Nico Law just said on Twitter....

Here are a few of his tweets on his page still. Jon can remove for content if he so chooses.

*** sex hell no...period sex hell yes!!!
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:48 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
ery gurl is a pornstar at heart
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:22 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
mane gurls like penis in deere mouth despite wut dey say...#stampit
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:39:54 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
9 out of 10 niggas will fck a gurl on dey period nd da otha oddball nigga is gay

More, still on his page..

yung...period sex nd anal sex r both nasty but neccessary
10:30 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim da blood is jus extra lube
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
period sex is da truth...u cant get prgnant...jus lay a towel down nd b content wit urself
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
i will eat da **** out some ***** fck u mean...niggas b bullshittin
10:28 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
u fckn ppl r hilarious...i wud neva let nobody tought my *******...i repeat nobody
10:27 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim....u supposed to get it how u live...anal...oral it all good lol
10:26 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
y r ppl tlkn bout eatin ***...fckn weirdos
10:08 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep

Here is the link

Jeremiah Hendy (da_real_numba9) on Twitter

You see how close all of these are together in time? It seems more like an immature joke that occurred if one or multiple of his friends took his phone. I could be wrong, but always lookin' at the bright side of things.
If he wants out of the scholarship there is a good chance they let him out. I can't imagine a new staff holding a kid who doesn't want to be there.
On the heels of the Everson-Satterfield debacle which were on the heels of PP debacle there is no way he gets consideration. What you say matters and the critics would go ape over this kids apparent attitude towards women and sexual behavior.
Wow. I figured it was just old folks getting uptight about another DJK. That stuff makes DJK look quite tame/intelligent. I mean Derrell might talk about stuff that's completely worthless/meaningless to everyone else, but he doesn't ever come close to crossing the line like that.

It really isn't as shocking as many folks are suggesting though. Go figure that a high-school dude is talking to buddies about his sexual exploits. Surely young men have never done that before?
On the heels of the Everson-Satterfield debacle which were on the heels of PP debacle there is no way he gets consideration. What you say matters and the critics would go ape over this kids apparent attitude towards women and sexual behavior.

I don't know if I agree with this. If someone really wanted to, they could review the social media postings for every member of a recruiting class and probably find "offensive" content on about half of them. Does that mean they don't come to your institution to play sports?

Am I offended by what was posted on Hendy's Twitter account? Absolutely. But do I think it disqualifies him from coming to Iowa? Not necessarily. These young guys post really, really dumb stuff online at times. (Some of us older guys do, too.) Part of maturing is knowing not to do that or at least when to keep such vulgar thoughts private, or better yet, out of your mind totally.
It really isn't as shocking as many folks are suggesting though. Go figure that a high-school dude is talking to buddies about his sexual exploits. Surely young men have never done that before?

Huge difference between talking about it with your buddies and putting stuff like that on Twitter. Huge difference.
Think of KF's current public relations scar tissue. He won't get anywhere near this kid. His comments would be fodder for every KF hater imaginable. Sexual assault trials, drug testing uproar and rhambo riot. KF will pointedly smirk, snort and ask - you serious?
Huge difference between talking about it with your buddies and putting stuff like that on Twitter. Huge difference.

For those of us who didn't grow up in the Twitter, Facebook, My Space age, you're right. For high school kids, talking on social network sites is talking to your buddies. They don't yet realize this stuff is read by a much wider universe and can come back to haunt them.
For those of us who didn't grow up in the Twitter, Facebook, My Space age, you're right. For high school kids, talking on social network sites is talking to your buddies. They don't yet realize this stuff is read by a much wider universe and can come back to haunt them.

Good point. I am 27 and consider myself a "tweener" when it comes to social media. Facebook was just getting started when I was 21-22 and in my latter years of college. I dont get what is going through their minds when they put this crap on Twitter/Facebook/MySpace.
For those of us who didn't grow up in the Twitter, Facebook, My Space age, you're right. For high school kids, talking on social network sites is talking to your buddies. They don't yet realize this stuff is read by a much wider universe and can come back to haunt them.

D'ya think maybe they'll figure it out soon? It's PUBLIC you morons, and it can be saved forever!

["moron" meaning the kids doing this, not y'all]

EDIT: the more i look at it, the more it looks like a hijacked twitter, to be honest
Well, if he was to come to get released and come to Iowa I'm sure that the coaching staff would be fully aware of the character of this kid and I trust the staff completely. It's just scary reading what is said on that account, hacked or not. You would think he would realize that is on there and attempt to account for it, appologize for it, or explain it in some way but he hasn't. That convo, along with some of the other stuff he has said on the account regarding some other friends and some of his visits really leads me to believe that this kids ego is not something that would be beneficial to hawkeye football. But hey I could be wrong.
It really isn't hard. I got no worse than a B+ on any paper in rhetoric, I'm a journalism major whose writing skills are routinely praised both by professors and employers. And I don't text at all like I write. It's quicker to text in shorthand/phonetic style than grammatically correct.

Conceit combined with a social life that makes you a post-aholic.:rolleyes:

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