Next year we should have Three 1000 point scorers on the team.


Well-Known Member
Roy Devyn Marble 1004
Aaron White 811
Melsahn Basabe 848 Currently

With out injurys this sould happen! When is the last time this has happend?
Let's be even crazier! It could happen this year if they win the Big Ten Tournament on the way to the NCAA Championship. That would be 10 games... White would have to avg 19 and Basabe 15. IT IS ON!!
And that's just the ones that will have 1000 next year. Look back when the players on next year's roster are all done playing and see how many 1000 point scorers there actually were. I bet Gesell, Woodbury and Jok all get there eventually...could be a couple more but time will tell.
Can any of them catch a football?:cool:

Eric May. I have thought about him playing TE as a 5th year senior for years. Can you imagine him running across the middle for pass? Throw it up high enough where only he can catch it. That would be automatic.
Roy Devyn Marble 1004
Aaron White 811
Melsahn Basabe 848 Currently

With out injurys this sould happen! When is the last time this has happend?

Last time this happened? Without looking it up, I'm going to say maybe 2005-06 (Horner, Brunner, Haluska) although am not sure Haluska had 1000 yet that year? I'm sure he got there is senior year, but Horner & Brunner were gone by then.

Otherwise, I'm not sure. 2002 maybe with Recker & Evans, but am not sure if there was a 3rd 1000 point guy on the team. And yeah, some of Recker's points came with Indiana.

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