ND Absolves Itself

We all say…..well yes I lied but I didn’t steal or Yes I stole but I didn’t molest or Yes I molested but I didn’t kill. In the eyes of God it is all bad and quite frankly it ALL starts with lying, pointing fingers and excusing.

Really? You had to go there huh?

Nobody is excusing anything. Iowa's situation sucked, but if you think it is the same as sending someone up a freaking movable tower on the windiest day of the year then I can't help you.
Sorry, but this isn't the old testament. Lying, while bad, is not on the same level as murder.
Just because something has been done before doesn't inherently make it a wise thing to do.

You can not use the eventual outcome of a scenario as a determining factor of its "appropriateness". You can only use the information known prior to the outcome.

If you can't see the obvious parallels in these cases then you are blinded by the black and gold glasses.

If you ask me, standing in an extended boom in 60 mph wind is as asinine as trying to squat a percentage of my body weight ~ 100 times. They both sound like incredibly stupid ideas for me to attempt and I would be equally fearful for my safety in both scenarios.

The fact that someone died or was "only" hospitalized doesn't change the inherent risk that was ignored in both scenarios.

In both scenarios a coach evaluated the potential risk of the situation and based on past experience decided it was safe to proceed.

Both scenarios involved students who did things at the direction of their coaches that they would not have done on their own accord.

Both scenarios involved students who, after becoming involved and realizing the intensity of the situation, made the personal decision to continue doing the activity they were doing.

The kid was not forcibly confined to the boom. He entered the boom on his own accord at the direction of a coach/manager. If he felt uncomfortable once in the lift he could have gotten down instead of taking to facebook/twitter to express his concerns for his safety.

The players were not forcibly strapped to a squat bar. They participated in the exercise on their own accord at the direction of a coach/manager. If they felt uncomfortable they could have stopped the exercise instead of pushing themselves to the point of physical harm.

All parties were culpable in these scenarios.

A proverb from King Solomon..."the prudent see danger and seek refuge, the simple keep going and suffer for it."

The "fault" is on those who ignored the apparent danger presented and decided to do nothing and just kept going.
"Ever do a squat workout? Show me where it tells you how many to do, or when too many have been done. Or where it explains how 97 players managed the excorcise without Rhabdo."

There's also not a warning on a gallon of milk indicating how much is safe to drink in a given amount of time. That doesn't make it safe to attempt chugging a gallon of it in an hour.

You are the reason "do not consume" warnings are posted on wood chips and tampons.

A lack of a warning or designated standard does not not absolve one of using their freaking head.

Now please, return to snacking on feminine hygiene products and wash em down with some refreshing enema solution.
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Just because something has been done before doesn't inherently make it a wise thing to do.

You can not use the eventual outcome of a scenario as a determining factor of its "appropriateness". You can only use the information known prior to the outcome.

If you can't see the obvious parallels in these cases then you are blinded by the black and gold glasses.

If you ask me, standing in an extended boom in 60 mph wind is as asinine as trying to squat a percentage of my body weight ~ 100 times. They both sound like incredibly stupid ideas for me to attempt and I would be equally fearful for my safety in both scenarios.

The fact that someone died or was "only" hospitalized doesn't change the inherent risk that was ignored in both scenarios.

In both scenarios a coach evaluated the potential risk of the situation and based on past experience decided it was safe to proceed.

Both scenarios involved students who did things at the direction of their coaches that they would not have done on their own accord.

Both scenarios involved students who, after becoming involved and realizing the intensity of the situation, made the personal decision to continue doing the activity they were doing.

The kid was not forcibly confined to the boom. He entered the boom on his own accord at the direction of a coach/manager. If he felt uncomfortable once in the lift he could have gotten down instead of taking to facebook/twitter to express his concerns for his safety.

The players were not forcibly strapped to a squat bar. They participated in the exercise on their own accord at the direction of a coach/manager. If they felt uncomfortable they could have stopped the exercise instead of pushing themselves to the point of physical harm.

All parties were culpable in these scenarios.

A proverb from King Solomon..."the prudent see danger and seek refuge, the simple keep going and suffer for it."

The "fault" is on those who ignored the apparent danger presented and decided to do nothing and just kept going.

You are WRONG! The machine tells you not to do it, in big, bold, stickered print, right on the side!
Really? You had to go there huh?

Nobody is excusing anything. Iowa's situation sucked, but if you think it is the same as sending someone up a freaking movable tower on the windiest day of the year then I can't help you.
Sorry, but this isn't the old testament. Lying, while bad, is not on the same level as murder.

For the record every crime begins with a lie, even murder. That precursor starts it all, Old Testament or not. God isn’t God because he is a kill joy, but rather because he understands "why" you shouldn't do this or do that.

No one said they are the same, but they both looked bad and anyone from our side trivializing it makes other Iowa fans look bad. Because we aren't smart enuff to let sleeping dogs lie.

For the record every crime begins with a lie, even murder. That precursor starts it all, Old Testament or not. God isn’t God because he is a kill joy, but rather because he understands "why" you shouldn't do this or do that.

No one said they are the same, but they both looked bad and anyone from our side trivializing it makes other Iowa fans look bad. Because we aren't smart enuff to let sleeping dogs lie.


How does a drive-by shooting start with a lie? Specifically?
Are they yelling out lies on the way down the street, before they start shooting?
How about the grandfather that shot and killed his son-in-law, for beating his grandchild into a coma. How was it he lied, exactly?
Should I go on, or do you care to recant?
Murder is simply the manifestation of the internal lie that says "I have an appropriate amount of wisdom and perspective to justly determine another being's deservedness to life".

It always starts with a lie.
You are WRONG! The machine tells you not to do it, in big, bold, stickered print, right on the side!

I already addressed your ignorance in a previous post...below.

There's also not a warning on a gallon of milk indicating how much is safe to drink in a given amount of time. That doesn't make it safe to attempt chugging a gallon of it in an hour.

You are the reason "do not consume" warnings are posted on wood chips and tampons.

A lack of a warning or designated standard does not not absolve one of using their freaking head.

Now please, return to snacking on feminine hygiene products and wash em down with some refreshing enema solution.
Murder is simply the manifestation of the internal lie that says "I have an appropriate amount of wisdom and perspective to justly determine another being's deservedness to life".

It always starts with a lie.

You are a sharp cat, good sir. People rarely care to see their own reflection. The one that stares back at them and says you too are only a couple missteps from being a thief a murder a….

Probably a truer statement would be every “lie†we make takes us a step further into moral ambiguity and the most heinous of circumstances and that all starts with the lie…..We are capable of making our own way and doing our own thing, WE are self-reliant ….

I am above that…..

I am better than ….

I didn’t…..

I would never…..

But for the Grace of God go I…..

Tell us something, genius. Ever operated one of those lifts before?
It tells you the maximum height and maximum wind conditions right on the side of it! RIGHT THERE ON THE MACHINE!

Actually, yes, I have operated a scissor lift before, indoors, and didn't really care for it much. Frankly, I don't recall (it was 7 years ago so I could be wrong) that cute little sticker you posted being on it. I do recall a warning telling the operator not to operate it while fully extended, however.

Ever do a squat workout? Show me where it tells you how many to do, or when too many have been done. Or where it explains how 97 players managed the excorcise without Rhabdo.

Yes, I am one of the few people who actually do a leg workout once a week. While I have never performed the workout that these players did (either I am smarter than them, or I, frankly, had no reason to), I used to squat well over 500 lbs. before I shredded my knees, and that was at the weight of 185.

If you can't see that putting 13 players in the hospital with a serious, rare condition is an issue, than, frankly, you don't have the common sense that God granted a button mushroom. A dog would make more headway chasing it's tail than I would having a discussion with you.

Dont bother responding. I doubt you are smart enough to operate that lift and you have most likely, never been to a gym in your life.

Now that you have proven yourself to be a nincompoop, do you have any more stupid questions or comments to make?
Oh, this is fun isn't!? I love the off-season when we turn on each other like a pack rapid jackles.
You are a sharp cat, good sir. People rarely care to see their own reflection. The one that stares back at them and says you too are only a couple missteps from being a thief a murder a….

Probably a truer statement would be every “lie†we make takes us a step further into moral ambiguity and the most heinous of circumstances and that all starts with the lie…..We are capable of making our own way and doing our own thing, WE are self-reliant ….

I am above that…..

I am better than ….

I didn’t…..

I would never…..

But for the Grace of God go I…..


this is now just silly. I have gone to church long enough to know that no human is without sin. Since you and others seem to think that all are the same, I guess we are all just murderers who may not have committed one yet. :rolleyes:
this is now just silly. I have gone to church long enough to know that no human is without sin. Since you and others seem to think that all are the same, I guess we are all just murderers who may not have committed one yet. :rolleyes:

You should go over to the OT board and read the 'If You Were King' thread, there are some real gems in there.
this is now just silly. I have gone to church long enough to know that no human is without sin. Since you and others seem to think that all are the same, I guess we are all just murderers who may not have committed one yet. :rolleyes:

Well if you have gone to church long enuff to know, then you'll also remember no sin is worse in the eyes of the Lord. With the one exception being that Idolatry IS worse than the others. However you can also surmise that since sexual sin is often linked with idolatry that he is pretty down on it as well.

Incidentally I read the word quite a bit and God is very down on lying and I also remember Jesus saying if you have committed murder or adultery in your heart then you have already committed the sin.

You’ll likely remember this scripture…..

Matthew 5:21-22 (The Message)

21-22"You're familiar with the command to the ancients, 'Do not murder.' I'm telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother 'idiot!' and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell 'stupid!' at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

Listen I’m not trying to jerk with you or be self-righteous, but honestly if you are really going to invite your own church experience into this, then quite frankly you should easily get what we are saying. God wouldn’t say yeah it’s ok to pooh-pooh your own transgressions while pointing out others?!?! I’m shock4d you think it does.

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this is now just silly. I have gone to church long enough to know that no human is without sin. Since you and others seem to think that all are the same, I guess we are all just murderers who may not have committed one yet. :rolleyes:

I smell an analogy brewing inside that Boat of yours.
Well if you have gone to church long enuff to know, then you'll also remember no sin is worse in the eyes of the Lord. With the one exception being that Idolatry IS worse than the others. However you can also surmise that since sexual sin is often linked with idolatry that he is pretty down on it as well.

Incidentally I read the word quite a bit and God is very down on lying and I also remember Jesus saying if you have committed murder or adultery in your heart then you have already committed the sin.

You’ll likely remember this scripture…..

Matthew 5:21-22 (The Message)

21-22"You're familiar with the command to the ancients, 'Do not murder.' I'm telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother 'idiot!' and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell 'stupid!' at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

Listen I’m not trying to jerk with you or be self-righteous, but honestly if you are really going to invite your own church experience into this, then quite frankly you should easily get what we are saying. God wouldn’t say yeah it’s ok to pooh-pooh your own transgressions while pointing out others?!?! I’m shock4d you think it does.


I was gonna respond in a smart@$$ way, but it just isn't worth it.
this is now just silly. I have gone to church long enough to know that no human is without sin. Since you and others seem to think that all are the same, I guess we are all just murderers who may not have committed one yet. :rolleyes:

In the context of the sun, Earth and Mercury are both equally tiny, despite Earth being 2.5 times the size of Mercury.

In the context of 'righteousness', yes, murder and lying both fall infinitely short and are viewed in that same light.

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