NCAA to Investigate PSU


"I am writing to notify you that the NCAA will examine Penn State's exercise of institutional control over its intercollegiate athletics programs, as well as the actions, and inactions, of relevant responsible personnel," Emmert wrote, according to Penn State.


of course - all this 'no ncaa violations' garbage that people on here and media talk about is pretty shortsighted......
Lack of Institutional Penalties:

SMU "Death Penalty" Banned competition for 1 year. No home games in year 2. Ban from bowl games and live television for 3 years

Boise StateThe Broncos’ highly ranked football team will face scholarship reductions from 85 to 82 in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Boise State self-imposed a reduction of three total scholarships and the Broncos were taking that penalty this season.

The Broncos will be allowed just nine contact practices (as compared to the normal 12) during spring practice in 2012, 2013 and 2014. As self-imposed, Boise State will also have three fewer fall camp practices before the 2012 season, matching the penalty already taken this season.

UK BasketballEddie Sutton and AD forced to resign
3 years probation
Post season ban
no television in 89/90

USC Football
2 yr bowl ban
4yrs probation
30 Football scholarships

-Programs who were NOT charged with Lack of Institutional Control:
UNC Football
OSU Football
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of course - all this 'no ncaa violations' garbage that people on here and media talk about is pretty shortsighted......

120 out of 120 division 1 football schools and 330 out of 330 division 1 basketball schools could be investigated for this and found guilty of something. It's a bs way of the NCAA sticking their nose into something where it doesn't belong.

PSU didn't cheat, they didn't gain a competitive advantage in any way with recruits, they didn't give improper benefits to players, they are guilty of a criminal matter and I still don't think the NCAA needs to get involved.
of course - all this 'no ncaa violations' garbage that people on here and media talk about is pretty shortsighted......
120 out of 120 division 1 football schools and 330 out of 330 division 1 basketball schools could be investigated for this and found guilty of something. It's a bs way of the NCAA sticking their nose into something where it doesn't belong. PSU didn't cheat, they didn't gain a competitive advantage in any way with recruits, they didn't give improper benefits to players, they are guilty of a criminal matter and I still don't think the NCAA needs to get involved.
and that's why you won't be babysitting my kids and my kids are of the four legged kind.
Huh-- how bizzare is that--- i was getting hammered on another thread about this exact same topic and i was speaking crazy. :rolleyes:

Nonetheless I am still dumbfounded by how some think that it's wrong that NCAA is getting involved.
As it continues to evolve and unfold, how PSU can be defended in any way is unreal.

What happened at PSU goes far far and beyond cheating. I would take cheating scandal over this(not that i'd want that but you get my drift) any day of the week and twice ons sunday.

I agree with the OP that this has been an awful year for Big 10--both on (average teams top to bottom)and off the field(Pedo-gate, Rhabdo-gate, Tatto-gate, Iowa suck'n fatties at MN-gate)
Yawn. I don't see too much that the NCAA will be willing to do to penalize PSU, rather they will come in and set up a bunch of rules, regs and manditory reporting proceedures (which is obviously needed).

Any sanctions they do levy against PSU will pale in comparison to the irreparable harm that has befallen them from this scandal. PSU football is forever tainted by this as is JoePa's legacy.

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