New Commit y'all!

Yeah, his intuition took the team to being the 114th ranked offensive team in the country.

Some of you guys may want to consider ditching the kirt koolaid. Doubt you ever will though.


This is where you can't see past your KF hate. KF has many deficiencies.....being able to spot OL talent and developing it, is not one of them.

Just as you tell others to ditch the kool-aid, you need to ditch the hater-aid......Please name all of the early offer OL that KF has brought in that have been busts?

While combing through the NFL rosters I found that there are some schools that have produced a lot of offensive lineman in recent years. The top two schools in terms of production are the University of Miami and the University of Texas, each with 8 alumni playing offensive line in the NFL. Boston College, Iowa, and Nebraska have each produced 7 current NFL o-linemen.
Yeah, his intuition took the team to being the 114th ranked offensive team in the country.

Some of you guys may want to consider ditching the kirt koolaid. Doubt you ever will though.


Iowa will never be ranked in the top 3rd of the country in total offense moving forward with the offensive system that is currently in place, even if the offense actually had some playmakers. The offense is simply not going to run enough plays to put up that kind of yardage.

Also, the offense was gaining some momentum (albeit against mediocre competition) before Scherff and Donnall (who were probably playing the best football of anyone on the offensive line) went down vs. Ped State.
Excellent point. I also suspect Arkansas would have offered shortly as well.

If we were talking about a kid offered the week before signing day, and this is his offer list, I would agree with the haters. As it is, Iowa is offering off of JR tape, and probably camp from last year. Iowa knows what they are doing with OL recruits. It used to be a source of pride on how everyone would offer AFTER we did......We would make fun of Wiscy, and others who would offer basically just because we did. If we got those kid, or if they went elsewhere, 9 times out of 10 they ended up being good college FB players.

Like I said, KF has many deficiencies, but spotting OL talent is not one of them. I am pumped about getting an Iowa kid to come in and play OL.
If we were talking about a kid offered the week before signing day, and this is his offer list, I would agree with the haters. As it is, Iowa is offering off of JR tape, and probably camp from last year. Iowa knows what they are doing with OL recruits. It used to be a source of pride on how everyone would offer AFTER we did......We would make fun of Wiscy, and others who would offer basically just because we did. If we got those kid, or if they went elsewhere, 9 times out of 10 they ended up being good college FB players.

Like I said, KF has many deficiencies, but spotting OL talent is not one of them. I am pumped about getting an Iowa kid to come in and play OL.

The key phrase being "used to be." We have just been soooooooooooooooooooooo deep on the OL for the last several years, haven't we?? So deep and so talented and so KF'ed that after a couple injuries, the entire season completely blows up! Awesome plan!!!
The key phrase being "used to be." We have just been soooooooooooooooooooooo deep on the OL for the last several years, haven't we?? So deep and so talented and so KF'ed that after a couple injuries, the entire season completely blows up! Awesome plan!!!

Talking with the Haters is useless. You are exactly like the kool aid drinkers, only you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. The rest of us have the ability to see he does some thing well, and others not so well.

Keep chugging the kool aid dude.....
This is where you can't see past your KF hate. KF has many deficiencies.....being able to spot OL talent and developing it, is not one of them.

Just as you tell others to ditch the kool-aid, you need to ditch the hater-aid......Please name all of the early offer OL that KF has brought in that have been busts?

You keep stating things about me that are not true, so I'll keep repeating the truth.

1. I do not and have not ever hated kirt or anyboy in this whole wide world! I am, however, very critical of him as a head football coach in division 1-A college football.

2. I look at the big picture, not just at position groups. There is no doubt the talent level at Iowa has gone down a lot in the last few years. And kirt is responsible for that. Talent level does tend to decrease as you go after hope recruits.

Now please tell me why you say I hate him or anybody.

Commanche and a few are in the territory of repetitive negative posting. Tiring of your non-stop negativity. We get it. Move on and don't destroy every topic with your ***** fests.
Talking with the Haters is useless. You are exactly like the kool aid drinkers, only you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. The rest of us have the ability to see he does some thing well, and others not so well.

Keep chugging the kool aid dude.....

Now you are being absolutely ridiculous. you actually believe that people who are critical of kirt hate him??????? I think about this, you are probably just jerking our chains and dont' believe that. Just remember I love everyone, but not always their behavior.

But if you really are serious, here is the definition of hatred:


hat, ha'-tred (verb, sane', "oftenest," saTam, Gen 27:41, etc.; noun, sin'ah; miseo): A feeling of strong antagonism and dislike, generally malevolent and prompting to injury (the opposite of love); sometimes born of moral resentment. Alike in the Old Testament and New Testament, hate of the malevolent sort is unsparingly condemned (Nu 35:20; Ps 109:5; Prov 10:12; Tit 3:3; 1 Jn 3:15), but in the Old Testament hatred of evil and evil-doers, purged of personal malice, is commended (Ps 97:10; 101:3; 139:21,22, etc.). The New Testament law softens this feeling as regards persons, bringing it under the higher law of love (Mt 5:43,14; compare Rom 12:17-21), while intensifying the hatred of evil (Jude 1:23; Rev 2:6). God himself is hated by the wicked (Ex 20:5; Ps 139:21; compare Rom 8:7). Sometimes, however, the word "hate" is used hyperbolically in a relative sense to express only the strong preference of one to another. God loved Jacob, but hated Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13); father and mother are to be hated in comparison with Christ (Lk 14:26; compare Mt 10:37).


Commanche and a few are in the territory of repetitive negative posting. Tiring of your non-stop negativity. We get it. Move on and don't destroy every topic with your ***** fests.

Fair enough and your piont is well taken. However, I am not gonna let somebody say I hate anyone when I don't.

Talking with the Haters is useless. You are exactly like the kool aid drinkers, only you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. The rest of us have the ability to see he does some thing well, and others not so well.

Keep chugging the kool aid dude.....

Excelllent retort? So you see too much quality depth on the OL, or just the right amount??
Commanche and a few are in the territory of repetitive negative posting. Tiring of your non-stop negativity. We get it. Move on and don't destroy every topic with your ***** fests.

Jon, I rarely come to this board because people like FC have to spam every thread with over the top negativity.
You keep stating things about me that are not true, so I'll keep repeating the truth.

1. I do not and have not ever hated kirt or anyboy in this whole wide world! I am, however, very critical of him as a head football coach in division 1-A college football.

2. I look at the big picture, not just at position groups. There is no doubt the talent level at Iowa has gone down a lot in the last few years. And kirt is responsible for that. Talent level does tend to decrease as you go after hope recruits.

Now please tell me why you say I hate him or anybody.


My apologies, I shouldn't say you HATE KF, as I don't think you do. I really don't have a problem with you Freed. While you are much more negative than some, I don't think you are over the top about it.

You are correct about talent levels dropping off, and that is on KF. Yet if you look at last year class (not many 2*, and lots of guys we targeted early) it has improved. I don't know why you would automatically assume that this kid is terrible, when KF has had a 10 year track record of spotting OL talent. This isn't a fall back recruit, but rather a kid we want more than other kids out there.
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Commanche and a few are in the territory of repetitive negative posting. Tiring of your non-stop negativity. We get it. Move on and don't destroy every topic with your ***** fests.

You've got a pretty good gig Jon but this is one part of the job that I wouldn't want to put up with.
Excelllent retort? So you see too much quality depth on the OL, or just the right amount??

Actually there is talent on the OL.

LT - Scherff, Ward
LG - Boffeli, Simmons/Clark
C - Blythe, Gaul/Simmons
RG - Donnal, Walsh
RT - Van Sloten, Croston/Keppy

The two deeps look good, it was the skill positions that were the problem last year, and what we need to step up this year.

Either way that is besides the point. The talent level dropped off, because we stopped getting our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd options with recruits. This is a kid that earned an early offer, I don't see the need to bash anyone over it. The only reason to is if you think that EVERY move KF makes is a bad one.....then it make perfect sense. Keep drinking the hater aid.

Actually there is talent on the OL.

LT - Scherff, Ward
LG - Boffeli, Simmons/Clark
C - Blythe, Gaul/Simmons
RG - Donnal, Walsh
RT - Van Sloten, Croston/Keppy

The two deeps look good, it was the skill positions that were the problem last yeart was the , and what we need to step up this year.

Either way that is besides the point. The talent level dropped off, because we stopped getting our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd options with recruits. This is a kid that earned an early offer, I don't see the need to bash anyone over it. The only reason to is if you think that EVERY move KF makes is a bad one.....then it make perfect sense. Keep drinking the hater aid.

Well then, that goodness we are paying a guy $4,000,000 per year to excel in finding diamond in rough OL candidates! Thanks for making my point(s) even though I know you won't understand that.
Thank you Jon! Freed... you occasionally make a good point but its the constant whining in every thread that takes it over the top. You're like the boy who cried wolf. It's hard to take anything that you say that might actually have some substance to it seriously because all you do is point of the negative side of EVERYTHING.

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