Now is when the Fran losers disappear until next season

An early exit in both the B1G and NCAA tourneys would be a huge set back for fans who started to get their hopes up. Let’s hope for neither.
You have three or four teams jockeying for the eleven seed. They know that all they have to do is beat Northwestern and Iowa awaits. They don't even want the Wednesday bye. They want Iowa on Thursday.

It's as insulting as it gets. But so is a 1-11 Thursday BTT record since Alford's last year in 2007.
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Gawd I can't wait for football...wait ...Gawd glad basketball starting soon....wait....Gawd thanks barta ,thanks alot, I can't wait till your ass is out here! But till then I can wait! Just give me 12 months of June!
Let’s hope they change the narrative but given what we’ve seen in several years past and this year following theme of the Fran collapse. Couple luck plays from the losses but the overall play has been atrocious and defense is fading fast.

Can’t argue with your feelings as they are justifiable. Still hoping the kids can catch their second wind and surprise us all.
You have three or four teams jockeying for the eleven seed. They know that all they have to do is beat Northwestern and Iowa awaits. They don't even want the Wednesday bye. They want Iowa on Thursday.

It's as insulting as it gets. But so is a 1-11 Thursday BTT record since Alford's last year in 2007.

Brother you and I have been around long enough that we have seen much better days for this program so it does make it hard to endure the long NCAA drought. It was so much fun following each NCAA tourney win under Lute. Tom’s first year with RAV’s recruits was also fun, but that was cool, clear, waters and since we’ve been walking in a dessert, parched by the hot burning sun.

I guess with the people running things now it is going to take an asteroid crashing down on Barta’s house while having the U of I president and Fran over at the same time for dinner.

Let us pray.
No. This is when “fans” like you come here and tell us all how smart you think you are. You described yourself perfectly in your own thread title...Loser.

Edit - I won’t hijack the thread anymore. Knock your negative selves out,

I face up every time.
Unlike most of you guys. Who vanish. Like now.

And enough of the 'negative' palaver.
We're the positive ones. We know Iowa can do better than Fran. That's being positive about Iowa Basketball.
I got crucified here when I said this was a 10 seed team.
It's the changing times Fry, anyone that dares call a glass half empty instead of half full gets his nuts stomped, called a hater and so on. I'm just glad their are some out there that can still tell when that warm wettness isn't rain running down your back! But hey how about a participation trophy!
Racism, cheating officials, and internet talk groups: three excuses that cover the majority of perceived biases, and limit the decision to change and improve.
It's the changing times Fry, anyone that dares call a glass half empty instead of half full gets his nuts stomped, called a hater and so on. I'm just glad their are some out there that can still tell when that warm wettness isn't rain running down your back! But hey how about a participation trophy!
I know lots of glass half empty people. I figure it out and don’t waste my time on them...miserable all the time. Positive people are way more enjoyable.
You have three or four teams jockeying for the eleven seed. They know that all they have to do is beat Northwestern and Iowa awaits. They don't even want the Wednesday bye. They want Iowa on Thursday.

It's as insulting as it gets. But so is a 1-11 Thursday BTT record since Alford's last year in 2007.
Um. Okay.
Um. Okay.
Look, we have to win on Thursday in that damn thing. Enough is enough.

Rutgers said two weeks ago that they were eager for the rematch. You think? We have to make people pay for wanting to play us. We need to impose our will on someone. We haven't really done that since the first Indiana game.

We have shown we can make plays in close games. We've probably done it seven or eight times in the conference season alone. We can do it again. But it's time. These second division teams aren't messing around. One of them proved it today.

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