New conference name ideas...

ok so the Big 10 now has 12 teams
and the Big 12 now has 10 teams...nice ...

the Big 10 HAS to have a name change now....the conf. went for years calling itself the Big 10 with 11 teams in it...and that's just retarded...

so submit your ideas here...I should add..your SERIOUS ideas...
truthfully, I've got nothing...

Won't happen. The Big 10 has been marketed as the Big 10 for years now & will in the future. It is a branded name regardless of how many teams are included.

Delaney has already made mention in his PC at Nebby that it is in no interest to change the name.
Big Ten:
The Tradition Conference
Rust and Corn Belt Conference
WASP Conference (unless ND joins)

Big XII:
Longhorn Conference
Mordor Conference or Sauron Conference
SPECTRE (SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) Conference SPECTRE - James Bond Wiki
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Big 10 remains the Big 10

Big 12 becomes the Longhorn conference, the Longhorn TV conference, Hook em Horns plus 9, etc
Yes, the Big10 will always be the Big10.

The Big12 will now be known as "Texas and her 8 little beeotches".
In related news, I heard the newly formed Longhorn Conference will now require all members to play "God Bless Texas" in place of The National Anthem before all sporting events
In related news, I heard the newly formed Longhorn Conference will now require all members to play "God Bless Texas" in place of The National Anthem before all sporting events

The Eyes-Of-Texas-Are-Upon-You Conference
[ame=]YouTube - The Eyes of Texas[/ame]

The eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the live long day.
The eyes of Texas are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Do not think you can escape them,
At night, or early in the morn'.
The eyes of Texas are upon you,
Till Gabriel blows his horn!

Good granny gravy, that freaks me out. It's a lot like the Horst Wessel Lied...

Heil Beebe! Heil Dodds! Ein Reich, Ein Conference, Ein Texas!
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