NORM PARKER- Must read


Well-Known Member
I really hope most on here will get out of this what I did but I'm guessing some if not most won't. You see as much as I love Iowa football there is much more to life than W's and L's and knowing the type of coaches that KF has on his staff and the mentors that they are for young 18-22 year old kids I think mean more to the school and the state of Iowa than any W ever would.

A story from Matt Bowen and how Norm Parker saved his life.

Thanks Morehouse and Matt for sharing it:

‘Norm Parker saved my life’ | TheGazette
Norm is a class act!

Matt does an unreal job breaking down Bears games every week on the Boers and Bernstein show on The Score 670am. If you want to learn more about football, tune in when he's on - it'll make your head spin!
Being a father of a down syndrome child, I can relate, But I tell you this, there's not a day goes by that my little angel doesn't bring a smile to my face. When people call handicapped children a gift from heaven, they are absolutely right. Great story on Norm. Must be a great man.
I'm teary eyed reading this. Matt alluded to this in an article in the mag, Jon used to put out when he was with

Thanks for posting this hoffahawk.
I made the mistake of reading the story at work earlier today...just glad no one walked into my office during the read or the following few minutes afterwards! Great article without a doubt! Iowa is fortunate to have such a man as a coach!
KF and Norm are high character guys,and the Iowa football program profits from their leadership. Matt Bowen would be a good coach someday for Iowa if he ever breaks away from his vast media empire. The guy is in big demand for analysis.
Great story.....very heart warming.

I am idiot I was one of those fans back in '99-00 that was hollering about how NP schemes wouldn't work, NP just piggy backed off Widenhofer and Perles, NP had to go. Clearly, I was wrong not only is he a great defensive mind, but he is a better human being. I cringe on my thought process back then thank goodness people mature as they get older.;)
I worked with Bowen one summer for Johnson Secondary Roads we were sitting down having lunch one day and he told me about why he was switching positions he thought Hayden babied the QB(s) too much. I asked if he had the wheels to play safety, he just gave me a glare and very cool like said, " yeah I got the wheels".

I remember that because he could have been a pr!ck about it, but he wasn't. It was really dumb question on my part. This post does not have any relevance to this thread, but I thought I would share it.

I keep using excuses why I spend time reading irrational Hawkeyes fans complain about play selection or who Fran should start, but this post made me cry and reinforced my thoughts that Norm Parker will go down as one of the best coaches in Hawkeye history! Norm you are a living legend, good luck in retirement. Replacing him will be impossible
I met Norm at the Southern Iowa I Club banquet one summer in Ottumwa. It was probably about 5-6 years ago. Norm was so approachable...I introduced myself and said hello. I will never forget his answer to this question....don't remember for sure, but think it was when Matt Roth was still playing....I asked him how our team was going to be this fall...he looked at me and said...can't tell you anything about the offense, but the defense is going to be "salty". Just a great comment I will never forget...

I wish they would take a photo of this coaching staff before Norm leaves....This staff has done some great things in Iowa Football history!
Great story.....very heart warming.

I am idiot I was one of those fans back in '99-00 that was hollering about how NP schemes wouldn't work, NP just piggy backed off Widenhofer and Perles, NP had to go. Clearly, I was wrong not only is he a great defensive mind, but he is a better human being. I cringe on my thought process back then thank goodness people mature as they get older.;)

Not that you need my validation, but this is what separates you from many others in the Internet mosh-pit of life. You get it…you’ve grown, you’ve re-evaluated and you honestly and openly critiqued yourself. There are very few of the loud critics who ever do this……

Kudos to you…..


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