Official Record Prediction Thread

Let’s do discussion over here on Rob’s thread guys. Record predictions only in this one.
We had a thread a while ago to try and get everyone’s guess pinned but it didn’t get maintained. Let’s use Rob’s thread for discussion/yadda yadda, and this one strictly for your prediction so we can check it after the season. I have a reminder in my phone to bring it back up. I won’t even rant on this one and I’ll take the initiative to update it with poster’s name and prediction as they come in. Let’s do this one on neutral ground like Switzerland no matter which posters we like or dislike...keep the discussion out and just use it for record keeping.

Submissions taken and open to change until 8/31 at midnight.

I’ll start.

1977Hawkeye… 8-4

1hawkeye1… 8-4

4thngoal… 10-2

83Hawk... 7-5

AreWeThereYet… 8-4

BlindDogScooter… 9-3

BrianFerentzForPresident… 9-3

BVHawk95… 9-3

DJL… 8-4

DMLadyhawk... 10-2

DunderMifflinHk… 9-3

EstronHawkKing... 7-5

Fryowa… 6-6

guffus… 9-3

Hawk90… 10-2

hawkeyebob62… 9-3

HawkGold… 6-6

Jonesy86... 6-6

MikeyLikesIowa… 10-2

Motigerhawk… 10-2

NCHawker… 9-3

Northside Hawk... 9-3

pootspot… 11-1

proudhawkfan21… 9-3

Ree… 10-2

SCHawkeye2… 8-4

Stanzi… 10-2

Stilts… 8-4

tksirius… 7-5

trj… 9-3

Put me down for 9-3. I'm optimistic.

Interesting thought. Yes, game manager. That team was loaded and you can say it under performed. For me, the 03 team was what the 2017 should have been with comparable talent. That team finished strong, but should have been 10-2 or better. Game manager held it back? Thoughts?
These are the early over/under posts from back in May. The thread went off track after a few weeks and never really recovered.

The post spring ball betting line on Iowa next season is 7.5 regular season wins. (like I said, regular season wins)

Over or Under. Tell us why.

guffus - says 8.5 - I take that as over.
Fryowa - Under - 6.5
AreWeThereYet - 8 - A timid over
WinOneThisCentury - 9 minimum - Over
lightening - 7 - Under - and a loss in the poinsettia bowl :D
ibahawkeye - 8 by my calculation - Over
homes - Over
motigerhawk - Under - too much rebuilding.
trj - Over - if we beat Iowa State
mopkins - barely over
Hawknigh - Underwhelming noncommittal.
thetrza - National Championship and all our money.
earlkoppelman - 7 - Under
1hawkeye1 - 8 - Over
Hawkeyes87 - 7 - Under with a yawn
Wizard_Hawk - Is willing to go out on a limb for 9 or 10 wins
eledmonster - 8 - Over
Ree4 - An enthusiastic 10 or more
Long boring argument about which years of KF's record are going to count.
NoBeer - Will be pissed if we are under
Thread devolves into pissing match.
taffaej - Under - And thinks for noticing this is an over/under thread.
4thngoal - over
tksirius - 7 - under (from his own over/under thread) :cool:
Pythagoras - Over
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I’ll go with 9-3 which is a last minute change from 8-4.

Hearing some actual optimism about the offense this time of year sounds promising.
These are the early over/under posts from back in May. The thread went off track after a few weeks and never really recovered.

The post spring ball betting line on Iowa next season is 7.5 regular season wins. (like is said, regular season wins)

Over or Under. Tell us why.

guffus - says 8.5 - I take that as over.
Fryowa - Under - 6.5
AreWeThereYet - 8 - A timid over
WinOneThisCentury - 9 minimum - Over
lightening - 7 - Under - and a loss in the poinsettia bowl :D
ibahawkeye - 8 by my calculation - Over
homes - Over
motigerhawk - Under - too much rebuilding.
trj - Over - if we beat Iowa State
mopkins - barely over
Hawknigh - Underwhelming noncommittal.
thetrza - National Championship and all our money.
earlkoppelman - 7 - Under
1hawkeye1 - 8 - Over
Hawkeyes87 - 7 - Under with a yawn
Wizard_Hawk - Is willing to go out on a limb for 9 or 10 wins
eledmonster - 8 - Over
Ree4 - An enthusiastic 10 or more
Long boring argument about which years of KF's record are going to count.
NoBeer - Will be pissed if we are under
Thread devolves into pissing match.
taffaej - Under - And thinks for noticing this is an over/under thread.
4thngoal - over
tksirius - 7 - under (from his own over/under thread) :cool:
Pythagoras - Over
Over. Stanley. Team is FILLED with future NFL talent. Key to the whole season is receiving corp. Find 2 capable WR and 10 wins is likely. Pre-season, ill stick with 9-3 because Wisconsin and PSU are still daunting and between ISU, NW, Purdue, MN, Nebby...historically someone is gonna jump up and bite us. If not, it will be a great season. Im hopeful.

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