Now that we have seen the team in action...

Is 9-3 a middle of the road team?

After watching Iowa struggle to score a single touchdown against NIU, UNI having a chance to beat Wisconsin in the final minutes, Northwestern blowing a 22 people lead in less than a quarter and now Michigan about to be down 28-0.... yeah, 9-3 in the Big 10 probably would be middle of the pack.
I don't know how this season will turn out, but those judging the whole season by this game may want to look at how 2009 turned out. We beat UNI by 1 point and ended up playing in the Orange Bowl.

Possible it will happen again because the Big 10 looks bad.
I'm more positive than some. Iowa had five field goal chances, which indicates they were close to scoring 5 TDs. If it had been able to complete the drives that is 30 points instead of 12.

If I have any criticism it would be only a couple of items. Vandenberg should have thrown the ball away rather than take sacks and a few of the play calls.

While some see nothing but warts I see the potential to get better as the season progresses. When you look back Iowa tends to start slow and get better as the season progresses. With the schedule, 9 and 3 isn't too far fetched.
This team still has the same issues they have had the past few years. Can't sustain drives and stalls out in the red zone and have
This team still has the same issues they have had the past few years. Can't sustain drives and stalls out in the red zone and have

Agree. Pretty bad in the red zone again to start this year. What concerns me is all I heard last year is that the Offense would get better because of our great O-Line but unfortunately anytime we faced a physical defense we were dominated. Until the Offense shows me something different I see no change to this years production.

Jon said it best in his summary.....the Iowa Offense has not been consistent since pounding MSU back in 2010.
Here is my question:

Who on our schedule is better than us?

Of course Mich and MSU would be heavy favorites in my opinion. Much more experienced, and road tests. Tough to see a split. And Nebby, even at home, could be tough to win. I would say Nebby is probably more talented than we are.

But this is what I don't get. We now question whether Iowa can beat ISU at home, or UNI at home? Folks, I can be called crazy for this and I probably will, but I am not about to sit here and not expect to win next week against ISU, and the next against UNI. Same with CMU and Minny. Whether today's game showed weaknesses or not, to me, that is not going to lead me to question whether we beat either of those four schools. A loss to any of them is unacceptable in my opinion. If we are not 5-0, this team is underachieving. PSU shouldn't be a game we expect to lose either. Not at home. I'm not going into NW and Indy thinking "well, this is a loss". No matter how we've played against them in the past. Their roster against ours should still be in our favor. Same with Purdue at home. Each of these teams mentioned, even if our roster is young and not as talented as it has been, should be teams Iowa beats. No if, ands or buts. Losing these games is unacceptable to me. None of these games, except for MSU, Mich and Nebby, would I consider Iowa an underdog. That is the way I look at it. I'm interested for feedback. I'd love to see this board's thinking on this. I've always wondered if people have the same mentality I do. Not that my mentality is good LOL.
Before today I was thinking 7-5 or 8-4. After today I'm thinking 5-7 or 6-6. NIU is probably the third worst team we'll play all season after UNI and Indiana. I was very disappointed in JVB, our o-line's pass blocking, the incredibly uninspired play calling on offense, and our defense's inability to stop the QB from running. Jantz is a better QB than this no name guy from NIU.
But this is what I don't get. We now question whether Iowa can beat ISU at home, or UNI at home? Folks, I can be called crazy for this and I probably will, but I am not about to sit here and not expect to win next week against ISU, and the next against UNI. Same with CMU and Minny. Whether today's game showed weaknesses or not, to me, that is not going to lead me to question whether we beat either of those four schools. A loss to any of them is unacceptable in my opinion. If we are not 5-0, this team is underachieving. PSU shouldn't be a game we expect to lose either. Not at home. I'm not going into NW and Indy thinking "well, this is a loss". No matter how we've played against them in the past. Their roster against ours should still be in our favor. Same with Purdue at home. Each of these teams mentioned, even if our roster is young and not as talented as it has been, should be teams Iowa beats. No if, ands or buts. Losing these games is unacceptable to me. None of these games, except for MSU, Mich and Nebby, would I consider Iowa an underdog. That is the way I look at it. I'm interested for feedback. I'd love to see this board's thinking on this. I've always wondered if people have the same mentality I do. Not that my mentality is good LOL.

I'm with you. Obviously who knows what to happen, but to adopt this woe is me attitude and expect that we'll be lucky to beat Iowa State and UNI-- come on. Iowa State is going to be a tough game as it often is. Homefield advantage is huge, though, and it's been pretty clear lately that what happens in week one has no bearing on that game. I like our defense, we actually have a nice running back, and JVB has shown too much over the past 15 games for me to think he is a hopeless case. I am going to be very disappointed if we do not win next week. And UNI is UNI. They were down 19-0 to Wisconsin today and caught them sleeping a bit with a nice comeback that came up short. I'm not going to wet the bed over that.
Before today I was thinking 7-5 or 8-4. After today I'm thinking 5-7 or 6-6. NIU is probably the third worst team we'll play all season after UNI and Indiana. I was very disappointed in JVB, our o-line's pass blocking, the incredibly uninspired play calling on offense, and our defense's inability to stop the QB from running. Jantz is a better QB than this no name guy from NIU.

I'm not seeing it. Central Michigan is pretty bad. Penn State lost at home to Ohio. Minnesota looked shaky but could get better. And I am not exactly ready to crown Iowa State just yet. That NIU team played well and has a really heady QB who should improve from week to week. They're going to be solid.
Here is my question:

Who on our schedule is better than us?

Of course Mich and MSU would be heavy favorites in my opinion. Much more experienced, and road tests. Tough to see a split. And Nebby, even at home, could be tough to win. I would say Nebby is probably more talented than we are.

But this is what I don't get. We now question whether Iowa can beat ISU at home, or UNI at home? Folks, I can be called crazy for this and I probably will, but I am not about to sit here and not expect to win next week against ISU, and the next against UNI. Same with CMU and Minny. Whether today's game showed weaknesses or not, to me, that is not going to lead me to question whether we beat either of those four schools. A loss to any of them is unacceptable in my opinion. If we are not 5-0, this team is underachieving. PSU shouldn't be a game we expect to lose either. Not at home. I'm not going into NW and Indy thinking "well, this is a loss". No matter how we've played against them in the past. Their roster against ours should still be in our favor. Same with Purdue at home. Each of these teams mentioned, even if our roster is young and not as talented as it has been, should be teams Iowa beats. No if, ands or buts. Losing these games is unacceptable to me. None of these games, except for MSU, Mich and Nebby, would I consider Iowa an underdog. That is the way I look at it. I'm interested for feedback. I'd love to see this board's thinking on this. I've always wondered if people have the same mentality I do. Not that my mentality is good LOL.
I'm not sure what you saw today that would make you think we are much better than almost any team on our schedule. NIU had a very inexperienced offense and a defense that wasn't all that great last year. They would have beat us if it hadn't been for a nice run by Mr. Bullock. I now believe every game is questionable except for Central Michigan, and maybe PSU, whose offense will be as bad as ours.
I'm not sure what you saw today that would make you think we are much better than almost any team on our schedule. NIU had a very inexperienced offense and a defense that wasn't all that great last year. They would have beat us if it hadn't been for a nice run by Mr. Bullock. I now believe every game is questionable except for Central Michigan, and maybe PSU, whose offense will be as bad as ours.

I just don't think you can throw out everything we've seen in the past after one poor game. No one can predict the future, but the weight of evidence (last year, history under KF) suggests that we're going to be a bit more competent on offense than what we saw today.
I saw very little fire and emotion by the hawks out there today. I'm concerned about the offensive scheme and that sideways passing attack. I think the o-line is ok on run blocking but something smells in the pass protection department.

It was painful listening to EPSN's student interns call the game and equally so watching Iowa slogging through this game.

I sure hope they improve a lot. If they don't they may not win another game.
I saw very little fire and emotion by the hawks out there today. I'm concerned about the offensive scheme and that sideways passing attack. I think the o-line is ok on run blocking but something smells in the pass protection department.

It was painful listening to EPSN's student interns call the game and equally so watching Iowa slogging through this game.

I sure hope they improve a lot. If they don't they may not win another game.

Please stop.
Havent changed... 8-4. We arent a good team but as we all know its a weak schedule.
It may be a weak schedule, but we are a weak team, so I wouldn't bank any wins just looking at the competition.

I understand what you are saying but people always overreact after a win or loss. People are reacting as if this was a loss. I had this one as a w in my 8-4 preseason prediction and although not pretty im not ready to change my prediction.

The most disappointing unit was the o line in pass protection. However traditionally the line gels and gets better as the season goes under ferentz.

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