Offensive Failure; Hawks Fall to Huskers


The Iowa offense put up just 200 yards against Nebraska on Saturday en route to their sixth straight loss and a 4-8 2012 season.

good write up Jon. honestly don't know what KF is thinking if he thinks GD has it together.
55 offensive points in last 4 games. Don't know if anyone in the country has scored fewer.

Teams score with all types of offenses... Pro-Style, zone-read, spread, etc. I think our schemes can work. We just don't put our guys in position to be successful. GD's zone-read on 3rd and 4 is a great example of not calling a play that can be successful. Another is trying to run the ball with a standard offensive unit against 10 guys in in the box.

I'm just a unqualified observer, but those decisions are insane.
Jon you keep making such critical (albeit correct) analysis you're going to put yourself into KF's doghouse.
It sure was offensive, and a failure. The entire season was.
Yes, I agree that we shouldn't hold our breath waiting for KF to making any changes. Any at all. I'm convinced that he feels it is simply "lack of execution" on the part of the players, and that the coaching and schemes are fine.

What bothers me most I think is that an ENTIRE season goes by, and NO change whatsoever is made to what was being done offensively. I know KF likes to "evaluate" these types of things after the season is over, but how many games into a 12 game season do you need to be before you realize that what you are doing isn't working and you need to shake things up a little bit, break some tendencies, and throw some different looks at people? Apparently, the answer is more than 12 games.

I am just sick to death of watching this offense year after year. This year is the breaking point for me.. In past years, the offense is typically average to mediocre, but this year = OUCH.
Another good article in what has been a series of good articles regarding Iowa football lately. Only problem is too much blame is put on Davis and not enough on his boss.
Just once, I would love to see Iowa flow on offense. Where you know they are going to at least score 28+pts. a game. I don't understand how Iowa always make things difficult for themselves.
Good write up. I am not one to throw anyone under the bus, but I do know I would not want to be KF and have to make this choice. On one hand GD could really get it together and show everyone this years O was growing pains, on the other hand if your going to make a change it should be as soon as possible and you might get a younger hungry coach.
Either way it's a gamble, but everything considered I would have to think about atleast seeing who may want the job (behind closed doors ofcourse).
Just once, I would love to see Iowa flow on offense. Where you know they are going to at least score 28+pts. a game. I don't understand how Iowa always make things difficult for themselves.

To me it’s just the persona of the coach that dictates how the offense/defense will flow. Kurt can’t get
his team in the position to flow because he beats into their head that you play
perfect and not free willy (i.e. confident) so you don’t see much wiggle from the team. They are also so worried about making a mistake and getting benched so they only play cautiously. The only time they played with any edge was 2002 and Kurt himself said in an interview that the offense pretty much ran itself with some input from OK because of all the good leadership. That young leadership liked to run it wide open and they had fun doing so.
Watching the ISU game. Time running out in first half. They get first down at the 12 yard line with time running out. They get up to the line and run a play in 2 seconds. They didn't take 7 seconds to call out a play and run it. Time running out. They were PREPARED to run a pass play. Sign of a well coached team. I don't see Iowa EVER that well run. Kudos to ISU coaches. Iowa coaches: wake up and figure it out.

It has always perplexed me on the hurry up offense. Time running out, you should have 2 passing plays prepared for the hurry up offense. QB gets up to line calls A or B from a standard passing formation...and the pass would be for a first down only...completed or incompleted (clock stopped). I saw lowly ISU do just that. I would think our $4 million dollar coach would have this prepared.
It's time to gut this smelly fish and start over.... And you START by cutting off the head!
The game has passed by this guy. In a rack of Armani's he's a leisure suit. But I need to thank him for freeing up my Saturdays next fall. Since he doesn't care if he wins I am not going to worry anymore either. I am happy I took the hawks and points though
If Ferentz brings back Davis, I want Ferentz gone. I'll literally be done with him.

Bringing Davis and his garbage offense back is just setting the program back farther. This scheme won't ever work here because Iowa can't get the type of recruits that are required to run it.

I've been a Ferentz supporter but this will be it for me.
I am sure the offensive coordinator doesn't make the decision to punt from an opponents 30 yrd line. I am still shaking my head in utter disbelief over that and that a four star highly recruited QB never took one snap this season. Time management has become a joke under our coach. Three strikes your out Kirk. Time to do the honorable thing and resign. Let Iowa who has treated you and your family like royalty move on to different options. Finally I want to commend one of the best if not the best fan bases in all of America. Through out such a horrendous display of football they showed up in large numbers and supported this team all the way to the last interception throw by the starting QB.
Another good article in what has been a series of good articles regarding Iowa football lately. Only problem is too much blame is put on Davis and not enough on his boss.

While that may be fair, people realize that Ferentz is going nowhere, and won't be for at least 3 years. Davis' security, on the other hand, is much less ironclad.

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