Or use that coupon for one month free for
Yeah, no. I did that and they canceled my subscription. Some BS about the coupon no longer being valid. Eff them. Their loss since I was going to subscribe throughout November and December. Now, time to watch it for free...
It should be free...err... included the price we are already paying for to have the BTN...

My biggest problem is that it sucks a$$ to watch the stream. I want some quality video if I am paying extra for it!!!

OK, that is NOT my biggest problem. My biggest problem is that it hurts the team, it hurts the fans, it hurts recruiting and it does ZERO to promote the Iowa program. That is my biggest problem.
Cripes, just pay the $10 so you can watch it legally.

Sorry, not paying $10 to watch a game on the internet. Plus, like many others I had the free coupon for one month but the bastards decided not to honor the code. If you provide the code then honor the code. Its a matter of principal now.
Sure we where all going to drop them after our free month was up, but that hardly clears them of douchebaggery for voiding the coupon. It isn't our fault they had a bad idea to start with.
Some of your guys are totally pathetic. You "had a code"....really. How do you know where the code originated from? Did anyone get that code from the actual Big10 site? Somebody posted it (who knows how they got it) and you think that now the Big10 should just honor it? Seriously grow up and act like adults. Do you teach your kids that if the company doesn't give it to you for free, then you should just steal it? So steal the video feeds, steal music online, steal your cable, your satellite, your phone, just steal it, because damn it we deserve it free!!!
It's not about "stealing" the basketball game. The Big 10 has all the overflow channels available and they have the capacity to air the games. We are already paying for the BTN channel, now they want us to pay to watch the games online?

I don't think so. I don't care if it's $10 a month or $1 a month. The fact they are charging anything to watch the basketball game is ridiculous.
It's not about "stealing" the basketball game. The Big 10 has all the overflow channels available and they have the capacity to air the games. We are already paying for the BTN channel, now they want us to pay to watch the games online?

I don't think so. I don't care if it's $10 a month or $1 a month. The fact they are charging anything to watch the basketball game is ridiculous.

The game isn't on TV, it's online. So if you look for streams or other ways to get it, that is stealing. The rest is just rationalizing the stealing by saying that is SHOULD BE ON TV.
I do not "pay" for BTN, I pay to have TheDishNetwork which offers the BTN. If I want the convenience of watching these games on my computer paying $10 is a fair price for an entire months worth. I do not understand why some of you feel you are entitled to watching it for free. These are worthless non conference games that no one outside the state of Iowa care about. If you want to watch them pay the 10 bucks or buy yourself a ticket.