Justin VanLaere
Interesting how this is huge news on the Iowa front, yet it's not even mentioned on any of the North Carolina sites.
Fish, Pond.
Fish, Pond.
From what I read, UNC fans are singularly unimpressed with Adam...quoting one '' Roy would offer 12 or 13 big men before Woodbury''....unquote.
They have offers to 4-5 of the top big men in the country,with Adam as an afterthought,which I hope he keeps in mind when special at Iowa where your family and friends can drive to see you play,or go to the east coast and be one of many with only an occasional game in front of family. Not everyone can afford to move to their sons college town for 4 years to see him play like some.
Not a good sign in my opinion.
There is a decent drop off from the Tarc/McGary group to the Johnson/Allen/Warren group and then a CLIFF drop off to Woodbury. Remember this is a guy who was barely top 100 a few months ago. He's game is pretty rough and he's s-l-o-w on the block.
I don't mean the kid any disrespect, but he's not what I would want from a Tar Heel post player. I hope he ends up at Iowa. The Hawks would love to have him.
FWIW, the NC scout board had a thread that started at 5:55 PM yesterday.
I pulled this gem off their "Lot of new offers...." thread.
Now add Woodbury to that list as well....
Roy's means business apparently.
Could this be interpreted as Roy offering anyone who is over 6'9" and breathing?
you think maybe because he'll be like 65 in five years?nah. I think this means Roy is gripping.
I'm calling it now. He wont be the coach at UNC in 5 years.
Interesting how this is huge news on the Iowa front, yet it's not even mentioned on any of the North Carolina sites.
Fish, Pond.