Northwestern University football players are seeking union representation

Really? So theoretically if there was a job that you did that earned me say...25 million dollars and I gave you back free school and not a penny more. You'd be ok with that? No ******* way would you allow that.

Are you trolling or is this a demonstration of your "critical thinking" skills?
Jim Delaney talked a few months back about the money that the schools receive in today's market, and how the student athletes greatly benefit by utilizing the media packages attained by the schools to increase their own profiles.

Delaney feels that in college football, it is the schools that have built their "brand" over the course of decades. Same is said for the Big Ten Conference itself. That is why the schools get to keep the profits. Those brands are why the media deals have become so big. It's taken 100 years. Where would the players be without the media exposure offered by the Big Ten and its member institutions? It's a mutually dependent relationship that favors the schools.

If they want to get paid, go to the NFL. That's how Delaney sees it. No one is stopping them, except the NFL itself. But if they want the chance to become "NFL Ready" by utilizing the resources and media exposure that Big Ten Football can provide them.... while receiving a scholarship worth tens of thousands of dollars, then they may do so.

If NW players are allowed to unionize, then perhaps the school should charge them royalty fees.
Jay Bilas was whining about how if "paying players" is against the "college experience" or whatever then Universities shouldn't pay ANY student employees....hey someone who worked for the University during their entire time there...tee off. I guarantee you I never made...what these players make in value of scholarships during each of their four years...let alone have dedicated tutors and study table...etc. Sure they practice a lot, but that's also a "value adding" activity technically.

I have no real support for paying these're getting a free education. Take a freaking hike.

But if they do pay them...I think it should be a model where they give the player X number of dollars...they have to pay tuition, taxes, living, etc from that. And one condition of employment is they have to be in "good standing" and enrolled at the University...just like everyone else.

And...if they start paying players directly...I think I will be about done with following college sports...I already have my professional teams...don't need anymore. I would be more supportive of when Delaney talked about just de-emphasizing collegiate athletics like the Ivy's did.

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