New Adrian Clayborn fan


Active Member
Joined to share a story-my son was in Iowa City for Cochlear Impant surgery (1st half), and as he's recovering, a young woman asks if he can have a visitor. She brings him in, and it's Adrian Clayborn! It seems he was visiting the children's area, talking to folks, giving out signed photos. Made a 9 yr old's day. Spent about 5 minutes of his time with the family, and I think that was just really cool. There are some fine young men out to the east.

And I realize ISU players, and other Iowa players, do this as well. But since I had a specific instance, I wanted to give a specific 'thanks'.
Your son will remember that for the rest of his life! What a great experience. I don't know if we realize what a difference people can make.
Another nice, positive story.

With all the mud slinging, accusations and negative stories by the news media (and I include the Des Moines Register in on this), it's too bad these same media outlets do not focus on the good, positive stories about the Iowa football program.
Good story. And great memory for your son.

It's also nice to see a Hawkeye player that has graduated and NFL bound can still find the time to brighten someones day.

Makes me proud to be a Hawk fan.
I had the opportunity to meet Adrian Clayborn at a county fair. He's a good guy. Had plenty of time to chat with each and every person and he posed for a pic with us. Very humble guy. Your story about him visiting doesn't surprise me at all. Cool experience for your boy.
Thanks for sharing.

The ENT department at UIHC is renowned so your son was certainly in good hands. Just curious as to why he wasn't a Clayborn fan in the first place?
What's really more impressive is that Adrain Clayborn is still doing this after being pretty much done at Iowa & ready to get drafted by the NFL. I'm not sure a lot of other players in that position would still visit kids. A great Hawkeye.
Really cool story, hope everything works out for your son. I wish the boards and newspapers were filled with these type of stories, never get tired of reading them...
Adrian's mom really raised him right. He has done stuff like this for years at Iowa...even traveling the backroads of Iowa to visit schools and talk to kids.
He is a high character young man,who does make me proud to be a Hawkeye...Nile Kinnick would approve.

Good luck to your son in his recovery!!
Adrian's mom really raised him right. He has done stuff like this for years at Iowa...even traveling the backroads of Iowa to visit schools and talk to kids.
He is a high character young man,who does make me proud to be a Hawkeye...Nile Kinnick would approve.

Good luck to your son in his recovery!!

Except when he punched that taxi driver. :rolleyes:

But, I wasn't there I guess. :p
FalseMirage is correct. My wife and I both grew up Hawkeye fans, I graduated from Northern Iowa, and she fom ISU. And we live here in Ames...

Basically root for Iowa the other weekends.

She had some experiences as a member of the marching band that tainted her against Iowa a little bit. But if you judged teams on the worst 1% of fans, you'd have no-one to root for!

Thanks all for the sentiments, second half of the procedure is at the end of the month.

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