NCAA BOund and f'ing ecstatic!!!!!!!!!

Four seniors, two juniors and Basabe ought to get it done this year. NCAA bubble team or better.
Hayden Fry understood that recruiting good players and having a system was only part of the equation. As he put it "we've gotta dig up the snakes and kill em". Translation: Root out the losing attitude and get rid of it. Losing attitudes are for losers. Believe you can win...and you will.

Hayden took a team with average Big Ten talent (at best) to the Rose Bowl in 1981-82. And he did it largely because he taught his players to think like winners.

This team is gonna win. We may not win the Big Ten title...or get an NCAA berth next season...but we're gonna walk, talk, think and winners.

If you're not on board, go buy a cardinal and gold sweatshirt and get the hell out of the way.
Yeah baby!!!

These guys gave some good teams a run last year and beat a good Purdue team. I think we'll see Basabe grow into a consistent contributor. That guy is butter. Last year, he'd disappear at times. Hubbard's going to bring a mental toughness and can-do attitude, IMO. You think that guy's gonna be scared of some 19 year old puke from Wisconsin playing Bo-ball? I think White will be a big contributor, who will offer a little threat from outside. McCabe will get a haircut, tone up and move better. He only improves. I hope Gatens loosens up and let's it go from three-land. Cartwright's gonna be the glue.

Marble, May, Oglesby, Olaseni and Archie will provide great depth.

For those doubting this class is an infusion of talent, look at the schools offering compared to previous classes. Oglesby had offers from a ton of schools including Illinois. Hubbard, despite his misgivings, had offers from Rutgers, PSU and Nebraska. White had early offers from BC, Temple and others. Imagine if he had waited until the spring. Sure, the schools offering aren't Duke and NC, but compare the schools who offered Archie. That's right, none. Check out the other schools who offered Cougill, May and Brommer. At least we're competing against BCS schools for players now instead of lower tiered Mo Valley teams and other mid majors.

This team is getting better. `

I predict a 20 win season. Believe it. These guys are going to have an "us against the world" attitude. It's going to be a thing of beauty.
I'll be the first to admit it, I gave up on Iowa Basketball during the Lick years. I just couldn't watch it any longer...the style, the defeated attitude and "small victories" during losses. I guess this puts me in the fair weather fan category.

For the first time in 4 years, Iowa is going in the right direction and it appears they have a coach who understands the following:

1) Style of play helps in recruiting
2) Juco players can help you get better fast
3) Recruit athletes and teach them the game
4) Attitude is everything and fear is the mind killer (although last years team lost some close games, they didn't play scared IMO)

For the first time in a long, long time...I'm looking at the Iowa roster and saying "damn, Iowa has alot of athletes from 6'5" to 6' 10" that can run the floor and play in transition. We will have some serious finishers on the break next year and guys that can flat out run. I say we average 75 points a game next year.

Its good to be back following Iowa Basketball. Thanks Fran.
I hear the chant for Franny McCaffrey right now:


I want one of those big Fran heads for my boy's room. Actually, I want it for my room but I don't think my wife will allow it.
Some people need to throw some cold water on themselves

Fran is making progress but we are a not relevant yet. .500 or slightly better next year is realistic but above that is a stretch

I'm fine with people being overly optimistic and talking post season but only if those people promise not to over react negatively if Iowa wins 15 games next year
I share the enthusiasm and optimism. Excellent posts, SportsTalent and Hawkeye1-5. The new recruits will certainly help keep the pressure off Gatens and May, which will allow them to play to their potential. Basabe will have a lot of help inside. The new recruits add versatility and scoring to the team, giving us many more options and combinations. We will be able to bring talented, athletic, fresh and rested players off the bench in bunches. I do think the NIT is very possible. We shall see.
After the last few years, you can't blame people for being optimistic. Fran is arguably fielding a team that will be better than some of Alford's NCAA/NIT teams. The difference between Fran and Alford: Fran is a helluva coach. I can't wait to see what he can do with this team.
Frans turnaround record.

Sienna - 2004 (Before Fran) 14-16, 2005 (1st year) 15–13, 2006 20–12 (2nd Year)

UNC Greensboro had a four game jump in between years 1 and 2. I think it will be similar maybe not 9 more games but 5-7 sure. 18 wins we would have to beat a couple of really good teams.
If a short handed, pretty young, undersized, athleticly limited, Iowa team that was in a first year transition of slow ball, to balls to the wall can be a very tough out down the stretch of the B00 season in an up year, then.......:)
This. The optimism around here is unreal.

And you don't think predicting a 70% chance that we go to no tournament is a bit pessimistic? 70% that we don't even make the CBI or whatever that joke of a tournament is called? c'mon bro.
Don't forget we have a three point sniper on the team.....Who you gonna call.....?

[ame=]YouTube - Eric May Dubuque Wahlert State Championship Shot[/ame]
Some of you are just total douches who have very limited basketball knowledge. Look at next years roster and try and project it on last years schedule

Long Beach

Thats 11-1 in OOC games heading in to the big10 opener

Tough 4 games to start but we win the NW game.
I see 4, maybe 5 more wins in conference (home games).
Thats 8-10 in conference and 11-1 OOC for 19-11. Thats bubble at the very minimum.

And all of that would be assuming a YOUNG team. We are not young any longer. All of our starters next year will have college game experience. We add depth and key pieces to the puzzle.

Just enjoy the ride a little. Last year was fun again and I'm excited about what is in store for the future.
And I don't believe for a minute that we won't have a pg recruited for next year.

Just because Fran says that he is probably not going to use the last scholly, doesn't mean that he isn't out there working for another recruit.

Fran likes to play things close to the vest, so having the fans not expecting another commitment gives him more breathing room to do his work.

If we get a pg signed for next season, we will have signed a recruit at every position.

The Hawkeyes were horrible at the beggining of last season. The Hawkeyes that will start next season will in no way resemble last years team.

I am ready for some full court press and run and gun!

Go Hawks!!!!!

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