Nothing From Fran Today

He would be a great hire for that, I think. Nice thought!
I've always loved him back when I used to live in DSM and he was at WHO. It was funny and very personable. He was the 3rd wheel of those sports guys and yet he's the one that leapt out of there to have more than a cup of coffee at ESPN. I thought I'd seen he was at CBS awhile ago now but I'm not certain about that anymore.
I'm sure he's lawyer ed up at this point, especially after the wave of people supporting him. He's prob getting his "ducks in a row". Crap. Should have never brought ducks into this. My apology to ducks.

Come on man. You gotta know that ducks have big bills on their face and a duck's bill is kinda like a human's lips.
Come on man. You gotta know that ducks have big bills on their face and a duck's bill is kinda like a human's lips.

You're making me feel worse. Like down in the dumps worse.

Shit, I did it again. What about people who live close to dumps! Now I feel horrible.
Iowa has 4 games left including an important road game tomorrow night. Then there are a couple tournaments to play. Fran is smart to steer clear of this until Iowa’s exit from the NCAA Tournament IMO. doesn’t matter what Fran says anyway. The vast majority have decided he either fired Dolph or he’s not Dolph’s boss and isn’t extreme or the other. It’s a no win situation that I would stay away from until my team was done playing basketball for the year.
Quick Rob, do a FOIA request for another extension on Fran’s contract. What else could rationally explain Barta’s complete bungling of this non-incident that has become an incident. He must be trying to distract us from some other more egregious bungle, ie, a juicy contract extension. He’s already done enough to distract from the nice season the Hawks are having.
Ferentz has the clout to get Dolphin reinstated. For football at least.

The sad thing is, keeping him for football will raise more questions, especially from the SJW crowd. How could they justify it?

Here's hoping Dolph wins a BIG lawsuit.
I don’t really care or need to hear anything from Fran. We will never know if he was involved or how much he was.

We need to hear from gutless Gary, who is shaking in his boots because he knows he doesn’t have answers to the tough questions he’s going to be asked.

In fact, after seeing ths copy if a tweet from a recruit's father, I have a completely different view, Fran MUST stay silent on this. He literally can't/won't look good no matter what he says or how he feels. Keep him out of it all the way.
To me its obvious that Dolph was told one more strike and he's gone. As soon as they got the email, they decided it was a strike. I doubt Fran was even asked his opinion. Why would his opinion even matter? He was told not to screw up again and he "screwed up". Its a lame reason to get fired, but at some companies you can get a 3rd strike for not wearing your seatbelt in the parking lot.
I think you'd be hard pressed to get Hassel to move back to Iowa.
Perhaps. I have no idea what he's doing now since ESPN let him go. Last I heard he was at CBS but I've never seen him on there. (not that I watch that a lot) I think he'd make a great voice of the Hawks if he'd want the gig and all that goes with it. But that said he may like the rest of us want Barta gone first before any more consideration would go into it.

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