Next Head Coach at Iowa.


Well-Known Member
The time of Kirk as Head coach is nearing an end. Everyone presumes Brian to be the heir-apparent. I believe the choice for the new head man takes us a few hundred miles West of Iowa City. Scott Frost is a great coach. He is not a good fit for The Huskers. The more losses that accrue in Lincoln will only exacerbate the frustrations of The University and the Nebby fans. Nebraska will not put up with 3 losing seasons. For some reason, it seems as though the Nebraska Players are not buying in to the program of Scott Frost. Iowa fans have clamored for change in style for years and while people hope that BF could open things up if he is allowed to step out from under the shadow of Dad, do we really want to commit to that uncertainty? If Nebraska decides to let Frost go after another season or two, I think it is well worth the buyout cost of Kirk's contract and the salary commitment to Frost to elevate the Iowa program to the next level.
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You have to take one of the following, whom do you choose?
  • Scott Frost
  • Jeff Brohm
  • Matt Campbell
  • PJ Fleck
I think I rate them: Brohm/Campbell 1A/1B, Frost #3, Fleck #4.

Ignoring the regional up-and-comers, I think Phil Parker gets a much deserved 5 year run once KF hangs it up.
You have to take one of the following, whom do you choose?
  • Scott Frost
  • Jeff Brohm
  • Matt Campbell
  • PJ Fleck
I think I rate them: Brohm/Campbell 1A/1B, Frost #3, Fleck #4.

Ignoring the regional up-and-comers, I think Phil Parker gets a much deserved 5 year run once KF hangs it up.
I'd have to go with Jeff Brohm.
Really? I think he would be an interesting candidate, just curious if you are serious or not.
Yes I am quite serious. I don't see Iowa getting anything close to whatever elite candidates there are when that time comes, that is if Brian is not the heir apparent. He's the first one who comes to mind. Iowa native, a proven winner @ NDSU.
Yes I am quite serious. I don't see Iowa getting anything close to whatever elite candidates there are when that time comes, that is if Brian is not the heir apparent. He's the first one who comes to mind. Iowa native, a proven winner @ NDSU.

I mentioned him as a candidate (in a hypothetical vs. Brian) after Iowa lost to NDSU in 2016. Many brought up the point that even very successful coaches jumping a level have a spotty track record. He is also not a spring chicken anymore. He certainly might be successful.

I do think Iowa can compete for the elite candidates in the future. Perhaps not for the Sabans/Swinneys/Fishers of the world, but at least for the elite up-and-comer. I think Iowa's track record of stability and high-end compensation, combined with the pub Kinnick has been getting for atmosphere, will be very attractive.
I mentioned him as a candidate (in a hypothetical vs. Brian) after Iowa lost to NDSU in 2016. Many brought up the point that even very successful coaches jumping a level have a spotty track record. He is also not a spring chicken anymore. He certainly might be successful.

I do think Iowa can compete for the elite candidates in the future. Perhaps not for the Sabans/Swinneys/Fishers of the world, but at least for the elite up-and-comer. I think Iowa's track record of stability and high-end compensation, combined with the pub Kinnick has been getting for atmosphere, will be very attractive.
I forgot how old he is (51). Someone a bit younger and a successful OC or DC at the FBS level or a hidden gem @ a G5 or even FCS school. I agree that with our bankroll we should be able to attract a good share of interest from a fair number of coaches. The potential stability we'd offer has got to be a selling point. Two HC's each with 20 year tenures. I just want a new AD before any of this happens though.
I'm warming up more and more to the idea of not hiring a destination coach, football or basketball. I'd love to have a hot up and comer even if he uses us as a stepping stone and is somewhere else in five years. That may be the only way we stay relevant. But there's as good a chance of Barta making that kind of hire as there is of Rush Limbaugh voting for a Democrat.
You guys think Barta will be creative enough to find an up and comer? No way. Barta goes the easy route, drops a 5.5 mil a year contract into BFs lap with a huge buyout.
I don't think that way. Read the last sentence of my post. What scares me is that Barta has never had to hire a football coach at Iowa. He couldn't hire Satan to run Hades.

I do want to amend my post slightly however. I wasn't implying that Kirk hasn't kept us relevant, other than not being able to beat Wisconsin and not showing up for several bowl games in this decade. I'm concerned about the next fooball coach. He won't be the caliber of Kirk, there's a good chance of that.
Kleiman given his age I would guess is where he wants to be. NDSU and Fargo are special places. One of the places where you walk in and notice how nice people are. Its almost like a good cult. He's a hero there. He coaches indoor. He gets to smack a few bigger schools. His kids seem young. He's moved around a lot. Most people really dont change lifestyle much from 250 k up. The wife doesnt strike me as a limelight person.

His teams aren't showy. It wouldnt be a slam dunk to have success elsewhere.
The time of Kirk as Head coach is nearing an end. Everyone presumes Brian to be the heir-apparent. I believe the choice for the new head man takes us a few hundred miles West of Iowa City. Scott Frost is a great coach. He is not a good fit for The Huskers. The more losses that accrue in Lincoln will only exacerbate the frustrations of The University and the Nebby fans. Nebraska will not put up with 3 losing seasons. For some reason, it seems as though the Nebraska Players are not buying in to the program of Scott Frost. Iowa fans have clamored for change in style for years and while people hope that BF could open things up if he is allowed to step out from under the shadow of Dad, do we really want to commit to that uncertainty? If Nebraska decides to let Frost go after another season or two, I think it is well worth the buyout cost of Kirk's contract and the salary commitment to Frost to elevate the Iowa program to the next level.

LMAO! You can’t be serious.. No way in the world would Frost be HC at Iowa. Most absurd thing I’ve read.. Coaches who lose to Troy aren’t taking Iowa to the next level.
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all i will say is that the next hc at iowa will need to be certain to provide more emphasis to producing points on offense and less on clock management. 2015 showed us that even a 12-0 iowa won't get national respect because we simply do not score points. offense wins games, defense wins championships.

if you feel that is BF, good for you. I don't. I'd rather have phil parker or KOK as hc then bf and by a long shot.
Name is irrelevant to me...a creative coach who absolutely LOVES to recruit, and who is able to win some games while coaching during a game.

A type of coach similar to the Rams new coach. Creative, inspires the QB to be great, risk taker, lets the defensive folks coach while he runs the offense. Willing to risk a loss by going for a win.

Trusts other people, his staff, his players. We have had enough of myopic coaching.

Must be hundreds of these young, creative types out there waiting for a chance.
We need an Iowa guy, or at least a coach that understands, as did Fry and also Ferentz that success in the B1G is built around offensive and defensive lines> These flavor of the month coaches like Frosty and Fleck are jokes and won't be around long. Frost's system might work in Florida, but not here.
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I think, if BF could be a good coach.
He has a long way to go. I'm talking a good run.
Like owning the b10 west for a run of 3 years.
With 1 or 2 b10 championship wins.
Otherwise I say we go the route of taking a bottom feeder P5 teams coach. One with some success.
Brohm, Campbell are both that.
I like that PJ is learning. He is acting different, at least on camera. He is winning a little, but he has a ways to go. (2-3 years more will probably do him good). Frost. Absolutely not. He doesn't fit here and has a pretty iffy resume. He should have and probably would have ended up at a bottom feeder p5 program for 5 years first, hadn't he been Nebraska's golden boy. I don't care how many talking heads said he was a hot commodity.
The opinions of media carry very little weight with me.