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Moss coming up with the pilfer
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Isn’t that the norm?Anyone who feels sorry for Pitano having a 8 man lineup
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400 wins is a great achievement...We're gonna hear how great Fran is after he gets his 400th win tonight. However, it'll be his last win this season
How can somebody as athletic as Moss be such a klutz at times?
I didn’t think either team would but the scoring took off in the second halfDidn't someone in this thread say Minnesota wouldn't get to 80?
I know it doesnt seem like it right now, but Fran's guys have had a very good track record of developing. Every season but this one Fran's teams have been led by an upper classman (Gatens, Marble, White, Uthoff, Jok, etc).
The glaring misses in player development, IMO, have been Basabe and Woodbury. Those guys never really seemed to develop at all.
84 points scored by freshman and sophomores.
I know it doesnt seem like it right now, but Fran's guys have had a very good track record of developing. Every season but this one Fran's teams have been led by an upper classman (Gatens, Marble, White, Uthoff, Jok, etc).
The glaring misses in player development, IMO, have been Basabe and Woodbury. Those guys never really seemed to develop at all.
FIFY400 wins is a legendary achievement...
Congrats Fran!!!