New commit?

Half of Iowa City knew about his firing before the media got a hold of it

Fair enough, but whoever the poster was (I can't remember the name) he broke it right after the blowout loss to end the season before the BTT and people didn't believe him and of course Rdubbs didn't believe him until Barta had has press conference.

All I'm saying is people on the inside do post on here and do have information that the rest of us don't so it isn't unheard of that someone may know who this recruit is and can't say.
judging by what I have heard and seems as tho Glover misunderstood what he was told. He took it as someone had commited, when in fact Fran is just confident that someone will. Who it clue, my best bet is probably Hubbard, but not sure why we would stop recruiting Glover. possibly a 2012 commit and Hubbard?
I wouldn't be so sure.

Plus the signing period ends in about only a month. So we can't really be all that far from two recruits joining the Hawkeye family.

I'm hoping one will be this weekend whether its Hubbard or not, but if not I think we need to be patient through out the next couple weeks.
Btw did anyone on take notice of Francis twitter "its great when a plan comes all together"... he had this on twitter about the same time the glover information came out. Just seems like something is going to come out soon.

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