My take on Ferentz

Sorry,but your saying Iowa had better ''talent'' than all these teams on our schedule the last 8 years does not make it true. Take 2003 Iowa over michigan for example. Michigan's wr's that year- Braylon Edwards, Jason Avant and Steve Breaston...all still having big years in the NFL even in 2010. Iowa's wr's that day? Ramon Ochoa and Calvin Davis. Where are they playing ball right now? No where. I just watched that game and Michigan had a ton of future NFL talent on the field that day...Iowa had some also,but not near as many. Iowa won that day,tho.

KF is worth every penny,even if from a purely continuity standpoint. How many Big Ten programs have turned over their coaching jobs since Kirk was hired? Every time you do that, you risk ending up with a Brewster or Gary Moeller.
Iowa athletic dept is one of the few in the country in the black,due to our football program. KF is doing a fine job,overall. He had won ten straight trophy games,so it is not like Wisky,ISU or Minny are having any success either,right? Which program is better than Iowa's in the league right now? OSU...thats it.
Sorry,but your saying Iowa had better ''talent'' than all these teams on our schedule the last 8 years does not make it true. Take 2003 Iowa over michigan for example. Michigan's wr's that year- Braylon Edwards, Jason Avant and Steve Breaston...all still having big years in the NFL even in 2010. Iowa's wr's that day? Ramon Ochoa and Calvin Davis. Where are they playing ball right now? No where. I just watched that game and Michigan had a ton of future NFL talent on the field that day...Iowa had some also,but not near as many. Iowa won that day,tho.

JHHawk--you're absolutely, right, I missed the 2003 Michigan team in my post as one of the more talented teams that we actually did defeat. I knew I would miss a team or two or have debate on some, but for the over all sentiment I stand by it.
JHHawk--you're absolutely, right, I missed the 2003 Michigan team in my post as one of the more talented teams that we actually did defeat. I knew I would miss a team or two or have debate on some, but for the over all sentiment I stand by it.

And here's a picture of you standing by it!

I'm sure this has been discussed either here or in another thread. My take on Kirk, is that the "conservative" thought process he has gotten by with this many years, may have to change with the times.
Iowa especially in the last few years has rested with the lead, relying on the defense to hold the opponent out of the endzone. It has worked to a degree. His record has proven this has worked. However the offense Iowa has this year seems capable of making plays and getting points almost at will. Kirk is a great coach and knows this team as well or better than anyone else. We as fans can sometimes see things clearly when perhaps the coaches cannot.
It seems like when Iowa has a lead it trys not to lose rather than trying to win.
I'm just stating what I see, I'm not a coach, I'm not trying to pretend to know the players. I'm just a fan. This is what I see.
Solid post, simo. While I agree Kirk Ferentz is a great coach running a solid program, there are times I'd like to see him raise it up one more notch. Hard to get to that next level, if you ever do.

I would much prefer to have as my team right now (and always) the one led by Kirk Ferentz and not the supposedly "elite" programs led by Joe Paterno, Mack Brown, Urban Meyer and some others. We're Iowa. We know we'll be good every year -- how good is always the question.

This loss hurts. It hurts bad. This was a very winnable game and would have been a W save for some weakness right now with a walk-on kicker and a total let-down on the fake punt. But in recent years, haven't we dished out plenty of tough losses to other teams? Penn State times 2. Last year at Sparty?

We're now back in the pack. That s*cks with this year's talent. But we can still finish strong and represent the University of Iowa well in a post-season bowl game. I'm OK with that.

Just strikes me this is college football in an age of limited scholarships.
JHHawk--you're absolutely, right, I missed the 2003 Michigan team in my post as one of the more talented teams that we actually did defeat. I knew I would miss a team or two or have debate on some, but for the over all sentiment I stand by it.

Lets look at something to demonstrate how ludicrous your statement really is.

You claim that with our talent on the roster if we beat only who we should beat our record would have been 85-9 over the last 8 full seasons.

By comparison Texas over the last 8 full seasons went 84-12.

Please tell us did Texas underachive as well or did we have better talent than they did?
A very large amount of Hawk fans (and even national pundits) thought that this was the year we would go back to the Rose Bowl, and now the chances of that are slim. We haven't been to the Rose Bowl in 20 years. I was born in March of 1990. I've NEVER seen the Hawks play in Pasadena, and this team looked primed to do so. And I'm disappointed about it.

We should acknowledge the fact that Kirk Ferentz has won two Big Ten titles during this stretch (both shared). In the pre-BCS era, or in a different rotation of sites for the national championship game, or with some sort of different scheduling configuration, those could have easily led to the Rose Bowl. So the no Rose Bowls since 1990 thing is sort of weird and fluky.
Newsflash for you: Iowa isn't a program that will win 10 or 11 games every year so the sooner you realize that the better you will be. In the last 10 years Iowa is an average of 8-4 (82-37) and that includes 4 seasons of 10+ wins.

You people act like 10 or 11 win seasons should happen every year and IT WON'T.

News Flash Hawkeyescott we are paying for 10 wins seasons, and we have 31 current NFL players so we have the talent.
Here's another huge problem: Ferentz is loyal to assistants (cough O'Keefe cough) but assistants aren't loyal to Kirk (Aiken, Philbin, etc...who absolutely were correct in taking those opportunities). Which means, and someone has to say it, that with the exception of Norm, who doesn't have any interest in leaving, the fact that the other guys who have been here a dozen years aren't getting offers for higher status positions at other programs (cough O'Keefe cough) must eventually engender one to speculate as to why that is.
Here's another huge problem: Ferentz is loyal to assistants (cough O'Keefe cough) but assistants aren't loyal to Kirk (Aiken, Philbin, etc...who absolutely were correct in taking those opportunities). Which means, and someone has to say it, that with the exception of Norm, who doesn't have any interest in leaving, the fact that the other guys who have been here a dozen years aren't getting offers for higher status positions at other programs (cough O'Keefe cough) must eventually engender one to speculate as to why that is.

Iowa is averaging over 33 points and 413 yards a game, and is ranked 10th in the nation on third down conversions at 51.7%. And Ken O'Keefe is a weak link. Right. You do realize he's also the quarterbacks coach, and that he's taken a guy recruited exclusively by MAC schools and turned him (probably) into a first- or second-team all-Big Ten QB? Who is second in the nation in passing efficiency? And that we have a pretty good guy waiting in the wings for next year?

The continuity of assistant coaches is an absolute strength of the program. Ask any other BCS coach and they will tell you they completely envy Iowa's continuity in terms of staff.
We should acknowledge the fact that Kirk Ferentz has won two Big Ten titles during this stretch (both shared). In the pre-BCS era, or in a different rotation of sites for the national championship game, or with some sort of different scheduling configuration, those could have easily led to the Rose Bowl. So the no Rose Bowls since 1990 thing is sort of weird and fluky.

2002 would have given us a good chance in a different system. But Michigan was going to the Rose Bowl in 2004, regardless of system. They tied with us for the title, they beat us, and they're Michigan.
KF is doing fine. Outside of two special teams gaffs, what more could you have expected out of the players on either team Saturday? Iowa's D stopped wisconsin most of the day (including one interception and one 3rd and 4 where the punt return team blew it). There were four punts in the entire game. Both offenses were firing on all cylinders. When two great teams collide and play nearly mistake free football, the last team with the ball with reasonable time left on the clock is probably going to win. Saturday Iowa came out on the wrong side of the coinflip. Other than the botched spikeopportunity, could Iowa have done anything short of miraculous to win that game? Wisconsin needed a review to score the TD that won it. Plus two 4th down conversions. Get over it. One of the best played CFB games I've ever seen, and we are crying over spilt milk. Go hawks!
KF is doing fine. Outside of two special teams gaffs, what more could you have expected out of the players on either team Saturday? Iowa's D stopped wisconsin most of the day (including one interception and one 3rd and 4 where the punt return team blew it). There were four punts in the entire game. Both offenses were firing on all cylinders. When two great teams collide and play nearly mistake free football, the last team with the ball with reasonable time left on the clock is probably going to win. Saturday Iowa came out on the wrong side of the coinflip. Other than the botched spikeopportunity, could Iowa have done anything short of miraculous to win that game? Wisconsin needed a review to score the TD that won it. Plus two 4th down conversions. Get over it. One of the best played CFB games I've ever seen, and we are crying over spilt milk. Go hawks!

huh? stopped wisconsin most the day?

they had 4 drives of 80 yards or more.
This is the first post after the "jumping the shark" game of 2010 that was fearful of the future. It is interesting on the responses. The great majority of posts after that Wisky game was still expecting a potential major bowl game.
I posted an analysis on recruiting versus Kansas State a couple months ago. Basically Kirk has done a TERRIBLE job developing talent or is it recruiting talent. Iowa has "recruited better" than K-State the past 4 years...yet look at the results...much poorer winning %. There are 2 variables but one conclusion the buck stops at the top and KF frankly hasn't done with he's been paid to do.
It has been interesting reading these posts. I, also, was extremely disappointed yesterday. Disappointed enough that I could not bring myself to watch anymore football the rest of the day.

But, I have to guess that a lot of you posting today were also probably thrilled when Tom Davis was let go. That decision was such a great one that I honestly don't think we'll ever be relevant in basketball again.

Bottom line: Kirk Ferentz is worth EVERY single penny he makes. I don't think there is a coach in the United States that could do better a better job at the University of Iowa than what Kirk has done (at least doing it the right way). Does he do things that drive me a nuts? Yes, just like Mr. Davis's full court press used to drive me crazy during Big Ten play (but, it worked pretty well in the first round of the NCAA tournament, didn't it?). We are in the golden age of Hawkeye football thanks to Kirk.

Quit whining and enjoy it.

Yeah quit whining and enjoy that 51-14 drubbing or the not being ranked since 2010

Golden age of what?

That's some strong stuff you be smoking

The golden age of Ferentz was 10 years ago
What your not happy with the results up to date???? Seriously some of you need to put the pipe down and start thinking before you start typing. It is downright sad the crap I'm reading. KF created this environment you guys are now whinning about. Do you guys honestly think that KF doesn't want to win a National Championship. Just stop!!

"created this environment"

You must have never been around when Iowa football was reborn by a guy named Hayden Fry....
By the same token, Ferentz had bungled 4-5 end-of-game scenarios in 12 years and everyone acts like he's a terrible in-game manager. If we're going to savage Ferentz for every mistake he's ever made, than let's do the same for his predecessor and for every other coach in the country.

Another beyond strange post....

only 4-5 games eh...

I'd say he bungles the ends of half about 85% of games... I'd say he bungles the ends of close games about 3 times per year on avg.
By the same token, Ferentz had bungled 4-5 end-of-game scenarios in 12 years and everyone acts like he's a terrible in-game manager. If we're going to savage Ferentz for every mistake he's ever made, than let's do the same for his predecessor and for every other coach in the country.

Eye of the beholder. If by "end of game" you mean the last 2-3're giving KFz a big break. I'd say he's pizzed away 2nd half momentum a lot more often than that with his "play not to lose" approach. He does more to keep lesser opponents in the game than any coach i can recall.

Hayden gave up a few more blowouts, but not dramatically more. A good chunk of them were in his last year...for which most give him a pass...knowing in retrospect that he was battling cancer behind the scenes.

While blow outs and end of game management are significant, the biggest difference between Hayden and Kirk is clearly defined by the ISU/Iowa series. Hayden knew how to keep a lesser opponent down, knew why it mattered and the majority of the time, he did it. You don't let the easy ones get away.

KFz treats every game the same...and they're not. That's why he has a losing record against quite literally one of the worst programs in college football. That will always put him second to Hayden.... the other stats are good for beer talk.

Nothing short of a National Championship will elevate KFz over Hayden. Don't waste your breath arguing otherwise.

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