****Official NCAA Tournament Thread****

How do you guys watch the games... do you focus on one for it's entirety or do you flip back and forth to other games? I tend to flip back and forth, but I feel like I miss too much that way, and never get a feel for the teams, or individual players.I like being able to see every game, compared to the way it use to be, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming - like an all you can eat smorgasboard!:eek:

I'm a flipper. I love the set up now with all the games on, love it. I try to catch the second half or as much of it as possible. I like being able to flip during commercials too, its a great set up. No more missing certain games not in your area. Wonderful wonderful set up.
Thanks officials....saves a bracket buster!!! However, too bad for the bulldogs though...they got hosed big time.

Yep, saw that whole game and it was a travesty, particularly the last minute of the game. Funny how all the blown calls always seem to go to the high seeds in these games. An OBVIOUS goaltend earlier in the game that wasn't called on Syracuse, the lane violation (ok, maybe that was the correct call, but still), and then the out of bounds play where 'Cuse clearly touched it last (wasn't even close) and they gave the ball to them anyway.

Maybe Ashville doesn't win that game anyway, but the refs took the game out of their hands.
Alfraud just screwed up my bracket. Think i picked to many upsets.

Same here. Upsets always happen, but the problem is that I always pick the wrong ones. And my pool doesn't really give extra points for getting the upsets, so there's not much reason to pick a lot of them I guess.

I'm hoping that at least VCU hangs on..