Nice Kirk Story

When will our fans get it...Kirk is a class act. end of story

Just so it's clear, as ****** off as many IA fans were after the ISU debacle, I recall very, very few people calling for KF's head. People get extremely frustrated w/ his conservative nature and clock management, but I've seen very, very few people ever question KF's character or integrity. If they weren't calling for his head after the ISU game, people obviously "get it." KF is not a perfect coach, but he's an incredible person that has the respect of all but the most cynical and negative of Hawkeyes, and most fans don't fall into that cynical and negative group. Don't let a vocal minority cloud your judgment.
No offense to you but Keokuk is a dump! Sorry for bringing that out of left field. I went there to see a Willie Elliot Whitmore concert under the bridge on the Mississippi. I did enjoy going to Lumpy's for a beer! Nice guy
None taken Wild Turkey. Keokuk a time ago was a great town to live in. Then they stated letting this Whitmore guy come play in town and all of these ****** bags started coming to listen and alot of them decided to stay. It's never been the same.
I hope you are right Seattle. I really think he should be our guy for a long long time if you look at the entire package. Upseting to me when people bag on him. Hopefully the people that make that decision see it the same way.
That truly is an incredible story. but...

I dont think think anyone who complains about Kirks clock management or conservativeness argues that kirk isnt a class act/great guy. There are plenty of good guys out there but that doesnt mean they should be coaching Big 10 football just sayin'

(For the record I am happy that kirk is here to stay but i wanted to point that out)
No offense to you but Keokuk is a dump! Sorry for bringing that out of left field. I went there to see a Willie Elliot Whitmore concert under the bridge on the Mississippi. I did enjoy going to Lumpy's for a beer! Nice guy
None taken Wild Turkey. Keokuk a time ago was a great town to live in. Then they stated letting this Whitmore guy come play in town and all of these ****** bags started coming to listen and alot of them decided to stay. It's never been the same.
Pretty sure nobody decided to stay. Just sayin
No offense to you but Keokuk is a dump! Sorry for bringing that out of left field. I went there to see a Willie Elliot Whitmore concert under the bridge on the Mississippi. I did enjoy going to Lumpy's for a beer! Nice guy

Did you really even need to respond with this? Next time write it down on a piece of paper and don't send it. You'll feel better and not make yer self out to be such a dingbat.
I for one am pro-Wild Turkey here. It adds to the story, knowing that Kirk was altruistic enough to lift this poor woman out of the squalor of Keokuk (North Missouri), if only for a single afternoon. Makes him an even better guy in my opinion.
None taken Wild Turkey. Keokuk a time ago was a great town to live in. Then they stated letting this Whitmore guy come play in town and all of these ****** bags started coming to listen and alot of them decided to stay. It's never been the same.

Extremely well played, gert. :)
I'm sure it is a legit story. You write him a letter and you will get one returned, hand written, and and signed. special needs person or not. Guaranteed. Every time. don't believe me? try it.

the guy is amazing, a gem for iowa.

This is true. I've known Lord Ferentz since 1985. We've stayed in touch over the years as has by dadgum brother. I wrote him after an event in my life and no more than a week later did I have a hand written letter back from him. I absolutely appreciates the fans, his career, family and bein' a Hawkeye. A true Gentleman.
This is true. I've known Lord Ferentz since 1985. We've stayed in touch over the years as has by dadgum brother. I wrote him after an event in my life and no more than a week later did I have a hand written letter back from him. I absolutely appreciates the fans, his career, family and bein' a Hawkeye. A true Gentleman.

Tex, you remind me of someone.

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