and i'm not playing a race card, your comment was distasteful. don't pretend he didn't know exactly how it was going to be perceived, irregardless of what his moronic reasoning behind offering that bit to the conversation was. it's been fun but you are both getting the ignore feature....too much for someone who isn't a dimwit to handle. oh, and you were actually the one that threw out a racist remark, so....nice work there. you've got that going for ya.

Sweet. Another ignore list member. Well, when you can't win, ignore!

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