NW Iowa rain

I was thinking about him too. Was wondering if others on here were from that area as well.

Seeing pictures of that area is devastating. I can't imagine how awful that must be and unfortunately it won't be over for quite a while and that's just the water. The things they lost and were ruined can never be replaced. The communities will never be the same. Can't even express how sorry I feel for them.

Are you and family ok after all the rain and flooding?
I was thinking about him too. Was wondering if others on here were from that area as well.

Seeing pictures of that area is devastating. I can't imagine how awful that must be and unfortunately it won't be over for quite a while and that's just the water. The things they lost and were ruined can never be replaced. The communities will never be the same. Can't even express how sorry I feel for them.
Haven’t lost my house like some people but real bad damage. Also lost some irreplaceable stuff of my parents which sucks the most tbh. Never seen anything like this in my entire life. My biggest issue is looking at everything and trying to figure out where to even start working. It’s maddening.

Insurance isn’t going to cover anything which is my next obstacle, flood insurance is way too prohibitive cost-wise and I’ve never had a bit of water in my basement in the time I’ve lived here which is from 1996 till now. I’m also finding out from friends who do have flood insurance that there are so many archaic clauses in it that you almost never will get a claim approved. If you had a sump system in place and did all the right things they’ll tell you it was the wrong capacity or not in the right spot or didn’t have enough of them. Good luck fighting an insurance company with an army of six figure lawyers. You’ll spend more in attorney fees than your damage is worth, still lose, and they know it. I have several coworkers who lost all their vehicles and homes so I’m considering myself lucky. I have power right now but no water or sewer since Friday. One thing I do know is I’ll have some ridiculous stories from this past week if anyone is ever interested down the road.

Probably won’t be posting much in the next while, so everyone play nice with each other until I get back. Haven’t showered in three days so that’s my next priority lol. Seen it on TV happening to other people a million times but now I’m finding out how exhausting this shit really is, going to be a while before I get everything back to normal I’m guessing. I’m going to try to pop in while I can but doubt I’ll post a lot. Thanks for all the well wishes, I appreciate it a whole bunch. If anyone can somehow figure out how to keep it from raining here in the next couple weeks a whole lot of people would be grateful.

Haven’t lost my house like some people but real bad damage. Also lost some irreplaceable stuff of my parents which sucks the most tbh. Never seen anything like this in my entire life. My biggest issue is looking at everything and trying to figure out where to even start working. It’s maddening.

Insurance isn’t going to cover anything which is my next obstacle, flood insurance is way too prohibitive cost-wise and I’ve never had a bit of water in my basement in the time I’ve lived here which is from 1996 till now. I’m also finding out from friends who do have flood insurance that there are so many archaic clauses in it that you almost never will get a claim approved. If you had a sump system in place and did all the right things they’ll tell you it was the wrong capacity or not in the right spot or didn’t have enough of them. Good luck fighting an insurance company with an army of six figure lawyers. You’ll spend more in attorney fees than your damage is worth, still lose, and they know it. I have several coworkers who lost all their vehicles and homes so I’m considering myself lucky. I have power right now but no water or sewer since Friday. One thing I do know is I’ll have some ridiculous stories from this past week if anyone is ever interested down the road.

Probably won’t be posting much in the next while, so everyone play nice with each other until I get back. Haven’t showered in three days so that’s my next priority lol. Seen it on TV happening to other people a million times but now I’m finding out how exhausting this shit really is, going to be a while before I get everything back to normal I’m guessing. I’m going to try to pop in while I can but doubt I’ll post a lot. Thanks for all the well wishes, I appreciate it a whole bunch. If anyone can somehow figure out how to keep it from raining here in the next couple weeks a whole lot of people would be grateful.


Man, I wish you all out there the best. Will be thinking of ya.
Haven’t lost my house like some people but real bad damage. Also lost some irreplaceable stuff of my parents which sucks the most tbh. Never seen anything like this in my entire life. My biggest issue is looking at everything and trying to figure out where to even start working. It’s maddening.

Insurance isn’t going to cover anything which is my next obstacle, flood insurance is way too prohibitive cost-wise and I’ve never had a bit of water in my basement in the time I’ve lived here which is from 1996 till now. I’m also finding out from friends who do have flood insurance that there are so many archaic clauses in it that you almost never will get a claim approved. If you had a sump system in place and did all the right things they’ll tell you it was the wrong capacity or not in the right spot or didn’t have enough of them. Good luck fighting an insurance company with an army of six figure lawyers. You’ll spend more in attorney fees than your damage is worth, still lose, and they know it. I have several coworkers who lost all their vehicles and homes so I’m considering myself lucky. I have power right now but no water or sewer since Friday. One thing I do know is I’ll have some ridiculous stories from this past week if anyone is ever interested down the road.

Probably won’t be posting much in the next while, so everyone play nice with each other until I get back. Haven’t showered in three days so that’s my next priority lol. Seen it on TV happening to other people a million times but now I’m finding out how exhausting this shit really is, going to be a while before I get everything back to normal I’m guessing. I’m going to try to pop in while I can but doubt I’ll post a lot. Thanks for all the well wishes, I appreciate it a whole bunch. If anyone can somehow figure out how to keep it from raining here in the next couple weeks a whole lot of people would be grateful.

Hang in there. Glad you'll be alright at the end of all this anyway. Insurance companies are the devil. For my job we can be at their mercy quite a bit and they never pay claims legit or not. They can't afford to pay for all those commercials and endorsements and fancy offices by paying claims.

My old man lives on high ground south of Cherokee so I know he's good but man I've seen a lot of pics from there and all over. Looks like a total shit show for a lot of folks.
Best of luck fellas. I can't imagine what your going through despite all the videos and pictures. I'm on the Mississippi side of the state and getting ready to see what that has in store for us, but fortunately things are elevated enough here (Burlington) that while the downtown area and riverfront may flood I won't have any first hand issues. That said I'll be doing whatever I can to help those that aren't so lucky. Hang in there!!!
Make sure you talk to FEMA. I had a flood in my house on Euclid back in summer of '98, it was a freak thing caused by the storm sewers and the place hadn't flooded in '93. FEMA made everyone on the street whole. The houses are now all gone presumably due to that flood, but absolutely be cool to the adjuster guy from FEMA.