****Official NCAA Tournament Thread****

Anyone notice the weird jerk in the tru tv feed? I noticed it last year too. its hard to explain.
It would mess up my bracket but i would love to see it.

I used to have nothing but respect for bayheim (sorry can't look up the spelling right now) but this year between the incident with Bernie Fine and the incident with the drug tests, he looks like he would do about anything for a w.
How do you guys watch the games... do you focus on one for it's entirety or do you flip back and forth to other games? I tend to flip back and forth, but I feel like I miss too much that way, and never get a feel for the teams, or individual players.
I like being able to see every game, compared to the way it use to be, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming - like an all you can eat smorgasboard!:eek:
Thanks officials....saves a bracket buster!!! However, too bad for the bulldogs though...they got hosed big time.