No surprise to see Alfredo Parrish back in the mix

What you fail to grasp is that the best springboard to higher office or whatever is to roll Alfredo Parrish in a trial, thus the prosecutor will say two things (i) I'm going to make an example out of DJK and (ii) I want the opportunity for this to go trial so I can crush Alfredo Parrish.

The defense lawyer can only do so much with those facts. I would take any one of my friends who are a few years removed from LS who prosecute misdemeanors and the State's facts in this case over OJ's dream team, plus Alfredo Parrish, plus half the faculty at Harvard Law with DJK's facts in this case. DJK has no defense on the facts. The only defense the guy can mount is that the search warrant was bad, that he was coerced into confessing, etc. If I'm the prosecutor, I suddenly feel like you've brought a Howitzer to a sparring session. It's fine to bring a Howitzer, but you better make damn sure you actually have the leverage to use the thing. Unfortunately, DJK has no leverage.

Well good luck. You take your friends and I will take the Dream team. You know the people who got a guy off for murder that even I have to admit that I believe he did.
Well good luck. You take your friends and I will take the Dream team. You know the people who got a guy off for murder that even I have to admit that I believe he did.

Did OJ have a camera containing photographic evidence of him killing Ron and Nicole? Did OJ confess to the police? Did OJ get caught red handed at the scene of the crime? Did OJ offer up some sort of test that proved with greater than 99% certainty he actually committed a crime? I think you fail to grasp just how incriminating the facts against DJK are. When you're in some podunk place and you know you did something wrong and you have no defense, you're gonna get a lot farther in the system with guys from podunk than you are with the pros from Dover.
Did OJ have a camera containing photographic evidence of him killing Ron and Nicole? Did OJ confess to the police? Did OJ get caught red handed at the scene of the crime? Did OJ offer up some sort of test that proved with greater than 99% certainty he actually committed a crime? I think you fail to grasp just how incriminating the facts against DJK are. When you're in some podunk place and you know you did something wrong and you have no defense, you're gonna get a lot farther in the system with guys from podunk than you are with the pros from Dover.

I remember Vinny from new york got his cousin out of the murder of the gas station clerk even after his cousin admitted to it in that small podunk town.
OK4P is right. What is also not being grasped is that the hotshot defense attorney mostly helps you at trial... and this case ain't going to trial unless Parrish, Derrell and his dad swallow a jarful of stupid pills.

Which means it's about negotiations in the prosecutor's crappy 70's-wood-paneled office with bad chairs and floor stains, and Mr. Slick is a negative on that playing field.
So what IS the Arnie Becker tally on I count three lawyers/attorneys:

Mesaclone acts like he's been to law skool, but he hasn't.

Did I miss anyone?
Which means it's about negotiations in the prosecutor's crappy 70's-wood-paneled office with bad chairs and floor stains, and Mr. Slick is a negative on that playing field.

Yep, I agree. With the combine coming up, if I were a dude with League aspirations, I would have called around IC for some opinions, found a guy who ain't a giant nozzle full of Massengill, cut him a check for a few grand and tell him to go grovel in the prosecutor's office or over drinks or whatever and get the plea bargain done yesterday. Then, I'd go out and pick up cigarette butts or go tell schoolkids how bad drugs are and get the community service done ASAP and never set foot back in the State of Iowa (other than for meetings with probation officer) until I was invited back by the University to be an honorary captain in a decade or so. Finally, I would film my promo for Sunday Night Football where I would give a shout out to my elementary school.
"pros from Dover"
excellent M*A*S*H reference, OK4P

What can I say? I am a learned man. A dude I work with uses it all the time, "You guys don't need the pros from Dover to handle this POS." Probably could have included in that annoying workplace sayings thread on the OT board.
So what IS the Arnie Becker tally on I count three lawyers/attorneys:

Mesaclone acts like he's been to law skool, but he hasn't.

Did I miss anyone?

Not quite. I too act sometimes like I've been to law skool, but I haven't. My CV includes having sued people, having been sued, working closely for years on contracts and litigation and IP with some super-smart attorneys and a couple stupid ones, and sitting on a jury or two. And shooting the $hit with some attorney friends.

After a delightful evening of outstanding Mexican cuisine and fine tequila and war stories in San Diego last month, one member of our large group, a long-time Bay Area litigator, stood up and said "Gentlemen, I have one piece of advice for you on the American justice system. Avoid it."
DJK will get a deferred judgment and probation whether Alfredo is sitting at the table or someone from the public defender's office, and DJK, or his family, is wasting a lot of money.
DJK will get a deferred judgment and probation whether Alfredo is sitting at the table or someone from the public defender's office, and DJK, or his family, is wasting a lot of money.

You're absolutely correct. If DJK has no prior offenses, he'll be eligible for a deferred judgment and probation, and is likely to get it from the court. Hiring Alfredo Parrish was a waste of his families money.
You're absolutely correct. If DJK has no prior offenses, he'll be eligible for a deferred judgment and probation, and is likely to get it from the court. Hiring Alfredo Parrish was a waste of his families money.

That depends on whether it cost him anything to begin with.
DJK will get a deferred judgment and probation whether Alfredo is sitting at the table or someone from the public defender's office, and DJK, or his family, is wasting a lot of money.

possibly a sign that he might actually need a little more help to get out of this as easy as everyone thinks he's going to get out of it?
Not quite. I too act sometimes like I've been to law skool, but I haven't. My CV includes having sued people, having been sued, working closely for years on contracts and litigation and IP with some super-smart attorneys and a couple stupid ones, and sitting on a jury or two. And shooting the $hit with some attorney friends.

After a delightful evening of outstanding Mexican cuisine and fine tequila and war stories in San Diego last month, one member of our large group, a long-time Bay Area litigator, stood up and said "Gentlemen, I have one piece of advice for you on the American justice system. Avoid it."

That's good advice.

That and "don't go looking for the truth in a court room."

Oh, and one other thing. Money IS justice.
possibly a sign that he might actually need a little more help to get out of this as easy as everyone thinks he's going to get out of it?

No kidding, do people really think his family would just throw money away if it was an open and shut deferred judgment case?

Lets use a little common sense folks
No kidding, do people really think his family would just throw money away if it was an open and shut deferred judgment case?

Lets use a little common sense folks

Put yourself in the shoes of Mr. and Mrs. Koulianos. We know they love Derrell, and they're shocked, upset, disappointed, and scared s***less. Their natural reaction is to do whatever it takes to help, which in their view means getting the best lawyer they can afford. I completely understand and respect that.

They're still throwing money away, strictly speaking, just not intentionally. And if it gives them some comfort that they did everything they could, that's worth something too. I truly feel bad for them.

Now if Parrish finds and parlays some obscure 1872 case law into a successful motion to suppress DJK's whizz quiz and other self-incrimination, I'll eat my words. But the odds are higher that at 8:04am tomorrow, monkeys will fly out of my butt and sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" whilst knitting me a sweater.
I doubt Parrish gets paid. Not unusual for guys like him to take cases like this....tons of free publiciity and advertising.

If he introduces the race card, which is his standard, I will puke.

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