!*****Official Battle For The Bull Game Thread*****!

0 penalties called against the bug eaters, what total non sense. In the last 3 Iowa home games 15 penalties for 116 yards called against Iowa, but Iowa's opponents have only had 2 penalties called against them for 20 yards. The calls going against Iowa is getting to be a clear trend, the refs are clearly favoring Iowa's opponents for whatever reason. I would like to see this stop and be balanced out. In fact Iowa is generally the better prepared team that is better in the fundamentals vs their opponents. If anything there should be more calls against Iowa's opponents if the refs were calling the games fairly.

Iowa's offense is Iowa's toughest opponent.

That said, 2 penalties in 3 games has to be a record. That's just insane.
0 penalties called against the bug eaters, what total non sense. In the last 3 Iowa home games 15 penalties for 116 yards called against Iowa, but Iowa's opponents have only had 2 penalties called against them for 20 yards. The calls going against Iowa is getting to be a clear trend, the refs are clearly favoring Iowa's opponents for whatever reason. I would like to see this stop and be balanced out. In fact Iowa is generally the better prepared team that is better in the fundamentals vs their opponents. If anything there should be more calls against Iowa's opponents if the refs were calling the games fairly.

This is so stupid. We have good fundamentals? Have you seen this years team??? They are horrible and horribly coached. Wisconsin played clean today and we didn't. That's the difference. If we have to depend on the refs to win games we don't deserve to win those games. When your offense can't put up more than 17 points on a team that is worn down and missing key starters, you pretty much stink. Iowa football stinks.
0 penalties called against the bug eaters, what total non sense. In the last 3 Iowa home games 15 penalties for 116 yards called against Iowa, but Iowa's opponents have only had 2 penalties called against them for 20 yards. The calls going against Iowa is getting to be a clear trend, the refs are clearly favoring Iowa's opponents for whatever reason. I would like to see this stop and be balanced out. In fact Iowa is generally the better prepared team that is better in the fundamentals vs their opponents. If anything there should be more calls against Iowa's opponents if the refs were calling the games fairly.
Hawknick -

First, Wisconsin did get called for a couple penalties; however, they were declined so they don't go in the box score. Only accepted penalties show up there. The penalties (of which there were 5 accepted) were pretty cut and dry.
1) Onside going out of bounds
2) Intentional grounding on Beathard
3) Kittle jumping on the quick count
4) Silly holding penalty on the bad punt in the first half
5) Mabin burned on double move (never got to see a good replay on this one)

You might be able to argue the Mabin hold as we never got a good replay. Of the rest, which ones show a clear bias towards Iowa?

Second, it's pretty clear that Iowa isn't as sound in their fundamentals as they've been in years past. One of the major plays in the game was 3rd and 2 (ish) in the 4th quarter when Clement bounced outside, Miles Taylor (I thin) missed a tackle, and Clement was able to run for about 30 yards. It ended in the FG that really put the game out of reach. That play was the best and worst of the safety play this year; in the right spot but missed the tackle.

I think it's pretty safe to say you can take off the tin foil hat. Wisconsin did their part in trying to give that game to Iowa in the first half...the offense couldn't capitalize.
This is so stupid. We have good fundamentals? Have you seen this years team??? They are horrible and horribly coached. Wisconsin played clean today and we didn't. That's the difference. If we have to depend on the refs to win games we don't deserve to win those games. When your offense can't put up more than 17 points on a team that is worn down and missing key starters, you pretty much stink. Iowa football stinks.
I don't like to blame the refs either but when they are in you face uncalled penalties that's hard to take.

Aw crap I feel a little clownish but what the heck!
Aside from King and Jaleel, this team is full of a bunch of mediocre 2* hacks that read too much into their own press over the summer. They got lazy and this coaching staff did the same thing. Welcome to 5 wins folks because there isn't another easy win on the schedule with this group of coaches and players.
I don't like to blame the refs either but when they are in you face uncalled penalties that's hard to take.

Aw crap I feel a little clownish but what the heck!

Then don't blame the refs. What was so in your face that they missed? What was so clear that it was indisputable?

I can tell you what was in my face and indisputable -- horrible play calling and horrible execution.
Then don't blame the refs. What was so in your face that they missed? What was so clear that it was indisputable?

I can tell you what was in my face and indisputable -- horrible play calling and horrible execution.
If you couldn't see the missed fags then how in the world did you see horrible play calling and horrible execution?
If you couldn't see the missed fags then how in the world did you see horrible play calling and horrible execution?
I saw only one questionable call and that was a spot and first down. Everything else was pretty spot on. The TD clearly crossed the plane, Fants's TD the ball moved and could've went either way. Blame the coaches and the high school qb play but not the damn refs.
Yes maybe it was but we rose to the occasion and went 12-0. That's hard to do no matter what anybody says. Look at today. If we would of beat bucky would you still say it was a weak ass schedule? We beat them last year. I'm just ready to put all the bad talk about last year and focus on this year because we should be winning again if we had competent coaching! Not knocking you Tk I just think it's all on the coaches.
Agreed. We're on the same page. Unfortunately, $30+ million says our opinions don't matter.
I saw only one questionable call and that was a spot and first down. Everything else was pretty spot on. The TD clearly crossed the plane, Fants's TD the ball moved and could've went either way. Blame the coaches and the high school qb play but not the damn refs.
No need to cuss out the refs. I guess.
If you couldn't see the missed fags then how in the world did you see horrible play calling and horrible execution?

Do enlighten us, what specifically did you see where the refs clearly missed the call? Was it Kittle...I bet you didn't see him move. Or was it Fants catch that clearly touched the ground and moved before he secured it?

In terms of execution, I can name at least five passes where CJB missed open receivers. I can name a third and one play where my three year old called a run right up the gut and got stuffed.

Oh do enlighten us, I can't wait.
Do enlighten us, what specifically did you see where the refs clearly missed the call? Was it Kittle...I bet you didn't see him move. Or was it Fants catch that clearly touched the ground and moved before he secured it?

In terms of execution, I can name at least five passes where CJB missed open receivers. I can name a third and one play where my three year old called a run right up the gut and got stuffed.

Oh do enlighten us, I can't wait.
Sorry I don't have time because I'm to busy watching the officials miss a very obvious holding call against Nebraska.
Once again the participation ribbon crowd is here.

Let's here the banter. It was a wonderful game that we wouldn't have been close in if it wasn't Kirk wasn't there.
We're just lucky Kirk let's us watch.
Anybody can have an off game or 100.
Ref's were right every time.
It's not the ref's fault 3 or 4 teams this year have played perfectly against us and haven't committed a penalty.
Geez, if you can't get passionate over a football game is their anything important in there lives.
These people are the doormats of the world.
Do enlighten us, what specifically did you see where the refs clearly missed the call? Was it Kittle...I bet you didn't see him move. Or was it Fants catch that clearly touched the ground and moved before he secured it?

In terms of execution, I can name at least five passes where CJB missed open receivers. I can name a third and one play where my three year old called a run right up the gut and got stuffed.

Oh do enlighten us, I can't wait.

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