New Software


Well-Known Member
I like the cleaner look of the site now. I also like the way the user needs to click on a specific forum to view it's threads, *** opposed to the generic 'recent threads' page of old. The new software is a major improvement, imho.
generic 'recent threads' page of old ruled. Fortunately, you can get to a similar, harder-to-read version by clicking "Forum" > "New Posts".
The Waaaahmbulance is standing by for you, HawkForce and DwayneTwill. :p ;)
I really like the improved image attachment options. It looks like you can now attach images from a local drive, instead of having to use a URL only. I believe that images are auto-compressed to a standard (smaller) size, as well.
These are excellent upgrades, JD.
I really like the improved image attachment options. It looks like you can now attach images from a local drive, instead of having to use a URL only. I believe that images are auto-compressed to a standard (smaller) size, as well.
These are excellent upgrades, JD.

That's pretty nice.
Give it some time..I am getting used to it as well. It's just human nature to not warmly receive any kind of change, especially with a place like this where you spend regular time. (just noticed an auto save feature as I was typing this). Because we are so used to getting to where we want to go the way we have learned to do it as a second nature. But there are a lot of upgrades with this software and some good things under the hood.

I think we had to actually install it before we knew everything that was in it :p
Give it some time..I am getting used to it as well. It's just human nature to not warmly receive any kind of change, especially with a place like this where you spend regular time. (just noticed an auto save feature as I was typing this). Because we are so used to getting to where we want to go the way we have learned to do it as a second nature. But there are a lot of upgrades with this software and some good things under the hood.

I think we had to actually install it before we knew everything that was in it :p

Take it over to the Cave, pal.
I'm on the fence right now about the smileys in the new software. I miss the green "big grin" face. The new ones are all the same color, and they're smaller. I'm sure I'll be used to them by tomorrow, but it makes me sad that we'll never see our old smiley friends ever again. :(
It appears that JD is messing around with the color scheme now.
I like Black thread title font better than Gold, JD.
I'm on the fence right now about the smileys in the new software. I miss the green "big grin" face. The new ones are all the same color, and they're smaller. I'm sure I'll be used to them by tomorrow, but it makes me sad that we'll never see our old smiley friends ever again. :(

After reviewing the smileys, I have to agree. They are kind of...weird...:confused:
I feel kind of lost right now but I'll get used to it. The smileys are a bummer...and they are kind of pixely in my phone.

Otherwise not too bad
best feature is having better mobile functionality

Wait, you mean the world has ended without the app? ;)

I really think that in a few years, apps are going to fall out of favor. Sites are going to be designed to adjust their look and display to the device the user has or the size of screen available.

Check out this link: The Boston Globe

Then if you are viewing it on a computer browser, make the browser smaller and watch what happens to the page...its called responsive design. The need for apps is probably going to drop because of this.