Neb sports writer blasts Ferentz

From the article:
So Nebraska kicks off. Iowa's return is to its 28-yard line. There are 27 seconds left, the Hawkeyes have two timeouts and are moving with a 15-mph wind. Oh, and Nebraska gets the ball to start the second half.
It would seem critical to fire off two or three medium passes against a prevent defense in order to get in field-goal range and try to get back to a one-score game.
Instead, Ferentz ordered his quarterback to take a knee, ending the half with a thud.
"It wasn't like we had done anything at that point ... I seem to get asked that a lot,'' he said. "It's pretty low-percentage.''
Taking a knee is zero percent. Taking a chance once in a while might actually give your offense a confidence boost.
The kneel doesn't bother, taking two timeouts into half almost every week bothers me. If we aren't going to use them then, than use them to rest the D up on long drives and dial up a call or make an adjustment.
Big Red Today -

I find this kind of unusual although what can you do to wake this guy up?

This article offered up zero real facts outside of what he probably read on these message boards... His claim of conservativism is based on no "no huddle" and no gadget plays. This guy is just reading the common complaints on all of these major boards and spitting them back at Iowa fans to throw salt in the wounds.

How is this for conservative... throwing it three straight times when hitting the 40 on their first drive in the 2nd Quarter... How about splitting Coker out wide for the first time this year... What about dual interior slants with three wide to the left?

The fact that you guys are reading this guys crap is insulting to Iowans. I'm not claiming that Kirk is a god or that the playcalling was not to fault, but there were many new wrinkles in today's offense, the team just didn't execute. You can blame the lack of execution on the coaches but not conservative playcalling. I actually think going with one back is actually not conservative...

My two cents.
This article offered up zero real facts outside of what he probably read on these message boards... His claim of conservativism is based on no "no huddle" and no gadget plays. This guy is just reading the common complaints on all of these major boards and spitting them back at Iowa fans to throw salt in the wounds.

How is this for conservative... throwing it three straight times when hitting the 40 on their first drive in the 2nd Quarter... How about splitting Coker out wide for the first time this year... What about dual interior slants with three wide to the left?

The fact that you guys are reading this guys crap is insulting to Iowans. I'm not claiming that Kirk is a god or that the playcalling was not to fault, but there were many new wrinkles in today's offense, the team just didn't execute. You can blame the lack of execution on the coaches but not conservative playcalling. I actually think going with one back is actually not conservative...

My two cents.

Thank you for some sanity amongst the insane...pretty bad when a troll's OP is used as gospel by our own fans...
The kneel doesn't bother, taking two timeouts into half almost every week bothers me. If we aren't going to use them then, than use them to rest the D up on long drives and dial up a call or make an adjustment.

It's not laughable anymore, but that's about all we can do. I was talking to some big red fans today at work (by the way, one of the few times I was ok with working during an Iowa game given what we did) and they were saying that they really hoped it didn't come down to coaching.

Pretty telling about a team that has had troubles this year, but I advised them about in-game adjustments. It's so simple, but even for our coaching staff which almost preaches being simple on D and O, they didn't believe me.

By the 4th quarter, they said that I called it. That's my only win today.
Yeah, if a couple players catch the balls bouncing off *both* of their hands (on offense AND defense), if a TE doesn't fumble just as a drive is rolling into FG range, and if QB decides to throw it away on a scramble instead of lofting a lob into triple coverage...we certainly would have a different opinion about the *coaching staff* on this board.
Yeah, if a couple players catch the balls bouncing off *both* of their hands (on offense AND defense), if a TE doesn't fumble just as a drive is rolling into FG range, and if QB decides to throw it away on a scramble instead of lofting a lob into triple coverage...we certainly would have a different opinion about the *coaching staff* on this board.

Something about candy and nuts and having a Merry Christmas assuming I read your post correctly. And If Ferentz would have had the foresight to see the onside kick coming at Minnesota, and if Ferentz had gone for it on 4th and 2 at ISU in overtime, and if they had stayed in the no huddle at Penn State after driving to the 40 on the first drive instead of downshifting to the slow down huddle offense, Iowa might be in the title game this year and talking about an 11 win season. Hypotheticals work both ways, you can create whatever scenario you want.
Something about candy and nuts and having a Merry Christmas assuming I read your post correctly. And If Ferentz would have had the foresight to see the onside kick coming at Minnesota, and if Ferentz had gone for it on 4th and 2 at ISU in overtime, and if they had stayed in the no huddle at Penn State after driving to the 40 on the first drive instead of downshifting to the slow down huddle offense, Iowa might be in the title game this year and talking about an 11 win season. Hypotheticals work both ways, you can create whatever scenario you want.

And if the coaching staff had rolled the dice in each of these scenarios my guess is the staff would have been successful more times than if they did not roll the dice at all.

Creating unpredictability gives you a chance.
Something about candy and nuts and having a Merry Christmas assuming I read your post correctly. And If Ferentz would have had the foresight to see the onside kick coming at Minnesota, and if Ferentz had gone for it on 4th and 2 at ISU in overtime, and if they had stayed in the no huddle at Penn State after driving to the 40 on the first drive instead of downshifting to the slow down huddle offense, Iowa might be in the title game this year and talking about an 11 win season. Hypotheticals work both ways, you can create whatever scenario you want.

And if ferentz would have played for the tie at MSU in 2008 instead of going for the win on 4th down, we would have won that game. It goes both ways.

My point was NOT playcalling, it was execution. If the players would have executed, we would have been right in the game. Same thing with the MSU loss this year. Nub made fewer mistakes than we did. Their receivers caught everything, almost every catch was of a badly thrown ball. Ours didn't. You can't always coach your way out of bad play. It really is that simple.
And if ferentz would have played for the tie at MSU in 2008 instead of going for the win on 4th down, we would have won that game. It goes both ways.

My point was NOT playcalling, it was execution. If the players would have executed, we would have been right in the game. Same thing with the MSU loss this year. Nub made fewer mistakes than we did. Their receivers caught everything, almost every catch was of a badly thrown ball. Ours didn't. You can't always coach your way out of bad play. It really is that simple.

Of course the players need to make plays, but in game 12 it's a bit tiresome to hear they just needed to execute better and the result would have been different - as if that gets the coaches off the hook - they are the ones working with the players, if their gameplan is that good, then it's their job to get better execution out of their players, or get better players. It is that simple.
Typical arrogant "Husker Power" BS...thinking he needs to tell us what to think about our own coaching know what....I'm going to like our playcalling and KOK and write a letter of support to Gary Barta just to spite this writer.....I can come to my own conclusion about MY team....keep your Red corny hands OFF.
Recruiting is going to get tougher...and tougher. Players who watch this kind of crap are not going to want to play for a scared kitty. At least the tough, aggresive, winners...aren't.
Is there any chance that this writer could forward his story to Kirk and Kennys email inboxes, pretty dead-on accurate.
Taking a knee is zero percent. Taking a chance once in a while might actually give your offense a confidence boost.
I understand your thought and I'm all for rolling the dice but, you also could've thrown a pick six which would have essentially ended the game right there.

It's easy to look back and say what you should have done, but I guess that is why the coaches get paid the big bucks.

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