New Commit?

Yahoo! profile shows a Notre Dame offer. Guessing it came after Kelly left Cincy for ND. Holds offer from both.

Actually, I don't think he holds an offer from either. The list on his profile just shows schools he's interested in. It has to have a check-mark in the "Offer" column for there to be an offer. Just FYI.

So I did a youtube search for Riley McMinn and [ame=""]this is what I got[/ame].

First I thought it was a mistake. But then I saw the guy in the red T-Shirt. Compare him to the picture from TOS. Really does seem to be the same guy.

Don't quite know what to make of this.
Ahhh the futility of trying to make $$$ off of information in the 8 hours from when it's "private" to when it becomes public.

The guy who gave out the information doesnt work for any site, he is just a fan with really great connections. So he is not trying to make money off of anyone.
I am hearing that Christian might wait to make his choice. He is hoping that coaches might come to see him and notice one or two of his teammates.
IMO this would be a very wise decision on Christian's part. I have no doubt he is talented physically but he apparently hasn't put any solid effort in one area to place him anywhere on a roster and there is no staff in America better than Iowa's at developing players. It is also good to hear that he has pride in his teammates enough to help them as well.
Send the coaches an email and they cn follow up.
The guy who gave out the information doesnt work for any site, he is just a fan with really great connections. So he is not trying to make money off of anyone.

Well if thats the case then why would his source dry up if people continued to repost the information on this free site? Why would someone with no financial incentive care if someone took information they read on a paid board and reposted it on a free board? Maybe your right and it's just a class thing, the source only wants hardcore fans getting the inside scoop. Or maybe its a numbers thing, like the source is only allowed to let 500 people know and reposting here puts him over the top.

Hmmm... none of that really makes any sense... yep its a money deal.
IMO this would be a very wise decision on Christian's part. I have no doubt he is talented physically but he apparently hasn't put any solid effort in one area to place him anywhere on a roster and there is no staff in America better than Iowa's at developing players. It is also good to hear that he has pride in his teammates enough to help them as well.
Send the coaches an email and they cn follow up.

With all of these ATH/TE's that Iowa have been getting lately, I kind of see French in that same class of recruit. I was also wondering if his time is clicking. He will be having a position change this year that is hopefully going to showcase his talents. I hope that this will help the decision be made where the kid can play. He has the physical attributes, now he just needs to prove his worth on the field.

I am trying to think through the JFK lineup to determine if they have other D-1 potential recruits.
I am hearing that Christian might wait to make his choice. He is hoping that coaches might come to see him and notice one or two of his teammates.

Having seen that Kennedy team twice last year, I'm curious as to who he thinks has any D1 potential besides himself.

Possible walk-ons maybe, but no way is there another D1 scholly player at Kennedy. At least IMO

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