No more "like" button?

If people can't Like my posts, why should I even bother? It's going to create resentment if people have to sift through what could be hundreds of posts that are nothing but quotes of something I posted and "I like this" comments to get to the important stuff...

The "Like" feature was supposed to be all about saving bandwidth and encouraging lazy posters to contribute it will just create anarchy...and scorn...

Was back before the days of the "Like" button. If people agreed with your post they would reply with "chad", where chad came from I have no idea. Pretty sure Vintage had a hand in it, somehow. JDM got tired of all the chad posts and politely suggested it stop. So someone suggested "ostrich" as the new chad. Well it didn't take long for JDM to disapprove of that reply as well. Then came the "Like" button.

I could be wrong on which came first, Chad or Ostrich. Perhaps someone could help me out there.

Feel free to "Chad" or "Ostrich" this post. :rolleyes:

Thx. I feel enlightened.
What if the "like" button is not only restored but a "don't like" button is added as well? Which button gets used the most?
Jon -

I assume that once you get the "Like" button working again, that you'll then go back through all the threads between now and the time it broke, and manually tally all of the likes that people have given in comments, and credit the posters accordingly? It's really the only fair way to do it.


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