Nebraska's Schedule is Brutal

I think Nebraska can start burning their Big Ten Conference Championship shirts! LOL

That is a brutal schedule. But I'm loving it. My Bro- and Sis-In-Law moved from eastern Iowa to Nebraska City ten years ago and switched allegiances from the Hawks to the Huskers within months.
Awesome, Husker Tweet on BTN "get ready for Nebraska to dominate the Big Ten"
I honestly don't think Big Ten teams know just how arrogant their fan base is.
I grew up watching Osborne run up the score on anyone he could to get a better rank in the polls so I gotta say I loved when the Shucksters got beat! This was common practice for everyone back then, even Hayden would do it (just not to the extent that Tom did) as the amount of great athletes on scholarship (2nd and 3rd string) were better than the starters on a lot of teams.

With that said, I can't freaking wait to play them the last game of the season. Even if we have a crap season by our standards, the chance to lay one on the Shucksters has me licking my lips! This is gonna be a good one. I have a few Nebraska friends who have been eating crow for awhile (whining and telling me how great the mighty big12 is) so I can't wait to see them play some smash mouth football! Maybe we can get some Clowns for halftime entertainment in this clash!

Don't think Kirk forgot the 331 yds rushing and 42pts they stuck on us in 2000 in Lincoln while he was trying to put a team together! He will have the hay in the mow and the boys ready to go hunting!

That is a brutal schedule. But I'm loving it. My Bro- and Sis-In-Law moved from eastern Iowa to Nebraska City ten years ago and switched allegiances from the Hawks to the Huskers within months.

Which means you haven't spoken to your brother in ~9 1/2 years? Bummer. do you "switch allegiances"?
Number one I dislike Nebraska more then possibly any other Hawkeye fan. However, they will be competitive, it isn't like they have forgot how to play football. The thing there fanbase doesn't realize is the grind they are about to embark on. Their B12 schedule may have 2 or 3 tough games to point to. Their new schedules for 11 and 12 are brutal. Week in and week out a real grind...and their non-conference schedule includes home and home with Washington. Their fans will think that they will dominate and they will take over every stadium on road games. They will not dominate, they will not find tickets for away games like K-State, Baylor, ISU, etc. I for one just laughed when I saw their schedule come out. Also if you watched the Good Dr. on BTN tonight he was not at all thrilled with the b**tch slap the B10 gave them.
.....unless they run the table or otherwise do very well with that schedule in 2011......then you'll never hear the end of it from Big Red and from ClownVille..

I don't think you'd hear much from Cyclone fans if they do well, but you are damn right about those dipshits from Lincoln. As a Cyclone fan, I for one, hope they get ******* drilled in the Big 10. It was kinda fun to watch Osborne's ******* squirm like he was sitting on a massive hemorrhoid today.
I don't think you'd hear much from Cyclone fans if they do well, but you are damn right about those dipshits from Lincoln. As a Cyclone fan, I for one, hope they get ******* drilled in the Big 10. It was kinda fun to watch Osborne's ******* squirm like he was sitting on a massive hemorrhoid today.

i've read and heard plenty about how well cyclown fan thinks they'd do if they were in the big 10. you know, how often they'd be in the rose bowl, how iowa and iowa states success would be reversed if they were in opposite conferences, etc.

If nebraska comes in and does real well, you don't think we'll hear it from clown town about how 'easy' the big 10 is, or some i told ya so comments?

i think we'll hear it big time.

Let's hope Nebraska's 2011 season is NOT like PSU's 1993/4 seasons, but especially 1994 season.....
For years I have had to listen to Nebraska fans talk about how easy the Big Ten was and how easily they would dominate it. So forgive me if I don't shed a tear.

In retrospect maybe when they said that most of the big 10 teams werent ranked at the time like they are now.
I grew up watching Osborne run up the score on anyone he could to get a better rank in the polls so I gotta say I loved when the Shucksters got beat! This was common practice for everyone back then, even Hayden would do it (just not to the extent that Tom did) as the amount of great athletes on scholarship (2nd and 3rd string) were better than the starters on a lot of teams.

With that said, I can't freaking wait to play them the last game of the season. Even if we have a crap season by our standards, the chance to lay one on the Shucksters has me licking my lips! This is gonna be a good one. I have a few Nebraska friends who have been eating crow for awhile (whining and telling me how great the mighty big12 is) so I can't wait to see them play some smash mouth football! Maybe we can get some Clowns for halftime entertainment in this clash!

Don't think Kirk forgot the 331 yds rushing and 42pts they stuck on us in 2000 in Lincoln while he was trying to put a team together! He will have the hay in the mow and the boys ready to go hunting!

Dude, Osborne ran his 3rd strings all the time when he had those teams. I guess i wouldnt like the score ran up either but what would you expect. Not to play.
Wow, talking about starting off with a bang. I suspect the Big 10 wanted to get as many marque games on Nebraska's schedule as possible for their first couple years. Nebraska - Indiana and/or Nebraska - Purdue just doesn't make that much of a splash. As far as dominating the Big 10, very few Husker fans think that will be the case. Competition will be difficult week in and week out with very few mow the yard Saturday's. Cannot wait to ditch the Buffs and start playing a classy rival for the season finale.
Good Lord. They have to play MI, Iowa, WI, PSU, OSU for the first two years. Welcome to the Big 10.

Yeah, but they're also catching those teams at the "right" time. It's better to catch them when they're having to replace a lot of key personnel ... than when they're completely at full power.

Next year, tOSU, Iowa, and Wisky will each be a notch or two below where they are this season. That plays to Nebraska's advantage.
Yeah, but they're also catching those teams at the "right" time. It's better to catch them when they're having to replace a lot of key personnel ... than when they're completely at full power.

Next year, tOSU, Iowa, and Wisky will each be a notch or two below where they are this season. That plays to Nebraska's advantage.

This is kinda my thinking. NU will be coming in with a very big and experienced O/D Lines. We will lose a playmaker at WR and couple playmaker CB's but for the most part we will bring in a very experienced core of players and likely will have a 2nd year QB. I dont know that much can be said for the 3 teams mentioned. While it will be tougher than the B12 I am not as scared of the schedule as alot would like to think.

The only thing I didnt like and was hoping didnt happen was scheduling OSU and Wisc in the same year as cross division games. I dont know why it wasnt OSU/Purdue and Wisc/Indy. As it stands now we will have 2 years really difficult and 2 years really easy as far as cross division games. But maybe that is the only way the sched worked without screwing someone else royaly.

In the end I dont foresee a team running the table in this conference, especially with the advent of the CCG. Hopefully that doesnt hurt the conferences chances of getting teams into BCS games. It will depend alot on national perception, hopefully we are viewed as the SEC's equal or better.
Welcome to the Big Ten Nebreska

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