New CyHawk Trophy Revealed


Well-Known Member
I'm sure better pictures will come out later today, but here is what it looks like:

Wow...color me not impressed. I'm thinking a giant corn-cob would have been better.

Plus, what are they going to do when ISU changes its logo in 2 years? They'll have to complete redo the middle section.
Oh my, that is SO awful. I didn't think it was possible I would ever say this, but: "I want the old trophy back." This makes the hairy tiger hawk, the banana peel uniforms, and Legends and Leaders look like winners.
WTF is that thing!?! That has absolutely nothing to do with football! At least the old one had a football on it! **** You Iowa Corn!
This is a #&%^##% joke, right? That guy's face says it all..he's laughing..he is probably a Nebraska fan and they just pulled the sheet back and saw what Iowa and Iowa State were going to be playing for.

What in the freaking world? I dont care what the brass will say this signifies...its a damned football game..and the trophy goes to the winner. This looks like it should go to the winner of the Decorah Lutheran Potluck bakeoff winner
Everything about this series is annoyingly desperate to make it relevant. Please let it end. Can we really not just go our separate ways?
They probably just thought our trophy room could use some "art " in it so they had a sculpture come up with what he thought the Iowa values were and put them on a small statute.

I personally hate it. Can we not think of anything better?
What in the hell is going on!? First the "Heroes Game" and now this!! It is a trophy for a FOOTBALL game, not some lifetime achievement or humanitarian award. Give me a cup or a football or something related to the activity that results in the winner holding the damn trophy. Earth to Barta!!!
Sweet J-man above... that is awful. What is the point of this? Really?

This is going to be the joke of all of college football. "Iowa and Iowa State play for a starving, depression-era family." (You know they are depression-era, because no kids wear hats like that nowadays except on Halloween.)

The statute should be at least somehow related to the event for which it is the prize.

Iowa is going to appear to be dipped in cheese with all these things (Legends v. Leaders, Heroes Game (which I actually kind of like), and starving family trophy). This is a PC nightmare.

When Iowa brings it home this year, I hope they drop it in the Iowa River on the way to Kinnick...
What would be great is when the game is over the winning team leaves that POS trophy on the field. Or "accidentally" drop it. It's a disgrace to the programs.

The last thing Iowa needs to be known as a corn state. Christ, doesn't anyone else get tired of hearing ESPN commentators do their opening segments into an Iowa game and talk about the fields or corn. This stupid trophy is just icing on the cake.

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