Well-Known Member
I can't tell you right now what day or time it is, honest? I have to Google it or look at the very first post in this thread.
I enjoyed your last three post especially the one on the 7-5 record and playing two pattzies. Maybe three patttzies most years and you take that away and your looking at 4-5 against Legit competition’ and people wonder why some on here are upset? Our offense ranks in the seventies. If KF did this in SEC country he would have been run off long ago and feared for his and his family’s well being. I am not saying I agree with that level of fanaticism but I have equal dislike for apathetic fans who support whatever KF does. I’d rather watch a wildcat formation then watch this boring methodical crap of the last four years. I think about the cartoon show road runner and the coyote that keep keeping smashed and crushed. They should put Iowa colors on him and after he gets smashed with a huge boulder he pulls out a flag that says “Go Kirk!!!”