Not The Only Ones Lacking Optimism

We do, and for some reason people like you want to actually ignore about 10 years worth of evidence:

Last I check KF was the coach from 2001-2011....maybe, just maybe it is tougher than some understand to keep a consistently high level of winning over a decade or more. There will be highs and lows, and it seems that Iowa, with the 3rd most wins in the BIG over those 10 years might, shows that KF has done a much better than AVG. job at Iowa over his tenure.

BTW I only post this to show overall record, not draft picks #'s

That all said Freed, that is looking at the past. I am more interested in what KF and staff can do this year. If they win 4 games again this year, I think the evidence is mounting that KF can't turn it around, and the heat should be extremely hot under his seat. Yet I just can't somehow conclude that KF is one of the worst D1 coaches in football since he came here, when the record and facts prove otherwise.


Cold. Hard. Unrefutable....proof that KF has shown to be,at the very least, a good coach in the past. In my mind I'm on the "KF can turn it around" camp. He needs 6 wins+ This year and 7 wins+ next year though...
Freed is OK he just leans on the side of skepticism bad on the recent trend...Myth and OOTH...they are...well...mad.
I wish I knew why it continues to be a problem. I am starting to think maybe it is just a weekness of his. Everybody has them. I do. Dont you ?

Yeah, junk food.

I wasn't asking you directly, it was more a rhetorical question. It's obviously a weakness, one that he should be able to be improve upon. There's no excuse for it in my opinion. If he can't do it himself, then find somebody who can.
Everybody needs play makers. You are right about that. I dont agree with what you say about KF thinking.. I just think thats disrespectful. His conservative approach is about letting the D win the game I would assume. If you ever have a chance listen to Norm explain the philosophy. He breaks it down real well

First of all Kirk doesnt care about my respect. I did respect him as a person till last season. He has shown that he is one of the worst game day coaches in the country. If you have to have a heisman canidate to make your offense work then you should get a new offense.

Just think if Greene or Banks would have got hurt Kirk may not still be the coach. Those two were instant offense. For the most part you could not game plan for them. The ship sank fast once Norms health went down.

Norm was conservative I get that. He also ran some of the best defenses in the country. However that doesnt work for the offensive side at Iowa.
First of all Kirk doesnt care about my respect. I did respect him as a person till last season. He has shown that he is one of the worst game day coaches in the country. If you have to have a heisman canidate to make your offense work then you should get a new offense.

Just think if Greene or Banks would have got hurt Kirk may not still be the coach. Those two were instant offense. For the most part you could not game plan for them. The ship sank fast once Norms health went down.

Norm was conservative I get that. He also ran some of the best defenses in the country. However that doesnt work for the offensive side at Iowa.

I think you are right in part, those two getting hurt would have held Iowa's offense back a bit, but part of the reason they were so good--maybe the reason they were Heisman candidates to start with--was because they played behind unbelievable offensive lines featuring multiple future NFL players.

I would argue that Iowa's offense hasn't needed a Heisman candidate to be at its best. Iowa's offense has created Heisman candidates when it has been at its best, and being at its best has started up front.
Its been very frustrating I agree. I also think he has been slow to fix ST the last couple years. But if you look at the CM onside kick deal. It would be pretty hard to fix a kid that just seemed to freeze
Yeah, junk food.

I wasn't asking you directly, it was more a rhetorical question. It's obviously a weakness, one that he should be able to be improve upon. There's no excuse for it in my opinion. If he can't do it himself, then find somebody who can.
Norm is gone. Some of you have noticed that Kirk is nothing without Norms Defense. Some of you it would take ten years of no bowl games to figure it out. The years that Iowa has been really good it was because they had a stud on offense(Banks,Greene) to go along with Norms Defense. Other than that the offense has been such a bust under kirk that the defense has had to beat the other team while fending off kirks bad use of the clock.

Kirk owes all of his success to Norm. If you cant see that you know nothing about football.

Defense wasn't the problem last year...offense was. While I agree Norm was undoubtedly a huge reason for the great years...KF named him DC cause he new he was good and would allow him to use attrition offense...and would still have him here if not for his health.

One could say Norm owes some of his success to the guy that gave him the DC job.
He may not care about it but he deserves it.. But OK we arnt going to agree on this.
First of all Kirk doesnt care about my respect. I did respect him as a person till last season. He has shown that he is one of the worst game day coaches in the country. If you have to have a heisman canidate to make your offense work then you should get a new offense.

Just think if Greene or Banks would have got hurt Kirk may not still be the coach. Those two were instant offense. For the most part you could not game plan for them. The ship sank fast once Norms health went down.

Norm was conservative I get that. He also ran some of the best defenses in the country. However that doesnt work for the offensive side at Iowa.
Norm is gone. Some of you have noticed that Kirk is nothing without Norms Defense. Some of you it would take ten years of no bowl games to figure it out. The years that Iowa has been really good it was because they had a stud on offense(Banks,Greene) to go along with Norms Defense. Other than that the offense has been such a bust under kirk that the defense has had to beat the other team while fending off kirks bad use of the clock.

Kirk owes all of his success to Norm. If you cant see that you know nothing about football.

Hey there OOTH, we haven't mixed it up in ahwile, so here goes.

Could KF have hired ANY excellent DC and had good success, or did he have to hire NORM specifically to have the success he has had? I mean how does that work anyway? After KF hired Norm, he could just kick up his feet and sail along?

I still just don't understand why more coaches don't just do that? I mean it is soooo easy, I can't believe that it never occurs to other head coaches to just hire a great DC.
I think you are right in part, those two getting hurt would have held Iowa's offense back a bit, but part of the reason they were so good--maybe the reason they were Heisman candidates to start with--was because they played behind unbelievable offensive lines featuring multiple future NFL players.

I would argue that Iowa's offense hasn't needed a Heisman candidate to be at its best. Iowa's offense has created Heisman candidates when it has been at its best, and being at its best has started up front.

Thanks for posting this jumper because it's exactly what I was thinking when I read his post. It's funny to me because the head coach gets all the credit when things are going good, yet when things aren't going well he gets none of the credit. He gets paid well to deal with that so I don't feel too sorry for him.

1. KF landed Banks and Greene. Maybe he didn't do the majority of the recruiting but he's in charge of it. He deserves credit for getting them to come play for him, and he deserves credit for their development. SG's story is well-known, and the Captain deserves credit for sticking with him. And by the way, what coach has success without having great players emerge?

2. In almost every interview Norm Parker has ever given, he goes out of his way to mention that he has or had the best job in the country working for KF. Why? Because he's shown respect and because he's a delight to work with on an every day basis. Did Norm contribute to Kirk's success? Obviously he was a huge part of it, but it isn't fair to take credit away from Kirk because of that. Norm wouldn't have been at Iowa if it wasn't for KF being the head coach.

3. Most importantly, the offensive line has played a major role in the success or failure of the Hawkeyes seasons. That never gets remembered or noticed as much as high profile players like Greene, Banks, Clark, Sanders, Greenway, and Stanzi. However, it's been critical to their success and KF is directly responsible for that. Many of the OL who have came to Iowa came simply because KF is the head coach.

Any attempt to deflect the success KF has had at Iowa onto someone else is simply being hateful. He's played a major role in it no matter how you want to slice it.
Thanks for posting this jumper because it's exactly what I was thinking when I read his post. It's funny to me because the head coach gets all the credit when things are going good, yet when things aren't going well he gets none of the credit. He gets paid well to deal with that so I don't feel too sorry for him.

1. KF landed Banks and Greene. Maybe he didn't do the majority of the recruiting but he's in charge of it. He deserves credit for getting them to come play for him, and he deserves credit for their development. SG's story is well-known, and the Captain deserves credit for sticking with him. And by the way, what coach has success without having great players emerge?

2. In almost every interview Norm Parker has ever given, he goes out of his way to mention that he has or had the best job in the country working for KF. Why? Because he's shown respect and because he's a delight to work with on an every day basis. Did Norm contribute to Kirk's success? Obviously he was a huge part of it, but it isn't fair to take credit away from Kirk because of that. Norm wouldn't have been at Iowa if it wasn't for KF being the head coach.

3. Most importantly, the offensive line has played a major role in the success or failure of the Hawkeyes seasons. That never gets remembered or noticed as much as high profile players like Greene, Banks, Clark, Sanders, Greenway, and Stanzi. However, it's been critical to their success and KF is directly responsible for that. Many of the OL who have came to Iowa came simply because KF is the head coach.

Any attempt to deflect the success KF has had at Iowa onto someone else is simply being hateful. He's played a major role in it no matter how you want to slice it.

This is really my only beef with OOTH. I don't know if he is just trolling when he says the thing he does, but I have a feeling he is not, and that is what he actually believes.

Someone who understands football knows that most of winning and losing on Saturday is directly related to the quality of work put in from Sunday-Friday. Through the majority of KF tenure at Iowa, the players have either maxed out their ability, or even exceeded what most thought they were capable of. This is great work from the player themselves, and great work by the coaching staff........which does include KF, even if that p!sses you off.
Hey there OOTH, we haven't mixed it up in ahwile, so here goes.

Could KF have hired ANY excellent DC and had good success, or did he have to hire NORM specifically to have the success he has had? I mean how does that work anyway? After KF hired Norm, he could just kick up his feet and sail along?

I still just don't understand why more coaches don't just do that? I mean it is soooo easy, I can't believe that it never occurs to other head coaches to just hire a great DC.

I think at any given time there are only handful DCs that are as good as Norm was. Getting one of those into your program is tough. Id say if you can snag one your worth about 4 mill a year.
This is really my only beef with OOTH. I don't know if he is just trolling when he says the thing he does, but I have a feeling he is not, and that is what he actually believes.

Someone who understands football knows that most of winning and losing on Saturday is directly related to the quality of work put in from Sunday-Friday. Through the majority of KF tenure at Iowa, the players have either maxed out their ability, or even exceeded what most thought they were capable of. This is great work from the player themselves, and great work by the coaching staff........which does include KF, even if that p!sses you off.

Ive said before that Kirk is a good coach six days a week. Now Im not so sure because they couldnt get Vandenburg to understand the offense. I dont care if it was the first year Kirk and Greg just plain didnt do their jobs last years. However on saturday and now one friday he is the worst coach. I think Kirk would be a good Oline coach.

I dont think kirk should be making any in game calls. I dont think you should run a Kirk offense unless you have elite talent to do so.
Also everyone should notice right now that the only thing I dont like about Iowa is Kirk Davis.

You can not find a post on here where I was negative towards players, the basketball program, KOK or Norm. Try I double dog dare you. This includes players who have lost their way and players who have had bad games/years.

So Im not like some hateful person. I just dont think kirk should be a HC.
Thats fair, I comend everyone on a good discussion without anyone being a Jerk. Starting to remind me of the old days on the other board. Anyone remeber Homer777 ?
Also everyone should notice right now that the only thing I dont like about Iowa is Kirk Davis.

You can not find a post on here where I was negative towards players, the basketball program, KOK or Norm. Try I double dog dare you. This includes players who have lost their way and players who have had bad games/years.

So Im not like some hateful person. I just dont think kirk should be a HC.

That you do not. I particularly enjoyed your positive BB game threads, even if it was just you posting.
Thats fair, I comend everyone on a good discussion without anyone being a Jerk. Starting to remind me of the old days on the other board. Anyone remeber Homer777 ?

Homer was a very insightful poster, and he kept it respectful for the most part. Most people who have been on the boards awhile probably remember him. He made the same mistake Ghost did however... he thought the boards couldn't go on without him. I don't remember exactly why, but I think he threatened to stop posting if they didn't unban a certain poster or something along those lines. Rob called his bluff and homer never returned. I think he posted over here for awhile after that, but I could be wrong. Either way these boards are for discussion. No one person coming or going will have anything to do with the future success of the board. Although I will say the free board on Rob's site is a freakin ghost town now.
I understand no one poster makes a board, but he was a good one. Talked to him on the side for a while after he was gone. But my point was that board used to have a lot of good posters. Not so much anymore. For me the boards are a place to have civel conversation with great Hawk fans. We dont have to agree. But being respectful isnt to much to ask
I understand no one poster makes a board, but he was a good one. Talked to him on the side for a while after he was gone. But my point was that board used to have a lot of good posters. Not so much anymore. For me the boards are a place to have civel conversation with great Hawk fans. We dont have to agree. But being respectful isnt to much to ask

Things are WAYYY better than they were even just a couple months ago. Just b/c people are negative, or don't approve of KF doesn't mean they don't bring anything to the discussion. Conversely those who pretty much believe KF can do no wrong are equally, if not more, annoying. Would be pretty lame with a site of only KF bootlickers.
I understand no one poster makes a board, but he was a good one. Talked to him on the side for a while after he was gone. But my point was that board used to have a lot of good posters. Not so much anymore. For me the boards are a place to have civel conversation with great Hawk fans. We dont have to agree. But being respectful isnt to much to ask

He was a good one I definitely agree with ya. He knew his football, and it seemed like he had some connections to the program as well. Anytime a poster like that decides to leave it sucks. Ft. Kinnick is too tightly sealed! Would be nice to have some frequent visitors who could share little tidbits of information coming out of practice, but that doesn't seem to happen all too often.

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