Nuggets from Hawk Centrals full press conference chat


Well-Known Member
1) AJ Derby is alone in the number 2 spot. Winke is now 3, and is the back up punter.

2) There is a good shot Bernstein is used in the return game this year. I hadn't heard his name mentioned before, but KF talked about him and Hyde in the same breath as possible return guys.

3) KF would like to get Derby in for most, if not all of the 2nd half, score and situation depending of course.

4) Koehn will redshirt at K.

5) Didn't rule out starting Bernstein somewhere.

6) Very complimentary of Derby's speed and feet for a man his size.

That's it for now. Interesting thought about Bernstein returning kicks.
If it's about getting the best players on the field, not sure why we don't move Hyde back to corner and Bernstine to safety.
Love the Hyde is doing PR and possibly KR too.
1) AJ Derby is alone in the number 2 spot. Winke is now 3, and is the back up punter.

2) There is a good shot Bernstein is used in the return game this year. I hadn't heard his name mentioned before, but KF talked about him and Hyde in the same breath as possible return guys.

3) KF would like to get Derby in for most, if not all of the 2nd half, score and situation depending of course.

4) Koehn will redshirt at K.

5) Didn't rule out starting Bernstein somewhere.

6) Very complimentary of Derby's speed and feet for a man his size.

That's it for now. Interesting thought about Bernstein returning kicks.

Does this mean a.) we actually don't take our foot off the gas petal this game b.) we'll do nothing but run the ball the entire second half or c.) all of the above.

I get (and am totally in favor of) getting the back up QB plenty of experience and game reps, but they need to be meaningful. Yanking the starter, so that the backup can hand the ball off over and over as we've seen plenty of times in the past, IMO doesn't do anything to get him comfortable on the field or game experience.
Does this mean a.) we actually don't take our foot off the gas petal this game b.) we'll do nothing but run the ball the entire second half or c.) all of the above.

I get (and am totally in favor of) getting the back up QB plenty of experience and game reps, but they need to be meaningful. Yanking the starter, so that the backup can hand the ball off over and over as we've seen plenty of times in the past, IMO doesn't do anything to get him comfortable on the field or game experience.

If you do not think that just playing in a game doing anything at all is good experience, then you have not played a meaningful down in your life. Everything speeds up, nothing is routine. Each handoff vs Tenn Tech you get on tape is worth one hour of practice.
If it's about getting the best players on the field, not sure why we don't move Hyde back to corner and Bernstine to safety.
Love the Hyde is doing PR and possibly KR too.

Because the coaches who see the ENTIRE team play every day does not believe that he is one of the best players. I don't understand why people who never watch practice can assume they know who the better players are.
Because the coaches who see the ENTIRE team play every day does not believe that he is one of the best players. I don't understand why people who never watch practice can assume they know who the better players are.

Are you serious??? Yeah, the coaches HAVE NEVER MADE A MISTAKE. Get real buddy. We have a great coaching staff but they have made mistakes. Do you not remember who started for a year and a half over Stanzi?
Are you serious??? Yeah, the coaches HAVE NEVER MADE A MISTAKE. Get real buddy. We have a great coaching staff but they have made mistakes. Do you not remember who started for a year and a half over Stanzi?
Do you not remember Stanzi throwing umpteen int's and the when JV took over and took it to OT in the shoe?? That all pays off this year and well you would be hard pressed to find anyone say anything bad about Stanzi's numbers last year. I trust the coaches judgement.
If you do not think that just playing in a game doing anything at all is good experience, then you have not played a meaningful down in your life. Everything speeds up, nothing is routine. Each handoff vs Tenn Tech you get on tape is worth one hour of practice.
If I'm coach and thing splay out as they should.
Iowa TD
3 n out
Iowa TD
3 n out
I would rotate every other series 1st and 2nd string Qb and mix in everyone else as well.
If things continue well 4th qtr is all rest for 1st teamers and 2nd and 3rd get game time.
Are you serious??? Yeah, the coaches HAVE NEVER MADE A MISTAKE. Get real buddy. We have a great coaching staff but they have made mistakes. Do you not remember who started for a year and a half over Stanzi?

Stanzi was no where near ready in 2007, by all accounts. The little he played against Syracuse he looked like a deer in the headlights. The following year he improved a lot, and over the preseason he and Christensen battled, Stanzi won and Jake never started another game. You just made the argument in favor of the coaches with your example.

We have no reason to think Bernstine is one of the four best DB's yet. He hasn't shown that on the field that we've seen, yet. We'll see more saturday.
Derby edging out Weinke for the #2 spot increases my hopes that Derby made the right choice in playing QB, and will develop into a good QB. Not expecting him to be there now, but next year, maybe he can get some special plays(Ferentz, at the PC, nixed the idea of his playing some in the "Wildcat" for this year)tailored for his talents and be ready to be the starting QB(even if it turns out Rudock beats him out)come 2013.
Pitt game, 2nd half? Did u forget about that one?

Also, I assume u watched the bowl game last year, did you see how fast berstine closed in on that WR? It was great. Castillo will also give 8 yards cushions, but he cant close like Berstine. Also, didn't Paki start over Shonn Green in the opener in 08? Serioulsy, get off Ferentz's dong, it's OK to ask questions.
Pitt game, 2nd half? Did u forget about that one?

Also, I assume u watched the bowl game last year, did you see how fast berstine closed in on that WR? It was great. Castillo will also give 8 yards cushions, but he cant close like Berstine. Also, didn't Paki start over Shonn Green in the opener in 08? Serioulsy, get off Ferentz's dong, it's OK to ask questions.
Of course I didn't forget. That was the half they gave it to Jake to sink or swim. He sank, never really played again. What's your point?

And obviously Bernstine is fast. We all know that. That doesn't make him a great defensive player. Castillo is clearly a better CB. And if you really think the staff ever considered Paki better than Greene than you don't know a thing about how they work.

Of course it's ok to ask questions, but it's not ok to make things up. And if you think you've seen enough to know that Bernstine should start than you are just making things up and probably shouldn't be taken seriously. We haven't even seen Sleeper play at all, yet.

Again, we'll know more saturday.
Bernstine is a hitter. I think his defensive back skills were very raw upon reaching Iowa, and I suspect that, and the fact that Sash and Greenwood were ahead of him @ safety, left him unable to break through at CB. He's always been out of position @ CB. The dude flat out hits, and that's really it. It looks like he's earning more PT @ S, and I hope it's his opportunity to emerge as a difference maker on D.

A local HS head coach once told me "it's different" when JB hits a player. Ask that WR from Mizzou, who JB lit up on the most mundane of plays. He also might surprise as a KR.
Pitt game, 2nd half? Did u forget about that one?

Also, I assume u watched the bowl game last year, did you see how fast berstine closed in on that WR? It was great. Castillo will also give 8 yards cushions, but he cant close like Berstine. Also, didn't Paki start over Shonn Green in the opener in 08? Serioulsy, get off Ferentz's dong, it's OK to ask questions.

And I suppose that you didn't notice that Christensen also led us to victory against ISU. Furthermore, I suppose that you didn't notice that Christensen played a lot better in '08 than he did in '07.

The problem with Christensen is that his confidence had already been severely shaken from the prior season ... AND Ferentz clearly knew that Christensen was caught in a really tough and unfortunate situation in '07. Ferentz wanted to make sure that he got a fair shot ... and he did. O'Keefe insisted on moving on to Stanzi ... and the rest is history.

I see nothing wrong with Ferentz insisting upon being fair ... and O'Keefe did his job by backing Stanzi. The system worked how it was supposed to.

Besides, as others pointed out, Stanzi cost us in other games. We got both the good with the bad with Stanzi in '08. However, to Stanzi's great credit ... he really worked hard and really developed a good bit more quickly than Christensen.
Of course I didn't forget. That was the half they gave it to Jake to sink or swim. He sank, never really played again. What's your point?

And obviously Bernstine is fast. We all know that. That doesn't make him a great defensive player. Castillo is clearly a better CB. And if you really think the staff ever considered Paki better than Greene than you don't know a thing about how they work.

Of course it's ok to ask questions, but it's not ok to make things up. And if you think you've seen enough to know that Bernstine should start than you are just making things up and probably shouldn't be taken seriously. We haven't even seen Sleeper play at all, yet.

Again, we'll know more saturday.

Yet you think you know enough to say that "Castillo is clearly a better CB" than Bernstine? Based on what? That Castillo is planned to start? So far neither Castillo nor Bernstine has spent much time on the field, and to date Bernstine has had better results than Castillo. Castillo may be the better CB, but you don't have game evidence of it.
Yet you think you know enough to say that "Castillo is clearly a better CB" than Bernstine? Based on what? That Castillo is planned to start? So far neither Castillo nor Bernstine has spent much time on the field, and to date Bernstine has had better results than Castillo. Castillo may be the better CB, but you don't have game evidence of it.


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