Nuggets from Hawk Centrals full press conference chat

I'd like to see Hyde as punt returner. Here's my questions: How good is he at catching a ball coming straight down, knowing someone is coming at you full speed? And how well could he make the first guy miss and get some separation?

I just wonder if he'd try to do too much. And the last time we had a DB try to return kicks, it didn't go so well..
Of course I didn't forget. That was the half they gave it to Jake to sink or swim. He sank, never really played again. What's your point?

And obviously Bernstine is fast. We all know that. That doesn't make him a great defensive player. Castillo is clearly a better CB. And if you really think the staff ever considered Paki better than Greene than you don't know a thing about how they work.

Of course it's ok to ask questions, but it's not ok to make things up. And if you think you've seen enough to know that Bernstine should start than you are just making things up and probably shouldn't be taken seriously. We haven't even seen Sleeper play at all, yet.

Again, we'll know more saturday.
My point? My point is that terrible decision to play JC cost us the game. I'm guessing you think this staff has never screwed up a 2 minute drill either.
My point? My point is that terrible decision to play JC cost us the game. I'm guessing you think this staff has never screwed up a 2 minute drill either.

Time management is one of the classic "issues" that the staff seems to have.

Furthermore, the coaches biggest personnel bungles were in '06. They certainly aren't perfect ... however, they DO have a very good record of making pretty sound decisions.

Anyhow, their personnel decisions have been much better since '06. Some of their smarter moves through the past few years has been to demonstrate a willingness to play younger guys when the more experienced guys haven't demonstrated very good judgement, leadership, or consistency.

Sometimes putting talent in HURTS more than it helps if the talent doesn't play consistently.
My point? My point is that terrible decision to play JC cost us the game. I'm guessing you think this staff has never screwed up a 2 minute drill either.

Or ran a drive killing reverse in the Alamo bowl when we were moving the chains against Texas.

Our staff is good, not infallible. FML's point is that it is ok to question the staff.
Or ran a drive killing reverse in the Alamo bowl when we were moving the chains against Texas.

Our staff is good, not infallible. FML's point is that it is ok to question the staff.

There is certainly nothing wrong with pointing out that the staff occasionally makes mistakes. However, whenever such a claim is made ... it shouldn't be stated as if it were self-evident. In other words, supporting evidence and/or arguments ought to be supplied.

Furthermore, often times mistakes are made ... however, given the CONTEXT of the situation .... the reasoning behind such "mistakes" may have still been 100% sound. Sometimes context is such that there are no "good options" or "correct answers." Fans will often point out failings only to fail to recognize themselves that their arguments are ... by and large, rather subjective.

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