Next Head Coach at Iowa.

If Nebraska decides to let Frost go after another season or two, I think it is well worth the buyout cost of Kirk's contract and the salary commitment to Frost to elevate the Iowa program to the next level.
Iowa is not Ohio State. The talent that Ohio State gets just won't happen at Iowa, I wish it would. But you missed my point, to compete in the B1G you need someone who understands that it is the offensive and defensive lines that determine success in a cold weather conference, competing against like teams. Nebraska can have top 10 recruiting classes from here until the end of time, but if they are all skill players, it does not matter. Coaches that have played and coached for Fry, Ferentz, Alvarez, Bielema, Chyrst get it. The Rich Rods/Frosts and any other skippy offense of the month club coach will not. Frost should know better having played for Nebraska teams that used to be physical, but I think he may have convinced himself that is was his offensive genius that got it done in Florida. It won't work in the Big 10.
Now you have put a finger on a major problem at Iowa. Recruiting 4 and 5 star players to a program such as Iowa should not be as difficult as many believe it to be. I think we have conditioned our mindset to say that Iowa simply cannot get these players. Look what Our coaching staff has done with walk-ons and 3 star recruits. That in and of itself should be enough to lure 4 and 5 star athletes to Iowa. I believe the right recruiters could attract higher sought after talent. The problem as I see it is that our current staff goes into each recruiting season defeated from the word go. They feel that approaching such talent is a waste of time because they will choose a big name school. Defeat on the recruiting trail translates to defeat on the gridiron. How many times do we have to hear that Kirk does more with walk-ons and 3 star players than many schools do with 4 and 5 star talent. Even Paterno said he voted for the Iowa coaches for "coach of the year in the Big 10" simply for this reason. Imagine what we could accomplish if our recruiters actually sold 4 and 5 star athletes (ie:Epeneza) on The University of Iowa. Suddenly we could find ourselves as dominant as the current Big 10 powerhouses. There should never be a season where Iowa is not at least a co-favorite to win the West division. If Frost or any other coach could bring that Mindset to the Iowa Culture, I believe being a dominant force each week could be realized.
I wouldn't hold your breath. Unless something major happens, expect Kirk to be coaching at least another 5 seasons.

Just for the sake of conversation, I will throw a name out there that very well could pop up around that time - David Raih, a former Iowa QB and assistant, who is now with the Packers.
Not hiring BF or another internal candidate means there will be a complete turnover of the current staff. There's always a possibility that a coupe are asked to stay but IA is not big into the whole change thing. Best Case for Brian is that Kirk stays on for a few more years, then turns the reigns over.

I could be wrong, but isn't this what Bill Snyder is trying to do with his son? Seems to me it's falling through, though.
The time of Kirk as Head coach is nearing an end. Everyone presumes Brian to be the heir-apparent. I believe the choice for the new head man takes us a few hundred miles West of Iowa City. Scott Frost is a great coach. He is not a good fit for The Huskers. The more losses that accrue in Lincoln will only exacerbate the frustrations of The University and the Nebby fans. Nebraska will not put up with 3 losing seasons. For some reason, it seems as though the Nebraska Players are not buying in to the program of Scott Frost. Iowa fans have clamored for change in style for years and while people hope that BF could open things up if he is allowed to step out from under the shadow of Dad, do we really want to commit to that uncertainty? If Nebraska decides to let Frost go after another season or two, I think it is well worth the buyout cost of Kirk's contract and the salary commitment to Frost to elevate the Iowa program to the next level.

Another coaching thread. Great.
Kirk will stay longer than anyone thinks, if Brian can demonstrate at some point (with a proper internship) that he is qualified for an OC position, then Brian is a lock to be HC. (as long as a string of no worse than 6-6, 7-5 doesn't develop). Then one has to take into account the ages of any of the Kirk grandsons, to calculate how long Kirk will stay on so that the proper "new/new head coach" can get the proper experience. (of course fair interviews for all applicants will be important) before any selections are made.

Kirk, above all things, is a deliberate planner and he is allowed to do it as he sees fit. (other than laws of "fairness" for hiring at a public institution) :)
Under no circumstances do I want Brian as the next coach, and I don’t understand why anyone would. If his name weren’t Ferentz he wouldn’t even be in the conversation. It makes no sense to want to hand him the reins just because he is Kirk’s son. There have been many examples of a son succeeding his father as usually doesn’t work out well. Maybe if Brian shows some success as a head coach elsewhere...then maybe.

But....if Barta is still AD when Kirk retires, then it is a foregone conclusion Brian will take over.

No guts, no glory.
How about Craig Bohl? He was the head coach of the Bizon before heading to Wyoming. I’ve always thought he was the guy who did the heavy lifting at NDSU and got them to the routine national championship level. He’s older though as well, plus is a Nebraska alum and letterman. Hell, he even coached at Nebby during the late Osborne & Solich years.

Overall, more importantly to me is a new AD first. After Barta is out, then a new head coach. I think Iowa has the stroke now to get a pretty damned good coach. I also like the idea of new blood, an up & comer who is hungry and innovative. Time to shake things up in Iowa City.

But, I’m afraid we have 30 more years of Ferentz & Co. being on the head coaches office
How about Craig Bohl? He was the head coach of the Bizon before heading to Wyoming. I’ve always thought he was the guy who did the heavy lifting at NDSU and got them to the routine national championship level. He’s older though as well, plus is a Nebraska alum and letterman. Hell, he even coached at Nebby during the late Osborne & Solich years.

Overall, more importantly to me is a new AD first. After Barta is out, then a new head coach. I think Iowa has the stroke now to get a pretty damned good coach. I also like the idea of new blood, an up & comer who is hungry and innovative. Time to shake things up in Iowa City.

But, I’m afraid we have 30 more years 5of Ferentz & Co. being on the head coaches office.
Another coaching thread. Great.

Another coaching thread. Great.
Another coaching thread. Great.
Another coaching thread. Great.
By-Week fallout? Anyway ptc Running backs..AJ 2 sacks.. Go Very Tough Hawk Players...
I don't dislike him at all. For sure he's been through a lot in life.

What won't fit Iowa is this...not directly, but there is a general direction to it. KF survives because we is so....Iowa. An image of clean and conservative. Just won't fly here compared to KF and HF. When I see Fleck running out on the field it reminds me of Bob Commings and Iowa teams running out. BC was for sure pumped. Then again I can't stand seeing football players holding hands.

Some fans may think they want it, but it would be a better fit for ISU, not Iowa or most any other Big program. Fans are used to Hawk coaches not seeking attention. Just don't think it would work.


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His kids are probably well fed
Now you have put a finger on a major problem at Iowa. Recruiting 4 and 5 star players to a program such as Iowa should not be as difficult as many believe it to be. I think we have conditioned our mindset to say that Iowa simply cannot get these players. Look what Our coaching staff has done with walk-ons and 3 star recruits. That in and of itself should be enough to lure 4 and 5 star athletes to Iowa. I believe the right recruiters could attract higher sought after talent. The problem as I see it is that our current staff goes into each recruiting season defeated from the word go. They feel that approaching such talent is a waste of time because they will choose a big name school. Defeat on the recruiting trail translates to defeat on the gridiron. How many times do we have to hear that Kirk does more with walk-ons and 3 star players than many schools do with 4 and 5 star talent. Even Paterno said he voted for the Iowa coaches for "coach of the year in the Big 10" simply for this reason. Imagine what we could accomplish if our recruiters actually sold 4 and 5 star athletes (ie:Epeneza) on The University of Iowa. Suddenly we could find ourselves as dominant as the current Big 10 powerhouses. There should never be a season where Iowa is not at least a co-favorite to win the West division. If Frost or any other coach could bring that Mindset to the Iowa Culture, I believe being a dominant force each week could be realized.
Some, not all, 4 and 5 star athletes bring a certain sense of entitlement with them, fueled by everyone around them growing up. Ferentz will not put up with sense of entitlement, which is a small part of why Benjamin de-comitted. They don't think they have to fight their way up the depth chart, they expect to be anointed immediate starters. Look at the Bell kid from Nebraska. Instead of digging in and fighting to regain his spot, he immediately up and transfers.

It's not just the players either. How honest are the coaches being when they recruit these athletes. You can't tell five running backs they're going to play a lot when there's only room for two at the most. Thats trouble brewing if there ever was. These kids are surrounding themselves with entourages telling them they're going to be the next Todd Gurley. Few can. Most fail.

Getting knocked down and dealing with adversity is a part of life. Those who constantly run from it are only hurting themselves in the end. And I actually feel a little sorry for them. There's the old saying "Tough times don't last, tough people do." Many two and three star athletes represent that in spades which is why so many of them have done well at Iowa and in the NFL.
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Some very valid points.Still each day college sports Huuge business.That is on both sides of table. But Hawks win today... Hawk Players mighty tough as usual..
You have to take one of the following, whom do you choose?
  • Scott Frost
  • Jeff Brohm
  • Matt Campbell
  • PJ Fleck
I think I rate them: Brohm/Campbell 1A/1B, Frost #3, Fleck #4.

Ignoring the regional up-and-comers, I think Phil Parker gets a much deserved 5 year run once KF hangs it up.

Campbell. In a heartbeat.

I really like David Shaw from Stanford, but he'd never leave there to come here.
Come on my dudes. If you think this ends any other way besides another decade of the Fetentz dynasty, you haven't been paying attention.

Brian will be the next coach. Kirk won't leave until it is so. Next time Iowa wins 10, expect a transiton where Brian is promoted to associate hc.
Come on my dudes. If you think this ends any other way besides another decade of the Fetentz dynasty, you haven't been paying attention.

Brian will be the next coach. Kirk won't leave until it is so. Next time Iowa wins 10, expect a transiton where Brian is promoted to associate hc.
If nothing else that would give daddy another reason for motivation, besides another impending extension, to win 10.

The jury is still out, given the pattern that exists, of what would happen from there.

Kirk could retire to a career of bluegrass music. He's definitely been playing Barta like a fiddle.
Come on my dudes. If you think this ends any other way besides another decade of the Fetentz dynasty, you haven't been paying attention.

Brian will be the next coach. Kirk won't leave until it is so. Next time Iowa wins 10, expect a transiton where Brian is promoted to associate hc.
Come on my dudes. If you think this ends any other way besides another decade of the Fetentz dynasty, you haven't been paying attention.

Brian will be the next coach. Kirk won't leave until it is so. Next time Iowa wins 10, expect a transiton where Brian is promoted to associate hc.
Been saying that for longest time.But NOW 9 wins and CAP sails... 9 wins and bf new hc.We shall see.Should enjoy tough win by players. Many positives yes! As always Players tough.Ism very good interview. Plus soon breaks punt return. Almost yesterday.Will enjoy win.Also Glad to see Jones moves forward. 2 tough guys who do not quit.Hawks tough!

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