
We are excited to announce a new addition to our message board forums, called 'HN Extra'.

We appreciate each and every one of you who visits our site, reads our articles and spends time in our forums. We also realize the forums aren't for everyone, and for some folks, you'd like to take part in the forums but there are reasons you choose to not be active.

Based on feedback through the past eight years we have been a free sight, the biggest concern forum users express to us is a lack of civility at times and at other times, outright trolling.

While our forums are too large to go through every post, we feel our new membership forum called 'HN Extra' will be a fun, enjoyable and informative place for Iowa fans who want the inside scoop, who want to have adult level discussions and debates and be free from trolls.

Here are a few of the highlights that will also serve as a list of (what we feel are) benefits to this forum:

TROLL FREE: Trolls typically don't pay money to access premium forums. If someone were to do that, we will gladly keep their payment and then promptly ban them without reentry or refund.

TROLL FREE: Yeah, this deserves another bullet point. Our hope is the level of conversation and back and forth in this forum will be something you enjoy, like the good old days. Does this mean we can't have debates, or even spirited debates? Not at all. In fact, I enjoy such exchanges. It does mean this forum will be a place where we can agree to disagree without things devolving into a flame war or insult fests.

NEWS & NUGGETS: One of the reasons Rob and I have been pushing for a premium forum is because we want to have a place to post some news items, nuggets, etc, that we don't necessarily want all eyes to see....that may seem like an odd proposition to you, but we've both been at this for nearly 20 years. We have developed great relationships in Iowa City...we know a lot of 'insiders' and there are often times when we have a tip, nugget, whatever you want to call it, that we are not comfortable disseminating generally, but we will post such items in here.

BREAKING NEWS: In this day and age of twitter, it's next to impossible to 'monetize' breaking news. That said, when we hear and confirm breaking news items, we will likely post them here first before disseminating them generally via our other forums and social media channels. Most stories that wind up panning out will typically have their 'unveiling' in a premium forum.

RUMORS: Neither Rob nor I are big on rumors...but there are times when some rumors are more credible than others. Rob and I will feel comfortable posting things here behind the paywall, as the folks who are likely to subscribe to a premium forum are also mature enough to handle what is posted responsibly.

Most people who pay for access like this tend to value what they receive and are less likely to share it with the world. We can't demand that you keep what you see and read here entirely confidential...we'd like that of course, but we are not naive and we realize that some folks will struggle with that.

I will be hanging out in the HN Extra forum quite a bit...which might be a detracting point for some of you ;) But like many of you, I tire of the nature of trolls, and it takes all the joy out of the message board experience for I am no different than you. And yes, while we could have had a stronger hand in moderating the free boards, at some point in time, you'd like to think you don't have to babysit grown men and women...and the number of trolls is less than the number of people who want to have genuine discussions. That said, we won't abandon the free boards...and we still encourage you in helping us policing these boards and kicking trolls to the curb.

So thanks again for stopping by, thanks again for supporting this website and Rob and I look forward to engaging you in some high level Hawkeye discussions.

Also does this mean the clown trolls will be sneaking into the mother's purse for a credit card? :D
I don't really get why trolls bother people so much. They are a part of the message board community. You can ignore them if they bother you or just learn to filter through the trash. I'm kinda disappointed by this revelation. Only because I always thought the plan for this site was for it to remain free, and now it seems as if all of the best information is going to be locked behind a paywall. To me the "troll free" sales pitch is crap. It's a paid subscription for access to insider information just like some of the other sites do. Might as well call it like it is. I always liked this site because it was free and thought it was going to remain that way.
It doesn't sound like you'll be offering anything that can't be found on Twitter or some other form of social media / regular media. I fully understand that you want to make money from your website, but a "troll free" experience, A. won't happen, and B. isn't a good enough reason buy info I can find elsewhere.
It doesn't sound like you'll be offering anything that can't be found on Twitter or some other form of social media / regular media. I fully understand that you want to make money from your website, but a "troll free" experience, A. won't happen, and B. isn't a good enough reason buy info I can find elsewhere.

I can understand your opinion...knowing what I know, and doing this sort of thing for nearly 20 years, and all of the texts and emails Rob and I exchange on a regular basis where we say we would feel comfortable posting what we have behind a paywall, but not on free boards for a variety of reasons, I disagree. But again, to each his or her own.

As for the troll free not happening on the pay board, I can tell you, that will happen. If people troll on that board, an have paid money to get in there, and they troll, they will be banned..and there will not be a refund issued.
I don't really get why trolls bother people so much. They are a part of the message board community. You can ignore them if they bother you or just learn to filter through the trash. I'm kinda disappointed by this revelation. Only because I always thought the plan for this site was for it to remain free, and now it seems as if all of the best information is going to be locked behind a paywall. To me the "troll free" sales pitch is crap. It's a paid subscription for access to insider information just like some of the other sites do. Might as well call it like it is. I always liked this site because it was free and thought it was going to remain that way.
I would say the majority of people here are going to continue to use the free portion of the site and you'll find the same threads as before. I'd look at it as more of a bonus content rather than taking something away from you that wasn't there to begin with. There's obviously a demand for it otherwise there wouldn't be any activity on that board (which there is). I can't fault Jon for wanting to offer a pay site if people are willing to pay.
I don't really get why trolls bother people so much. They are a part of the message board community. You can ignore them if they bother you or just learn to filter through the trash. I'm kinda disappointed by this revelation. Only because I always thought the plan for this site was for it to remain free, and now it seems as if all of the best information is going to be locked behind a paywall. To me the "troll free" sales pitch is crap. It's a paid subscription for access to insider information just like some of the other sites do. Might as well call it like it is. I always liked this site because it was free and thought it was going to remain that way.

We are still going to write, podcast and do most all of the things we have been doing, the way we have been doing it. Much of the insider info Rob and I get through the years has gone on premium forums, or not at all. Most of the stuff you hear, you can't report right away or at the least, you dont want it generally disseminated to protect your sources. The paywall makes it more likely that we will share it. It's always been that way, it's just that it's difficult to provide tangible examples.

As I have said elsewhere, Rob and I often talk or text and say 'Wish we had a premium board, this would be where we could go with this'. Such as last October,when we were privy to the truth of the matter behind the Eno situation...that would have been premium board material...but since we didn't have one, we chose not at all.

That being said, that doesn't mean your or anyone has to like just is what it is.
Wait, you don't sit atop the flagpole? I thought you were the Grand Poobah of HN? :)


When I moved south in 2013, for reasons I went into at the time, I sold the company to one of my business partners....and they have invested a lot of money in tech and such....I am still included in the discussions pursuant to the direction of the site and the like, but it's more of a 'committee approach' right now....we've never had as much content as we have had the last year....if it were just me running the show, I would not have been able to hire Rob back these are all moves for the better

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