Nico Law just said on Twitter....

I know its probably a silly question, but speaking of the SEC oversigning, is there an open scholarship for Hendy?
That Jeremiah Hendy might be trying to back out of his LOI to Maryland and come to Iowa.

Something about Maryland firing their DB coach, who is the reason why Hendy wanted to go there in the first place.

Here are his tweets:

Nico Law
Kill RT @4EvaHumble_Lo @realk_patterson they gon fire md db coach afta mike and hendy sign and the db coach was the only reason they signed

Nico Law
**** yes!! $$$$ RT @4EvaHumble_Lo @danicolaw yea son hendy tryna come out wit us now

Nico Law

They did my manz HENDY DIRTY!!

Nico Law

I hope Jeremiah can make that move down iowa

something tells me rhetoric classes at Iowa don't have the same standards or expectations as when I attended. How do you text like that all day, every day, and then suddenly turn it on and speak/write in a language known as English.

tryna = better make pro b/c going to be a little hard pressed to make it in the business world.

It really isn't hard. I got no worse than a B+ on any paper in rhetoric, I'm a journalism major whose writing skills are routinely praised both by professors and employers. And I don't text at all like I write. It's quicker to text in shorthand/phonetic style than grammatically correct.
I know its probably a silly question, but speaking of the SEC oversigning, is there an open scholarship for Hendy?

Iowa should have 5 open scholarships. Now 4 of those would be over the 25 player limit. But Vincent's scholly is still open.
This happens quite a bit. It happened at Iowa too. Ron Aiken left for Arizona after signing day in 2007. They announced it on Wednesday, February 14th. Signing day was February 7th that year.
It is pretty sad that schools know that a coach is going to be moving on and don't let the kids in on this. These coaches are the ones that are out there recruiting the player and the players look up to them. If a kid wants to go to a certain school becuase of a certain coach and that coach leaves a day after signing then the kid should be let out of that letter. I hope KF takes him in if it turns out that way, the kid did nothing wrong and deserves better than what he got. These kids are not getting big raises (at least most of them) like the coaches are that are leaving. Nebraska did this and now Maryland, time for a rule change that let's the recruits know up front if a coach is going to be there or not. I know a lot can happen and sometimes thinbgs happen but to me it's just a bait and switch ploy on these young kids.
Iowa should have 5 open scholarships. Now 4 of those would be over the 25 player limit. But Vincent's scholly is still open.

What are you talking about, the 25 player limit does not apply to the Big Ten. Few people realize that the Big Ten is not even bound by 25 player limit. The Big Ten rule is more restrictive than the NCAA rule, so they don't even abide by the rule.

In the Big Ten you can only sign three over the 85-limit. In other words, if Iowa has only 20 available scholarships they can sign 23 players. In addition, Iowa would have to document to the Big Ten office the measures taken to come under the 85-limit.

As an example, Illinois signed twenty-seven players this year. This mean Illinois has only no more tha 61 players on scholarship (88 minus 27). If Iowa exceeds the 25 NCAA limit, Iowa will still be under the 85-limit.

There is growing momentum in the NCAA to adopt the Big Ten rule. The part of the Big Ten rule that coaches & admistrators hate, is the documentaion of how the school came under the 85-player limit.
The NCAA (in all of its wisdom) might not view choosing a school for a position coach in the same light as choosing a school for the head coach. If Hendy were to appeal, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned him down (they're stupid like that)

What the flock are you talking about. It was the Big Ten's decision in the Brust matter & not the NCAA's.

Just like Coker set Iowa's rushing record in the bowl game. Know your facts.

Your post makes you look stupid!
Just saw a link on this over on TOS. It's a tough situation for the kid. Honestly tho, after reading his twitter page that is posted over on TOS we might have dodged a bullet. Just sayin...check it for urselves
erb - i was going to post same. when he announced md, all the talk was how horrible his twitter account was. now that it appears that he wants to come to iowa, nary a mention of that........
The NCAA (in all of its wisdom) might not view choosing a school for a position coach in the same light as choosing a school for the head coach. If Hendy were to appeal, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned him down (they're stupid like that)

What the flock are you talking about. It was the Big Ten's decision in the Brust matter & not the NCAA's.

Just like Coker set Iowa's rushing record in the bowl game. Know your facts.

Your post makes you look stupid!

Who pi**ed in your Cheerios today? :D

Seriously, it's not like I make mistakes left and right on stuff like this. And I own up to them when I'm wrong. No need to be an a** about it.
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erb - i was going to post same. when he announced md, all the talk was how horrible his twitter account was. now that it appears that he wants to come to iowa, nary a mention of that........

I looked at his twitter because of the posts on TOS and based on that I don`t want him to come to Iowa.

That twitter page was ridiculous.
I looked at his twitter because of the posts on TOS and based on that I don`t want him to come to Iowa.

That twitter page was ridiculous.

link? It's hard to believe you guys don't want him to come to Iowa because of his Twitter account. I have to see this Twitter to believe it.
link? It's hard to believe you guys don't want him to come to Iowa because of his Twitter account. I have to see this Twitter to believe it.

go to, recruiting page and you'll find a thread discussing player.

it is very hard to understand, with the internet and social media these days, and the public nature of it all, that people aren't smart enough to understand that what they write is a reflection of themselves - it's not like they can hide behind a false screen is gross, sexual discussion on his twitter account.
Here are a few of his tweets on his page still. Jon can remove for content if he so chooses.

*** sex hell no...period sex hell yes!!!
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:48 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
ery gurl is a pornstar at heart
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:22 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
mane gurls like penis in deere mouth despite wut dey say...#stampit
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:39:54 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
9 out of 10 niggas will fck a gurl on dey period nd da otha oddball nigga is gay

More, still on his page..

yung...period sex nd anal sex r both nasty but neccessary
10:30 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim da blood is jus extra lube
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
period sex is da truth...u cant get prgnant...jus lay a towel down nd b content wit urself
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
i will eat da **** out some ***** fck u mean...niggas b bullshittin
10:28 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
u fckn ppl r hilarious...i wud neva let nobody tought my *******...i repeat nobody
10:27 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim....u supposed to get it how u live...anal...oral it all good lol
10:26 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
y r ppl tlkn bout eatin ***...fckn weirdos
10:08 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep

Here is the link
Wow. I figured it was just old folks getting uptight about another DJK. That stuff makes DJK look quite tame/intelligent. I mean Derrell might talk about stuff that's completely worthless/meaningless to everyone else, but he doesn't ever come close to crossing the line like that.
I love me some DeNico Law the kids been working hard doing like recruiting on his own and stuff trying to help out the Hawkeyes. I'm thinking the kid is a clear leader and hope he turns into star. I listened to his radio show and one of the callers asked him if he was going to continue to do the show after he started playing at Iowa. He was like I oh yeah I'll definately continue doing this. Another caller mentioned that KF isn't a big fan of twitter and stuff like this(blogtalkradio) he was like I'll have to run it past him, but it'll be all good I'll smooth it over. I'm all about reprensenting people in a positive manner. I love the kids attitude and his niaveness, I didn't have the heart to call in and tell him that there is absolutely no chance in h*ll that KF will let him to continue to do this once he gets to Iowa City. But he seems to be rallying other recruits to Iowa together and even trying to help recruiting others. I think that's some solid signs of a future leader. But I got a big kick out him thinking he was going to do this in IC. Can you imagine if DJK or Matt Roth or someone had his own internet radio show where fans could call in with absolutely no filter? They'd probably have like 20,000 listeners.
Here are a few of his tweets on his page still. Jon can remove for content if he so chooses.

*** sex hell no...period sex hell yes!!!
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:48 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
ery gurl is a pornstar at heart
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:40:22 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
mane gurls like penis in deere mouth despite wut dey say...#stampit
Wed Jan 19 2011 22:39:54 (Central Standard Time) via HTC Peep
9 out of 10 niggas will fck a gurl on dey period nd da otha oddball nigga is gay

More, still on his page..

yung...period sex nd anal sex r both nasty but neccessary
10:30 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim da blood is jus extra lube
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
period sex is da truth...u cant get prgnant...jus lay a towel down nd b content wit urself
10:29 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
i will eat da **** out some ***** fck u mean...niggas b bullshittin
10:28 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
u fckn ppl r hilarious...i wud neva let nobody tought my *******...i repeat nobody
10:27 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
slim....u supposed to get it how u live...anal...oral it all good lol
10:26 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep
y r ppl tlkn bout eatin ***...fckn weirdos
10:08 PM Jan 19th via HTC Peep

Here is the link

Jeremiah Hendy (da_real_numba9) on Twitter

I love me some DeNico Law the kids been working hard doing like recruiting on his own and stuff trying to help out the Hawkeyes. I'm thinking the kid is a clear leader and hope he turns into star. I listened to his radio show and one of the callers asked him if he was going to continue to do the show after he started playing at Iowa. He was like I oh yeah I'll definately continue doing this. Another caller mentioned that KF isn't a big fan of twitter and stuff like this(blogtalkradio) he was like I'll have to run it past him, but it'll be all good I'll smooth it over. I'm all about reprensenting people in a positive manner. I love the kids attitude and his niaveness, I didn't have the heart to call in and tell him that there is absolutely no chance in h*ll that KF will let him to continue to do this once he gets to Iowa City. But he seems to be rallying other recruits to Iowa together and even trying to help recruiting others. I think that's some solid signs of a future leader. But I got a big kick out him thinking he was going to do this in IC. Can you imagine if DJK or Matt Roth or someone had his own internet radio show where fans could call in with absolutely no filter? They'd probably have like 20,000 listeners.

The radio show, no way does that keep going. But I wouldn't be surprised if Twitter is allowed. The only reason it was banned was because they were keeping a muzzle on DJK, and they (at least seemed) didn't want to single him out. The stuff that most of the guys already on the team post isn't that bad. Sash was never anything immature/poor-reflecting, Prater was alright. If they keep it reasonable, I don't see why they can't have that stuff at their disposal.
I love me some DeNico Law the kids been working hard doing like recruiting on his own and stuff trying to help out the Hawkeyes. I'm thinking the kid is a clear leader and hope he turns into star. I listened to his radio show and one of the callers asked him if he was going to continue to do the show after he started playing at Iowa. He was like I oh yeah I'll definately continue doing this. Another caller mentioned that KF isn't a big fan of twitter and stuff like this(blogtalkradio) he was like I'll have to run it past him, but it'll be all good I'll smooth it over. I'm all about reprensenting people in a positive manner. I love the kids attitude and his niaveness, I didn't have the heart to call in and tell him that there is absolutely no chance in h*ll that KF will let him to continue to do this once he gets to Iowa City. But he seems to be rallying other recruits to Iowa together and even trying to help recruiting others. I think that's some solid signs of a future leader. But I got a big kick out him thinking he was going to do this in IC. Can you imagine if DJK or Matt Roth or someone had his own internet radio show where fans could call in with absolutely no filter? They'd probably have like 20,000 listeners.

As mentioned the other night, It was sure cool to hear first hand the Law's and Lomax and Cooper's genuine enthusiasm for signing with Iowa. They were pumped. Law does sound like a leader and definitely is outgoing. I think he will be good for the comradery of the East coast contingent on the team. It was like a mini press conference with an open mike to the players and their actual thoughts with no coaches looking on.

It would be nice to have something like that, but it would most definitely get the guys and the program in a ton of hot water, as you can just imagine how easily it would be to back them into a corner where they would for sure say something wrong. I hope Law understands all the reasons why he will be curtailed on his radioblog. (at least I would guess that he would be)

As for the tweets of Hendy, while I feel sorry for his plight, I'd sure be afraid to give the guy a 100k scholly, talent or not. (Now I know how to answer Caarhawk's recruiting poll)

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