Not on espn

------Just not sure why.

Really, you don't know. Yes, ESPN sucks....but the truth is, Iowa is irrelevant in College Football.
How do we even know what is real in this media environment where everything is fake news and for every fact there is an alternative fact. We live in a world that we create in our minds and share with our online communities but where do you draw the line between what is real and what is not? Maybe disappearing from the front page is the end of everything, maybe there is a parallel website with the Hawks on the front page.
I hate ESPN but if you ran the network wouldn't you focus on the top programs in the country? I doubt you would focus on one of the smaller markets in the country.
You have an interesting choice of words. Conversely, would you say that ESPN was ever a "big" part of your life? Can you picture yourself making this statement, "ESPN was a big part of my life back in the 80s and 90s?"

Luckily, I think most people knew what I was getting at.
Why should ESPN cover an irrelevant program in the middle of fly-over country? It's a mediocre team in the weaker division of an underwhelming conference.

Besides, everyone else is either dealing with scandals (Baylor, MSU), coming back onto the national scene (Michigan, PSU), or has some exciting recruiting news (pretty much everyone except us). Nobody cares about Iowa on the national level. Even within the conference, there isn't really anything new or interesting about us to report.
It is my opinion that ESPN has gotten lazy and has let politics play into the fray much more than they should have. I think they let their position get the best of them and they have stopped trying as they think their name can carry them. At one point they did offer some decent interviews and their coverage at a national level was much better for all sports. As stated earlier the 30 for 30 are about the only good thing left.

The majority of their programming is stale and the better talent they did have has jumped ship. The focus on the blue blood programs and the major coaches, Meyer, Harbaugh, Coack K, and anyone else you can name has taken center stage. Where is the in depth reporting on the scandals at North Carolina and Baylor? Penn State had some good coverage when they were going through their issues. ESPN is about as lame as it can get anymore.
It is my opinion that ESPN has gotten lazy and has let politics play into the fray much more than they should have. I think they let their position get the best of them and they have stopped trying as they think their name can carry them. At one point they did offer some decent interviews and their coverage at a national level was much better for all sports. As stated earlier the 30 for 30 are about the only good thing left.

The majority of their programming is stale and the better talent they did have has jumped ship. The focus on the blue blood programs and the major coaches, Meyer, Harbaugh, Coack K, and anyone else you can name has taken center stage. Where is the in depth reporting on the scandals at North Carolina and Baylor? Penn State had some good coverage when they were going through their issues. ESPN is about as lame as it can get anymore.

The main problem for ESPN is the cord cutters are killing their revenue. ESPN used to bank on cable/satellite customers being forced to bundle ESPN. Now that people are leaving cable in droves, their revenue streams are drying up in a hurry and they are scrambling to adjust.

IMO it sucks for Iowa, but they're smart to focus on the blue bloods. They have to focus on what the most people care about. Nobody cares about Gonzaga/Oregon basketball right now. We just don't. Just like nobody cares about Iowa football except for us. However, everyone loves turning Grayson Allen into a villain because its Duke. Everyone cares about Harbaugh because he's a polarizing dude.

ESPN is trying to copy the cable news media model of having morning shows with outlandish talking heads saying ridiculous things, because its good for cable news ratings. The problem is sports dont generate the same outrage as politics do because there are so many teams and so many sports. In politics there are two parties, there is an "us against them" string that cable news can always pull on. Sports don't work like that at all.
Their college game day football show is beyond lame. ESPN has lost many of their on air talent to FOX Sports.
I agree. I use to love watching college game day on Saturday mornings. But I'm with you, it's gotten really lame the last few years! Plus ESPN stacks so many games on top of each other, that it almost seems that the game being played before the Iowa games, always seems to run over, & we end up missing the kickoff for our game. At least that's way the TV schedule is in Tennessee
ESPN has lost me. My biggest problem with them is their blatant liberal bias. I don't have anything against liberals (or politics), but I would like to be able to turn on Sportscenter to catch some highlights without hearing about Bruce ****ing Jenner and other politicized issues. I get enough politics before breakfast most days when I have to wade through a wall of protestors on my way to work in the morning and have co-workers comment on Chick-fil-A's politics after seeing my fountain cup. Sports has always been a "safe haven" to me from this kind of BS and I hate hate hate that ESPN blurs the line between politics and sports.

Their "sports bias" is also egregious. After the Iowa basketball game yesterday I flipped to ESPN before the start of the UCLA (**** Alford)/Arizona game. The hosts were running through highlights from various games, but they were literally only showing highlights from the top ten teams (Duke, UK, etc.). Then they inexplicably showed women's basketball highlights while conveniently not recapping the Iowa game. Same thing occurs in football. Lots of people find the blatant SEC and coastal bias distasteful, and it's really built up some ill-will over the years.

ESPN is now a completely coastal "entity" that has completely forgotten what made it so successful in the first place and driven away most of the country in the process.

Now, to be fair, some of their complete and utter collapse stems from the other options that have become available with technology for highlight-watching purposes. Back in "the day," so to speak, there weren't really many other sources to get sports news from. It was either the local (or national) paper or ESPN. Hell, now I can keep up with sports news through the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, forums (like this), Reddit, subreddits, and like a million other channels on TV.

Quite simply, their (once monopolistic) market share has been reduced by technology, but they're not doing themselves any favors. They need to stop being greedy bastards, broaden their market and include all sports and teams (beyond the Warriors, Cavs, and Patriots), and start producing genuinely good content. They also need to be more professional. For example, if you're going to have awful-ass Beth Mowins commentate a game, have her actually do her ****ing research before spewing incorrect BS on national TV. Millions would kill to have her job and would consider it an honor to do it correctly. They need better people, period.

I'll tune in here and there to watch games, but that's it. ESPN is doomed. And Chris Hassel is overrated.
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