I will say this much. The coaching staff still doesn't get it. The reason why we won is because the hurry up threw Pitt out of whack they didn't react to it well at all. Gee KOK look what happens when you mix things up..just call plays and let the kids play.

They've got JVB and Coker thinking about things too much.

See, this makes no sense. The game turned around when KOK STOPPED mixing it up. Just goes to show that fans are outcome based. They don't analyze play calls, they analyze success of the play calls.
I'm not a coach, just a fan who lives and dies on the outcome of my beloved hawks. I haven't seen anyone mention that Ferentz et al don't change the scheme to fit with the overall strength of the team which seems to be the passing game and the style of there starting QB otherwise it seems more natural for the O to be in more of a setup like the 4th quarter.
I'm not a coach, just a fan who lives and dies on the outcome of my beloved hawks. I haven't seen anyone mention that Ferentz et al don't change the scheme to fit with the overall strength of the team which seems to be the passing game and the style of there starting QB otherwise it seems more natural for the O to be in more of a setup like the 4th quarter.

Sam Brownlee disagrees with you.

But you are kinda right, they don't/won't change their scheme every year. Most coaches who do that don't coach for long.
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We're embarrassing to watch. This conservative, boring, dinosaur style of play is outdated and easy to plan for. We so far have mustered 10 points against a team that just allowed 30 to Maine, and 16 to Buffalo. Pitt is 57th in Overall O and 66th in overall D, yet they make us look like a junior high team. We're out coached, out classed, and undisciplined. What a turd of a season.


Do people not realize that the coaches are educators? Furthermore, the players are, by and large, pretty young and inexperienced. There is a lot of learning that has to be done.

When the O is clicking ... when Vandenberg is in a rhythm ... when the run blocking is better and running is more decisive ... opposing teams might now what to expect ... but they still have trouble stopping it!

Some fans will simply never understand ...
I will say this much. The coaching staff still doesn't get it. The reason why we won is because the hurry up threw Pitt out of whack they didn't react to it well at all. Gee KOK look what happens when you mix things up..just call plays and let the kids play.

They've got JVB and Coker thinking about things too much.

brutal take.
I'm not a coach, just a fan who lives and dies on the outcome of my beloved hawks. I haven't seen anyone mention that Ferentz et al don't change the scheme to fit with the overall strength of the team which seems to be the passing game and the style of there starting QB otherwise it seems more natural for the O to be in more of a setup like the 4th quarter.

this sounds familiar - are you really JD with a different user name?
Most of you fans are great passinoate people, but some of you fans are the most fickle fans I've ever seen. If the team is doing great you act like it was your doing. If they're doing terrible you jump ship and don't want to be associated with the team. I heard booing on at least 3-4 three and outs in the third quarter yesterday followed by seeing fans exiting the stadium.

not booing the team, but ref calls. holding calls not being called, specifically.

of course clown fan jumps to the conclusion that every time a boo rains out it is toward iowa player, iowa coach. even the boos heard from 'the jack'.

Do people not realize that the coaches are educators? Furthermore, the players are, by and large, pretty young and inexperienced. There is a lot of learning that has to be done.

When the O is clicking ... when Vandenberg is in a rhythm ... when the run blocking is better and running is more decisive ... opposing teams might now what to expect ... but they still have trouble stopping it!

Some fans will simply never understand ...

I guess I was under the impression that we had one of the top olines in the nation going into the season with an extreemely talented back and a deep receiving corp. Certainly an offense capable of scoring on a crappy D. Yet we managed to do do next to nothing for three quarters. You're right homer, you'll never understand.
You have to give the coaches some credit right? They were the ones who decided to go into the hurry up, right?

They do need some. Yes. That "hurry up" was so damned refreshing and needed. I trust the coaches. Wish it was easier to admit. Wish I could could give them more credit for scenarios like this one, by this one I mean turning a lump of coal into a diamond when it mattered. I think the players need the majority of the credit though.
I guess I was under the impression that we had one of the top olines in the nation going into the season with an extreemely talented back and a deep receiving corp. Certainly an offense capable of scoring on a crappy D. Yet we managed to do do next to nothing for three quarters. You're right homer, you'll never understand.

Remind me how many prior career starts Gettis has? What prior experience does Scherff or Tobin have?

How much time did Coker miss during fall camp? How about Martin-Manley?

I fully agree with you that the O has the talent to do well. However, particularly at the beginning of the season, the O rarely is rarely roaring on all cylinders. Many O's are "systems" where nearly everything works out of a single formation ... and that simplifies things for both the players and the coaches. In those Os, it's often easier to execute. In our O, believe it or not, things are often a bit more complicated ... we use many different formations ... each formation can have different blocking assignments ... each formation can have a lot of different plays ... each situation has different reads and adjustments ... etc.

Hopefully it isn't a surprise to realize that with all that stuff that our guys have to get down ... a lot of stuff that young and/or inexperienced guys, no less, have to get down ... that there are mistakes. There are A LOT of mistakes ... a lot of poor execution.

However, what happens to people after they've learned material ... and then they start getting more comfortable with it? All of a sudden they have a greater level of fluency and they're more capable of applying what they're learning. Similarly, football players, the more game reps they get ... the more chance that they get to learn from their own game-film ... the more they can improve!

That is what I was getting at!

What's more ... if you've watched enough college games ... whenever you have a transition at QB ... invariably there will be a shift in the identity of the O. The O doesn't always gain that identity in game one. Often it takes a game, much like the one against Pitt, to really forge the identity of the unit. And, oddly enough, at Iowa those games are usually losses ... albeit rather exciting ones.

I think that if you look back to 2008 ... you'll see that Stanzi had a similar sort of game that really forged the identity of that group. Similarly, Tate had such a game in '04 (the loss to Michigan).
I will say this much. The coaching staff still doesn't get it. The reason why we won is because the hurry up threw Pitt out of whack they didn't react to it well at all. Gee KOK look what happens when you mix things up..just call plays and let the kids play.

They've got JVB and Coker thinking about things too much.

And yet JVB clearly stated that the biggest thing is that Iowa's didn't really figure out what Pitt was doing coverage-wise until they were into the 3rd quarter. After they "figured it out" ... we then proceeded to pick them apart.

Prior to understanding what the D was doing ... Vandenberg was having difficulty finding a rhythm ... and a legit part of that was due to the Pitt D.

When you're struggling running the ball and the QB is having difficulty establishing a rhythm ... then, yeah, an O will sputter. That happens ...
Riley Reiff- 4th year in the program, 27 career starts, 2nd team All-Big 10 as a sophomore, pre-season All-America as a junior.
Matt Tobin-4th year in the program, 4 career starts, saw action in 4 games last year. He is a Geoscience Major and a member of the prep High Honor roll with a GPA of 3.5

James Ferentz-coach’s son, 4th year in the program, (at least) 16 career starts.

Adam Gettis-5th year in program, 4 career starts. Has seen action in almost every game since he was a sophomore, when not injured.

Markus Zusevics-5th year in the program, 16 career starts. 16 career starts, saw action in every game as sophomore.

I understand what you're saying homer, but I have a hard time believing that our offense is so complex that this group of veteran guys would have such a hard time grasping it. Tobin is the only one that hasn't seen a ton of time, but yet he's a smart kid who practiced against 3 NFL players the last couple of years! I don't buy for a minute that he could understand and adapt to the complexities of opposing team's offenses on a weekly basis, but can't seem to figure out ours. I agree with the offensive identity comment you made, but at the same time shouldn't coaches have that figured out what type of quarterback they have, what his strengths and weaknesses are by his 4th year? Attitude and identity come from the top. James was a different player when we opened it up for him. I should also add that win or lose, I'm proud of our kids. I don't want to come off sounding like I'm upset or bashing them. I (along with many others) get so frustrated with our over the top conservatism. I get the premise, and actually agree with the philosophy but at the same time you have to let the kids play.
A lot of whiny little b!tches in this thread. Will probably be the same people gushing over the coaching staff once we go 9-3 or 10-2 with a trip to Indy for the first weekend in December.
I was out of the country and just got back. First thing I did was look at this thread to find out about the game. So, we must have lost then and pretty bad?

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