My Look at 2012 Iowa schedule from Confidence Points Index

Just wondering how much difference is the product on the field compared to say......1976 or 1971 ?
Posted this is the other thread but I think you're being very conservative on some of these. As someone pointed out in the comments, do you really think UNI and NIU would beat Iowa 1/4 times?

Good read none the less, thanks.

Throw in ISU at only 55%, at home. Jon is still reeling from that undefeated season prediction in 2010. He may never fully recover.

If Iowa doesn't win at least 8 games this year, then I'll . . . be wrong.
Hmmm...I must have black and gold colored glasses because I think we are very solid in the back seven...provided Law can play the way everyone thinks he can. He's got veterans to help him who have plenty of experience.

It all boils down to what happens on the DL in my opinion on whether we are below or above average on D. If Alvis and Bigach are what they are with the normal improvement year or year, then we need two or three guys to step up. That's not out of the ordinary in a given year. I think it can happen.

My guess is that we give up 21 or 22 points a game. We have to average 4 touchdowns a game IMO to go 8-3.

Four touchdowns, you say?

Based on the numbers John has put forth he predicts Iowa will have 6.65 wins to 3.35 losses. It breaks down to 2.95 wins to 1.05 losses in the non-conference and 3.70 wins to 4.30 losses in the Big Ten. These numbers also predict Iowa has a 76.68% chance of being bowl eligible (6 or more wins) at the end of the season.
One of the reasons I am bullish on this season is the coaching shake up. I think teams like Indiana, Northwestern and Minnesota are really going to struggle versus Iowa freom now on. I don't think Davis will take his foot off the pedal with a 2 score lead and that Iowa will effectively put lesser teams away more consistently. I think the days of letting the lesser teams hang around are gone.
I think I said that 8-4/9-3 is possible given the weak schedule. I think this team, in most years with a usual schedule, is a 6-6 team.

IF Iowa is going to break through the glass ceiling this year and get to 8 or 9 wins, I think the offense is going to have to really deliver because I have little belief the defense will. I think the line is what it is.

Now, I don't think it will take that to win 7...I need to amend that

On 03-21-2012 at 12:27 AM-- Jon had Iowa pegged at 6-wins* -- AND this prognostication explicitly accounted for the favorable schedule. Today he sees 8-4/9-3. I would not rib the man except for the second sentence. Much like good ole Bill Clinton did back in the day, Jon maintains his innocence, and wags his sage finger at us-- "I think this team, in most years with a usual schedule, is a 6-6 team."

All in good humor :)


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