New Commit y'all!

Well then, that goodness we are paying a guy $4,000,000 per year to excel in finding diamond in rough OL candidates! Thanks for making my point(s) even though I know you won't understand that.

Who says this kid is a diamond in the rough? Certainly not the coaching staff having offered so early. I think the only person making that case if you.
I have a rule...if they do not refer to our head coach with his proper name,or initials...they are fools not worth reading.

Just my rule.
Thank you Jon! Freed... you occasionally make a good point but its the constant whining in every thread that takes it over the top. You're like the boy who cried wolf. It's hard to take anything that you say that might actually have some substance to it seriously because all you do is point of the negative side of EVERYTHING.

I really don't think Freed is all that bad. Maybe because I have engaged him, and he is reasonable, and does have a lot of valid points about the state of the programs.

Posters like Myth though bring nothing, and I mean absolutely zero to the conversation. He still thinks he makes a point by posting $4,000,000 with every post.....
Jon, I rarely come to this board because people like FC have to spam every thread with over the top negativity.

It's certainly not my intent to be over the top and I'm not doubting that I am at times. I made my first post on here last fall after I couldn't stand how bad this program is sliding. I know that this slide is because of ferentz.

I could go on and on as to how this has happened, but I won't. There's no point to doing that at this juncture. Part of the reason I made the decision to post on here was to help convince some that ferentz is not a good coach now and will not turn this thing around. If enough people believed that, including the boosters, he'd be gone no matter how big his contract is. I believe that's what is best for this program.

In summary, I post mainly because I care how the Iowa Football team performs and to encourage folks that it won't get turned around until ferentz is gone. Could I be wrong? Yep.

It's certainly not my intent to be over the top and I'm not doubting that I am at times. I made my first post on here last fall after I couldn't stand how bad this program is sliding. I know that this slide is because of ferentz.

I could go on and on as to how this has happened, but I won't. There's no point to doing that at this juncture. Part of the reason I made the decision to post on here was to help convince some that ferentz is not a good coach now and will not turn this thing around. If enough people believed that, including the boosters, he'd be gone no matter how big his contract is. I believe that's what is best for this program.

In summary, I post mainly because I care how the Iowa Football team performs and to encourage folks that it won't get turned around until ferentz is gone. Could I be wrong? Yep.


I love Kirk Ferentz and the University of Iowa a great deal. I do agree with you somewhat, as Kirk may not have 3 yrs to turn this kid into a starter. He needs players NOW to secure his job, not project players. Could end up being a scholarship down the drain, and none of us want that.
It's certainly not my intent to be over the top and I'm not doubting that I am at times. I made my first post on here last fall after I couldn't stand how bad this program is sliding. I know that this slide is because of ferentz.

I could go on and on as to how this has happened, but I won't. There's no point to doing that at this juncture. Part of the reason I made the decision to post on here was to help convince some that ferentz is not a good coach now and will not turn this thing around. If enough people believed that, including the boosters, he'd be gone no matter how big his contract is. I believe that's what is best for this program.

In summary, I post mainly because I care how the Iowa Football team performs and to encourage folks that it won't get turned around until ferentz is gone. Could I be wrong? Yep.


See this is a reasonable post, and it makes sense to me. However, you can't continue to drill the same thing into people's minds over and over again. I think anyone who visits this board more than once or twice a week knows how you feel about KF. You've made it very clear! You don't have to keep derailing every thread with the same exact thoughts. That's my point, and I think it's what Jon is getting at. It just gets really old man. You can engage in the conversation without being over the top negative about KF. He is the coach at Iowa, the team you say you support. He probably will be for awhile, and you certainly aren't going to change anything about that by posting on a message board. Results on the football field are the only thing that will determine his future. If you want him gone that bad then basically you better start cheering for the Hawks to lose. In which case, you wouldn't be a fan anymore and I don't think you're that type of person.

Support the program regardless how you feel about KF. If he doesn't have what it takes to turn it around like you suggest, then he won't be around a whole lot longer.
I have a rule...if they do not refer to our head coach with his proper name,or initials...they are fools not worth reading.

Just my rule.

Anyone calling him Kurt or something similar quickly gets added to my ignore list.
Anyone calling him Kurt or something similar quickly gets added to my ignore list.

I never understood calling him "Kurt" or anything else of that sort either. The thing that makes me laugh about this site is that grown men find it "funny" to repeatedly call another grown man by another name and by doing this is somehow makes them "feel better" that they are unhappy with the state of the Iowa program. It's sad really.

I am not a huge Kirk fan because of his style of play/strategy/game planning seems to be hurting this team/program alot. But regardless of who the coach is or how much that coach makes I am always going to support the hawks.
I never understood calling him "Kurt" or anything else of that sort either. The thing that makes me laugh about this site is that grown men find it "funny" to repeatedly call another grown man by another name and by doing this is somehow makes them "feel better" that they are unhappy with the state of the Iowa program. It's sad really.

I am not a huge Kirk fan because of his style of play/strategy/game planning seems to be hurting this team/program alot. But regardless of who the coach is or how much that coach makes I am always going to support the hawks.

Exactly how I feel. I will not support the program if something illegal or unprofessional is going on. KF runs a tight ship. I certainly don't agree with everything he does. There are a ton of things I would like to see changed, and to his credit some things have been changed (remains to be seen how that will work). However, as long as he's Iowa's head coach, as long as he is passionate about winning, and as long as he continues to put his player's best interests first then I will continue to support the program. I'm not supporting KF. I'm supporting the program. There's a fine line there.

I find it to be in poor taste as a fan to continually rant against the program you love simply because you don't like the coach (unless he is doing something illegal or unprofessional as I said above). Just because you don't like his play style or decision making doesn't mean you should take every opportunity you have to bash the program that he's running. If I were doing that I would find it hard to call myself a fan.
FreedCamanche = Silly little indian.

I love the "i do it for the good of the program" stuff as getting rid of KF is the only way to get to the next level. It's been a couple of tough years...three to be exact, but the guy coaching also had the best decade of football ever, and started in the freaking hole in '99. Last year is probably as far as we can fall, but, without the injuries, we win 7-8 games. I know injuries happen, but those two in the OL, were two we could ill afford and it cost us big.
I think the program is close to being very good as far as personnel is concerned. I have to see the offense and how we execute, but I think the two hires, Kennedy and White, were huge. Everyone has bought in. I believe the future is bright...and it's not a training coming.
Lets leave the whose not a fan stuff out of it. It could go both ways.

Youre not a good fan because you dont like the coach.

Youre not a fan because you support a coach that is killing Iowa football.
Lets leave the whose not a fan stuff out of it. It could go both ways.

Youre not a good fan because you dont like the coach.

Youre not a fan because you support a coach that is killing Iowa football.

I said if I were constantly bashing the program that i love I would find it hard to call myself a fan... because I would. When I heard what was coming out of my mouth and looked in the mirror I would ask myself "Why do I even cheer for these guys if I can't find anything good to say about them?". That's my opinion. but I tend to have a more positive outlook on things. I didn't say you aren't a fan because you bash the program. I said I wouldn't feel like a fan if I was doing that. Plain and simple. I don't have the right to determine who is or isn't a fan. No one has that power. If that's how you prefer to cheer for your team then so be it.

Like I said, there are a lot of things that I would like to see changed. Maybe KF needs to go. Maybe he isn't the answer. Maybe he's realized he needed to make major changes, and maybe he has. I don't know that yet, and neither do you so let's wait till the season to see.

What I do know is that posting nothing but negativity on a message board isn't going to change anything.
I don't want to bash this kid but this commitment leaves me to question as to whether he is really good (regardless, I hope he is good but) or that means Orlando Brown Jr. has cut Iowa off his list and same as Keegan Render of Indianola.
Wow. Hijacked thread.
I watched tape. The kid has nice size, and good feet. He looks for contact, and has good instincts. I was really happy with how he gets up field, and as he does, he looks for someone to engage. I know it's a highlight reel, and we won't see his bad plays. But his reel looked good. Too often OL in HS relies moslty on size. This kid gets his hands up and on a defender, moves his feet well and has a nice first step to go with nice size. Is he the next first-round draft pick off the Iowa line? Honestly, I doubt it. But I see a kid who will be a solid player at Iowa.


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