No Canzeri thread yet?

Im thinking Damien Sims he was a very quick to the hole, he was basically a home run back seemed like everytime he came in he got a 70 yard td run.

Sims is a great call. I think Canzeri will have more power, but Sims is definitely comparable for his explosiveness and burst to the hole.
Im thinking Damien Sims he was a very quick to the hole, he was basically a home run back seemed like everytime he came in he got a 70 yard td run.

Sims was definitely fast, and Fred Russell was the first to come to mind when I think of fast running backs. Dude was quick as a wink. He couldn't really get the extra tough yard, but if he got a hole, he was gone.

Canzeri seems to have similar speed, and I remember one carry today late in the game, where he simply bounced off a tackle, and BOOM. 10 yards just like that. He would be a nice compliment to a bruiser like Coker.

I'd like to see a dual-threat running game similar to what we had in '02 with Russell & Lewis. The '02 team had it even better, a triple running threat when you added in Banks. But a two-headed running attack would definitely be a luxury, especially when you throw in a good passing attack.

Oh, what I would give for the 2004, or even the 2009, defense to go along with it.
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Fred Russell wasn't that fast, but lightening quick. Canzeri is more of a one cut and gone guy, while fred was a dance around and make people miss guy. Totally different styles. Jordan is much more comparable to Sims, but most like Wegher, but with more speed.

Guess you'll need to explain the difference between "fast" and "quick". I just know that Freddie Russell was anything but slow. :D

Quick is getting to and through the hole quickly. Fast is getting into the open field and not getting caught. Russell could cut on a dime and had incredible feet, but he didn't have a ton of breakaway speed, ala Sims.
Russell could cut on a dime and had incredible feet, but he didn't have a ton of breakaway speed, ala Sims.

Not so sure about that.. I remember seeing some 2002 clips of Russell in '02, and looked pretty fast to me in the open field. But Sims was blazing fast, too. Both had great speed IMO. I'll see if I can dig up a link..

Guess you'll need to explain the difference between "fast" and "quick". I just know that Freddie Russell was anything but slow. :D

Probably meant 'quick' as first initial burst coupled with being able to change direction instantly while 'fast' being overall top speed.
Probably meant 'quick' as first initial burst coupled with being able to change direction instantly while 'fast' being overall top speed.

I'll say one thing about Fred - he was a small guy so probably didn't have the long strides that some guys have so couldn't cover the same ground someone like Terrell Pryor @OSU could, but he was most definitely quick.
Not so sure about that.. I remember seeing some 2002 clips of Russell in '02, and looked pretty fast to me in the open field. But Sims was blazing fast, too. Both had great speed IMO. I'll see if I can dig up a link..

I think you need to go back and watch some film from '02/'03 - Fred is one of my all time fave Hawks, but straight line speed was not his forte. Got caught from behind a LOT.

Fred had great vision to see the zone cut backs, super quick feet, and explosive acceleration...his shortcomings were lack of an extra gear and no power (but give the guy a break...he's what? 5'5"?!? :D)

Guess you'll need to explain the difference between "fast" and "quick". I just know that Freddie Russell was anything but slow. :D

Fred Russell wasn't that fast. you know, there is 100 yard speed, 40 yard speed, and then 5 yard speed. 5 yard speed i'd call a 'quickness' gauge. fast being the longer distance sprint. And Russell wasn't that fast, relatively.
...fred was a dance around and make people miss guy.

I'd have to disagree with that. I don't remember Fred doing much dancing at all. In fact, with the o-line we had in '02 there was so little penetration that he didn't have to make people miss. Freddy did one thing better than any other back to date in the Ferentz era (even better than Mr. Shonn Greene)...stutter stepped in the back field. He had great patience and was a master at letting a play develop before hitting the hole. And once he made his choice he sold out for that hole.

In contrast to a juke-guy, I'd say Fred was the epitome of the one-cut and go back.
I'd have to disagree with that. I don't remember Fred doing much dancing at all. In fact, with the o-line we had in '02 there was so little penetration that he didn't have to make people miss. Freddy did one thing better than any other back to date in the Ferentz era (even better than Mr. Shonn Greene)...stutter stepped in the back field. He had great patience and was a master at letting a play develop before hitting the hole. And once he made his choice he sold out for that hole.

In contrast to a juke-guy, I'd say Fred was the epitome of the one-cut and go back.

You don't remember the '03 season then. Fred may not have danced as much in '02 ... however, he did A LOT of dancing in '03.

However, Fred's biggest assets were his vision and his patience. He did a tremendous job of following/reading his blockers and taking advantage of them. When you have an asset like Gallery ... you're smart to use it. Fred was smart ...
burned redshirt in a blowout ughhh.....

Bullock wasn't getting the job done ... and Canzeri clearly had proven in practice that he would be able to go.

Without question Iowa needs a guy who can provide us with better depth at RB. It's not ideal that he didn't get playing time until the 4th game .... however, as Ferentz made clear ... they are going to do what they need to in order to win.

I think that the players will respond favorably to that. Furthermore, given how Canzeri ran against a D that has a pretty good record against the run ... it speaks very positively of him. The kid just has "it."

Anyhow, given that PSU has one heck of a run-D ... it will be good to be able to flash a change-of-pace guy at them. It was important to get Canzeri the experience sooner rather than later.

Another clear illustration of the coaches making choices to help the team now ... they played Alston too. Given our poor depth at LB ... that was obviously a decision that the coaches would have preferred to not have to make. However, to Alston's credit, he must have proven that he was ready to go. Besides, we're so thin at LB now ... if we get hit by any more injuries there ... we could need one of these young guys to step up as the "next man in."
"Burn a redshirt," please. The B10 season is almost upon us, and we are going to need to go at least 3 RB deep by the end of the year due to injuries etc.
It looks to me that we have 3 guys that bring different things. Coker is a really solid power back. Bullock brings some speed out of the backfield, looks like he can pick up the blitz alright, and can split out as a WR; he brings diversity. Canzeri's speed is a difference maker. I didn't buy him before today; I didn't think his competition in high school warranted the drooling over his film that I saw taking place. I am glad to be proven wrong on him. I think we have three guys that are able to play at a Big Ten level, which is two more than I thought at the start of today.
"Another clear illustration of the coaches making choices to help the team now ... they played Alston too. Given our poor depth at LB ... that was obviously a decision that the coaches would have preferred to not have to make. However, to Alston's credit, he must have proven that he was ready to go. Besides, we're so thin at LB now ... if we get hit by any more injuries there ... we could need one of these young guys to step up as the "next man in."

I noticed Alston getting minutes, also, and hopefully they get him on many special teams as well as situational reps, if possible. I'm curious if he isn't basically taking over Bruce Davis' roles. I really wish they'd been able to space Miller, Alston and Marcus Collins, but they're coaching to win, and it's hard to disagree w/ that line of thinking.

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