No Coaches will be Available on Bye

Brian must know something like this could be Kirk's last season. It's the only reason to stick around in 2022 and 2023. Charlie Jones knew it was going to be bad in 2022 and made the correct decision to transfer. Brian should have run away from this mess in 2022 as fast as he could.
Honestly we may not have given the former AD( he who must not be named) enough credit. He too might have seen this coming and didn't want to hang around and be blamed anymore for this dog and pony show. This is all on Kirk. The man had, has, anything he wants, money, power, complete control over his job. He chose to risk all that on hiring his son and then fast-tracking him to the top, ahead of many coaches on his staff who have been there longer and his pick of OC's across the nation. This crap and I mean CRAPPY offense is his responsibility and his alone. I just can't continue to complain about players and a coach who shouldn't be where he is. This is ALL Kirk.
There has to be a prerequisite. Offense for beginners 101 would be way too advanced.
That's kinda like Brian Regan the comedians take on self help books for dummies and idiots. The clerk asked him if he was some kind of idiot when he asked a dumb question and his response was "I wish" because he couldn't understand these books. Brian is at the "I wish" level.
In this day and time, there's one positive and obvious observation about Iowa having a bye week this Saturday.

We won't have to watch the most inept offense in college football and will not have to listen to every national pundit laugh at the worst and most embarrassing offense of all power 5 schools.

Thank you BYE week!
Iowa has a huge talent shortfall on offense - linemen, wr, qb.
That said, no coach is going to come out and say “we have no talent”. They will blame “poor execution”, which is coach speak for “we have no talent”.
I agree the team lacks talent. It's too bad they are based in the state of Iowa and when recruiting out of state either have to get kids with good character and hope they can coach them up or gamble on athletes with character issues.

I wonder if this offense would look like the year they hung 50+ on osu with their top three players playing instead of out for season? I wonder how hard it is to recruit wr's by pointing at ism and telling them if they can actually catch a ball it will get thrown to them.

I'm old enough to remember Hayden telling the press they can compete with the 1's but don't have the depth of the blue bloods. That hasn't and won't change.

it's like you all think the coaches are doing this on purpose. If you really want to help the program out go buy some nil beer so they can buy better players or find some large women with mean streaks to breed with and pop out some better home grown talent.
I can only imagine Brian goes to work and straight home. How can he show up anywhere in public in the state and not get laughed at and ridiculed. He is by far..... not even close....the worst OC in college football.
BF needs to spend 16 hours a day thinking of things he's not already considered.

Start the next game with Labas and 3 wide. Let the opponent see a lot of that early. Around the second quarter CDJ is in the wildcat and runs it. Next play he's lined up like WR. Next play he get's the ball after a double release and hits a wide-open receiver for 6.