9 point lead might be insurmountable no kmm, no scherff even with those guys the lead might be too big.
The coaching staff is simply f'ing this game up on so many levels. Kids are out of position, and some odd offensive plays that were doomed from the start.
Remember when we all thought Iowa would suck, but then they won a few games and we though they might actually be kinda good?

That was awesome.
Must be unsportsman like to block your man to the ground and dominate him. :D
Well, since you can't do that on any run play with consistency, it definitely makes you look like a donkey.

There is nothing dominant about today's O-line performance.

Crap, I just saw the cubs logo. You're used to inexplicable failure. My bad.
Iowa needs to throw downfield and they were doing short passes and bootlegs. Don't get that. Then when they do throw downfield, guys can't get open.

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